Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 9

Neither Alutra nor Daisius understood what this devious smile of Orberus’s meant. They were more than a little confused. A moment ago Orberus was on the verge of sending Kazuki to one of the Hell Realms and the very next moment he was complimenting him on his cleverness as well as pulling back his overwhelming power.


Orberus ignored the stares he got from his daughter and brother and focused on Kazuki and Kazuki only.

“Kazuki, it seems you believe you know something, care to explain, or are you bluffing. Either way, this has become much more interesting.”

Kazuki wasn’t 100% sure but he was more than confident. What little he knew about Orberus and his personality, on top of hiding some of the most important memories from the rest of his family, Kazuki was fairly certain.

“What you want from me…Is it not the dev

Kazuki’s words came to here before Orberus’s power sealed his lips. This all but confirmed it for Kazuki. Not even a second later Orberus’s voice entered Kazuki’s mind directly.

(So you do know what I want. Yes, that technique that’s based on the Vazul gate which is based on the ancient God Ourodyess. A power that can devour all and grow one’s strength to a nearly limitless level. After Ourodyess was defeated his technique to consume was thought to be lost. The Vazul who were his devote followers tried and failed to recreate this devouring technique. Many Gods came together to seal them inside a hidden Realm. Some thought maybe it was secretly hidden within one of the Hell Realms but no one is sure one way or another. A technique thought to have vanished oh so long ago and here you have it, or rather something that is infinitely close to the original.)

Since Orberus knew this and Orberus saw all of his memories and had observed him since the beginning, there was, to Kazuki’s annoyance nothing he could hide. This though was not exactly a disadvantage. Since Orberus wanted this technique but he went in such a roundabout way of obtaining it, it told Kazuki that his grandfather couldn’t simply copy it and had no way of getting it without Kazuki.

Since Orberus was so close, Kazuki could communicate back using only his mind.

(I never encountered the original but as you know my friend Etora had something that resembled it. When that gate was inside of my soul world I was truly desperate. After the Vazul within the gate was destroyed, I was still in need of power to defeat my enemies so I was forced to come up with a few ideas and remade the gate into something that suited me. You already know this but since you already know this, and you don’t have the technique yourself it means you’ve encountered some problems.)

Orberus was annoyed but he didn’t deny it.

(From the moment you recreated that devouring spinning void within, I have repeatedly tried and failed to recreate it within myself. Because of that, I have grown frustrated, to say the least. I who have crossed millions of Star Paths in this Realm, I who have lived for millions of years and have conquered many worlds and have yet to fail in destroying my enemies. I could not copy this power that you accidentally stumbled upon and figured out. If you weren’t of my blood I might feel humiliated.)

Kazuki understood this. It was like you were trying to figure out a puzzle forever and then suddenly a family member walks in and connects two pieces and solves it. Frustrating is the least of it. At the same time, since it’s a member of the family, somewhere inside you would feel happy that they accomplished something incredibly difficult. At least that was how Kazuki felt.

(So when you prevented me from killing Fera back on Gordonia, it wasn’t because we are both your family and you don’t wish to see family kill family.)

Orberus gave a nod.

(I get it, you have been watching me all this time, you knew my hatred for Fera was something that could not simply be turned off from out of nowhere. You knew I would attempt to kill her. You even honestly told me how those magical chains work, you didn’t have to. When I killed her, you could feign anger and put pressure on me. You would sentence me to that Hell Realm or death and when I cracked you would offer me a way out. You would say something like well I guess I can forgive you but only if you give me that technique.)

Orberus’s smile grew and grew.

(I don’t think I would say it exactly like that but you aren’t far off boy. Since you figured it out though I’m glad. I don’t have to put on any more false pretenses and we can just talk it out. Since you already know I did this for that technique there’s no point in beating around the bush. What do you want for that power?)

Kazuki was glad everything was out in the open as he now knew where he stood. Orberus never planned on actually killing Kazuki at all but it still pissed him off. Still, if he could return back to Gordonia without more trouble, Kazuki would not turn it down. These were his thoughts but there was still something that nagged him.

(Before that, how come you don’t just connect your soul with mine. I’ve done this several times and it makes learning and understanding new things simple. If it’s someone with your strength couldn’t you forcefully take the technique from me?)

(Gods don’t do that. The soul is the most sacred part of a higher power. Connecting it with someone else is considered dirty and impure. The moment you share part of your soul within someone that tiny fragment is no longer yours and belongs to whoever you shared it with. A God would never do such a filthy thing in less they had zero pride in being a God but even the most degenerate would be hard convinced. Now hurry up, tell me what you want.)

(Number one, kill Sephra.)

Orberus shook his head without hesitation.

(She is my prisoner. I have already made an agreement with her parents to not kill her nor torture her. Sephra is off the table. What else?)

Kazuki knew he would say this but it still burned him.

Orberus could see this. He knew long ago how much Kazuki hated Sephra.

(How about this. I can’t kill her right now because I have an alliance with her family. After learning the devouring technique, I will have to slowly grow my power without notice otherwise the other Gods would come after my life over this. Once my power reaches a certain level though, no one will be my match. Once I reach that level, I will have no more need for allies. At that time, I promise I will kill Sephra once and for all. How is that?)

Kazuki wished with all of his heart that he could be the one to finish Sephra but he knew that was basically an impossibility. Orberus’s promise was the best he would get.

Kazuki nodded before continuing.

(Besides Sephra there are a few more things I want. I of course wish to return to Gordonia and not have any contact with you ever again.)

(Oh little Kazuki, you’re breaking your grandfather’s heart, hehe.)

(Is that a no?)

Orberus shrugged.

(If that’s what you want, then I’ll gladly oblige. Is that all?)

(Lin…I want him free and returned to Gordonia unharmed.)

Kazuki glanced at Alutra and felt for her.

(Also Alutra as well. Let her go.)

(You want me to hand over my kids for that power. What father could ever do such a thing?)

Orberus smiled again.

(Just kidding. It’s not like Alutra was a prisoner though but tell me why. You’ve just met her today and have no connection to her. Why do you want anything for her?)

Kazuki thought for a moment before he spoke.

(Ever since I got here, all eyes that have fallen on me have been filled with danger and suspicion. Everyone except for her. Not only that but she was the only one who defended not only Lin but she even stood up for me, a stranger. She may be your daughter, but it is clear that she is terrified of you. A child should never be afraid of their parent. That’s just my opinion though.)

(Is that so. In my opinion, a parent should be a child’s everything. That includes a ruling fist should they step out of line. If a child doesn’t fear their parent, what will stop them from giving said parent respect as well as their loyalty. Without discipline and fear, order falls apart and without order, we are simply a group of chaotic beings waiting to be crushed by actual order.)

Kazuki didn’t wish to argue as there was no point.

(Is that a yes or a no? Will you let her go?)

Orberus had no reason to refuse.

(If this is all you want, then this is the best deal in my life. Take her, take Lin, who else do you want. You can have everyone else if you really want, hehehe.)

Kazuki shook his head.

(I just want to be left alone.)

(Oh, but what about those two women in your soul world. I can easily give them new bodies if that’s what you want.)

Kazuki quickly shook his head.

(Not necessary. I have someone for that.)

(Yes yes, Zephris. Then is there anything else? All this time, you never asked about the circumstances around Sephra nor have you asked a single question about your real father or your mother. Don’t you wish to know why all of this started?)

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