Return of the Fallen Volume 2 Chapter 25




Author: Blue_Rat



Danny slowly opened his eyes. Before he could even tell which way was up or down, a wave of pain spread through his body all at once, as though it were waiting for him to regain consciousness.

Danny, without control, rolled to his side and vomited up blood.

*Hur, er, gur*
*Cough cough cough*

As he wiped his mouth with his arm, only now did his vision finally clear.


Danny was face to face with a long drop of several hundred feet. His reflexes threw him backward, where he crawled over something soft.

“Get your hands off my ass you creep!”

Danny looked underneath him and spotted an infuriated Kimi. In his hand, a soft plump of flesh was fully in his grasp. Without thinking he gave that tender bit of roundness a firm squeeze.


Kimi threw five fingers across his face causing him to fly over the edge of the cliff. Danny only now realized his situation and felt his death was imminent. Very soon he would plummet to his death and the cause was a girl’s slap.

*Ah Ahhh!*

Just as gravity started to pull him down, Kimi grabbed him by his arm and threw him into the face of the cliff.


Danny’s body slid down the wall and he landed heavily on the ground next to Kimi.

Danny trembled in fright as cold sweat poured down his face.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You almost fucking killed me.”

Kimi crossed her arms and snorted.

“Hmph, you grab my ass and expect me not to react. You’re lucky I saved you at all.”

Danny looked left and right before his eyes landed on Kimi. His thoughts were unsure if Kimi was serious.

(This bitch, is she…is she for real right now?)

“You saved me, why the hell would I need saving if you didn’t try to kill me in the first place? What kind of logic is that?”

“Are you saying I don’t have the right to even defend myself from molesters?”

“What! This and that are two different things entirely. I’m not a molester and even if I were, attempted murder is not a reasonable course of action to having a bit of fat squeezed. If this were Japan…”

“But It’s not, is it? The rules here are loose and vague, to say the least. How am I to know if your action was accidental or on purpose, huh? All I know is I’m suddenly being woken up with a hand on my butt, what did you expect? And for you to dare call me fat, just wait til Sam hears about this.”

Danny visibly gulped from the threat but he knew he wasn’t in the wrong and refused to back down.

“Maybe calling you fat was too much, I can easily concede that. You can also easily say that I may have gone too far with my comments. Now if I can admit that, then can you please be honest with me and admit your actions to being touched were extreme.”

Kimi was stubborn and turned her head away.

“See, that’s your problem, you’re a know it all who can’t even properly apologize to someone. No wonder why you seem so awkward around everyone.”



A sudden loud screech rang out all around, scaring Kimi and Danny to the core. Looking up above them the two searched for the Demonic bird but could spot nothing.

The world around them went quiet for a moment. No sound from swaying leaves or blowing wind, no noise from chittering squirrels or chirps from the birds, nothing from the gushing river or the snapping of twigs as animals walked over them.

Kimi and Danny naturally came together and prepared themselves for an oncoming attack. They had experienced the same thing repeatedly. First the demonic screech, then the dive-bombing ram from above.

The two waited and waited but the impending doom never came.


After a few minutes of nothing happening, sound once more returned to the two’s ears causing them to sigh in relief. The two shared a look of understanding before they took a few steps away from one another. Their anger toward each other faded.

“I’m sorry I said you were fat.”


“I’m sorry I thought you were a molester…also for almost killing you.”



Awkwardness filled the air.

After a few minutes, Kimi could no longer stand it and just asked Danny.

“So what’s the plan?”

“Hmm, plan, what plan?”

“Don’t joke with me. You continuously provoked Tsura because you knew she and Mei were Mangshi, right? You knew this so you must have had some sort of plan in case something like this happened, right? Why else would you keep punching holes in her story like that unless you knew and were prepared for the outcome?”

Danny turned away from Kimi which confused her a second later though the gears in her mind turned and disappointment clouded her face.

“Wait, don’t tell me there was no plan. After all that stuff you pulled, why did you keep poking her then, I don’t get it.”

“There was a plan, just not for this type of scenario. I didn’t know the two were actually those demonic birds. I really just thought they were connected in some way. I figured the villagers knew and that’s why they were trying to capture the girls as well. I figured if we catch them we could use them as hostages or something along those lines and the Mangshi would allow us to pass through the forest unimpeded. How could I possibly know that they were the demon birds instead? What kind of bad luck is that?”

“I mean, maybe there was a thought in the back of my mind. A small insignificant 2% chance that they were more than just connected to the birds and that they were, in fact, the birds but it was 2%. I wasn’t about to waste time to form a plan on something I thought there was almost no chance of happening, but this world truly doesn’t play by the rules and because of that, I’m sitting on the edge of a freaking cliff.”

Danny was feeling like shit. He had been trying to figure everything out with the clues and evidence that he had found but this world truly threw curveballs. His regular straight thinking logic could not account for this world’s oddities and therefore he had missed crucial bits of information.

Had he entered the cave first, instead of immediately confronting Tsura, he could have gotten more information that would have given him a better understanding of the full situation. After that, a better plan may have been formed but in the end, hindsight was 20/20.


Kimi slapped Danny hard on his back. Causing him to arch in pain.

“You really are trying to kill me.”

“Hehehe, no, you just seemed too down and I don’t have time to cheer you up. Right now in this situation, although I hate to admit it, your know-it-allness is probably the only thing that I can rely on to help get us out of this bind. So stop moping around and hurry up and figure out a way for us to get down from here.”

Danny’s back continued to ache but he no longer felt down. And Kimi was right, now was not the time for self-pity.

Slowly approaching the edge of the cliff, Danny carefully looked over the side. At the very bottom, there were dozens and dozens of rows of spiked rocks sticking up from the ground. Even if they could survive jumping straight down, the rock spikes at the bottom would kill them for sure.

A few hundred feet away, Danny could see the top of the trees.

(Those trees are way too far, if only they were closer, then we could simply jump to them and climb down. Why is my luck so bad?)

Sticking out of the side of the cliff were hundreds upon hundreds of jagged rocks. Some were as thick as an arm while others were as thin as tree branches. Danny grabbed a nearby one and gently gave it a squeeze.


Just a gentle grab and blood began to pour from his hand.


The two stared at his palm in shock. These jagged rocks that stuck out from the side of the cliff were as sharp as a sword.

“So we can’t jump down and we can’t climb down either. What kind of stupid cliff is this.”

Kimi stomped around violently before she noticed that Danny’s hand was still bleeding. Grabbing it forcefully, Danny squealed in pain.


“What are you doing now, that hurts.”

Kimi almost laughed at the sound Danny produced but decided it was better to hold it in, less she pushed him too far and he didn’t come up with a plan just to spite her.

Ripping a small piece of cloth from the bottom of her pants, she gently wraps his palm to stop the bleeding. Tying it tight she smiles.

“There, that should do it.”

Danny looks at his palm for a moment.

“What, are you speechless now? You can’t believe how generous and kind I can be, hahaha.”

Danny continued to stare at his palm for a moment before he looked at it in disgust.

“You, when was the last time you washed those pants, no, when was the last time you bathed. As you were putting this bandage on me I was just too shocked to say anything but here I was thinking, this nasty creature hasn’t bathed in weeks and now she’s wrapping me with her dirty sweaty cloth that was touching her grimmy body all this while. I…I’m not gonna catch anything from you, am I?”

Every word of his hit her in the depths of her soul and touched upon an embarrassing thing for a lady. It was true she hadn’t been able to bathe herself nor wash her clothes in weeks but for him to take her good favor and turn it into something vile. Kimi’s body filled with a fit of embarrassing anger she hadn’t quite felt before. She found herself walking towards Danny slowly with both of her hands extended.

(Just a small push, nice and quick, no one will ever have to know.)

Kimi came upon Danny and before he noticed what she was doing her hands went forward.


Kimi’s body froze in fear as her eyes went past Danny and locked on the enormous creature behind him. Landing softly like a feather, before stretching itself upward, a titanic sized demonic bird stared coldly at Kimi.

Danny only now noticed her strange behavior and turned around to see what caused her weird appearance. Danny fell on his ass before he even saw the entirety of this large Mangshi. Scooting backward, he knocked Kimi over but didn’t care and kept scooting all the way until his back was against the wall of the cliff.

Danny and Kimi both released screams simultaneously but no sound could be heard. Their bodies trembled in the face of this enormous bird and they felt a sense of inescapable doom.

A single thought ran through Danny’s mind.

(Is this…is this how I die?)




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