Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 87

There were no bodies after their deaths but in memory of them, Planet Kai became a final resting place so to speak. Kai, Glacious, Tilly, Etora, Granny Master. This was a place to remember and cherish them. After everyone had tested their new powers, Kazuki repaired the place and made tombstones for them.

Everyone was gathered here. After everything happened, things were still busy and at the time it didn’t feel quite right to hold a funeral or memorial. Now though things were in motion on one end and could be handled when needed. A small calm had formed and people could now have a chance to grieve properly.

Lamia placed a few flowers atop Glacious’s and Etora’s graves as she cried. Nunully, Tsura, and Mei all held her, and Mei couldn’t help but cry seeing Lamia cry. To shin and the others, Glacious was a teacher to them while

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