Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 73

Eventually, things quieted down. Detra returned from space, she had finished repairing all of the tears this swift battle had caused. As soon as she returned, she was still feeling a certain type of way and went straight to Kazuki.


“Yeah, what is it?”

Detra was still dumbfounded about the fight in itself. She knew the consequences of beings at the 7th stage throwing fists. She knew what would happen to the realm. It was simply something that could not handle such great powers being unleashed here and there, yet not only did Kazuki and everyone else fight just moments ago but two powerful beings exchanged blows with Divine Soul weapons.

The power she felt coming from these two weapons was beyond her scope of knowledge. With just a wave of these weapons, she could feel the entire realm tremoring on the verge of destruction. Even with her and Asuna helping to

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