Return of the Fallen Volume 3 Chapter 72



Author: Blue_Rat


Muteki’s brow rose slightly. He thought for a moment and he did recall seeing a Stazar Void rock in Kazuki’s memories. He was a little surprised that out of all of Kazuki’s things, Byki was more interested in a rock instead of Kazuki’s mysterious compass or the ancient hand symbol technique he picked up. Muteki could see thousands of possibilities with that hand technique.

Muteki waved his hand and his own storage ring lit up with a purple light and Kazuki’s storage ring fell out onto his palm. Byki grew excited.

“Is that all you want, a simple rock?”

Byki nodded.

“Yes but that rock is definitely anything but simple.”

Muteki shrugged his shoulders. Thinking for a second he turned back toward his other subordinates and asked.

“Does anybody else want something of his while we’re at it?”

Muteki’s squad members looked at one another before greed flashed in their eyes.

“Gold, I want his gold boss, if you don’t mind.”

Another subordinate became worried that all of it would get taken and blurted out right after the first.

“Me too boss, I want as much as I can get.”

Abura drooled slightly and shyly chimed in.

“Can I have the Beast cores, I’ve always wanted to try eating one.”

Varia, Byki, and the rest of the squad members looked at Abura with stunned expressions. Even Muteki was taken aback and shook his head with displeasure.

“Abura, that I can’t allow. Normally I wouldn’t give a shit about what you consume but this time I’m stepping in. Even you cannot eat a Magical Beast core. Your body will explode into a million pieces and you will be less than dust.”

Abura gave Muteki his puppy-eyed look.

“But…but boss.”

“No, and don’t ask again, understood?”

Abura lowered his head in defeat and whined under his breath.

“No fair no fair no fair.”

Muteki looked back at the rest of his squad.

“Anybody else, Varia?”

Varia held her own body and squirmed.

“Only…only if its something directly from you, otherwise I don’t want it.”

Muteki ignored her lovey-dovey attitude and walked over to Kazuki.

The only way to access someone’s storage ring was for that person to willfully open it. Otherwise, there was no publicly known way to take the contents out. Even if a storage ring was to be destroyed, the items inside wouldn’t just fall out, instead, they would be destroyed with the storage ring, lost forever.

Muteki squatted down in front of Kazuki and held Kazuki’s ring in front of his face. A gleam of light from the sun reflected off the surface of the ring as Muteki turned it in front of him.

“I’m gonna put this on you and you’re going to empty out all of the contents. Even though you don’t have a Mage core, stranger things have happened, so I’ll warn you only this once. You attempt anything, while this ring is on your finger, not only will I break every bone in your body and take you back to Tresta like a rag doll but I’ll also remove a few more limbs from those people.”

Muteki got closer and he whispered.

“They might not believe you care about them but they’re also currently blinded by hatred. I saw your memories my self. At first, you really didn’t give a shit about any of them. However, the more time you spent with them, as well as the times you’ve saved them and they’ve saved you as well, I can tell, something flipped in you. Do you know how I know this?”

Kazuki said nothing as he thought about his next move. Muteki just though his silence was his acceptance of reality and continued.

“I know this because you stayed with them. The number of times they’ve slowed you down or nearly gotten you killed. The suspicions of some of them, the constant questions from Danny. If you really felt nothing you would have abandoned them long ago and figured out another way to grow and seek your so-called revenge. By the way, what were you thinking? If you really wanted to leave couldn’t you have come up with a different method? Why didn’t you just show Garn from the beginning that you had no Mage core? There’s plenty of people born without one. He would have tossed you away without a second thought and deemed you useless. After that, you could have gone about your business and left to wherever the hell you wanted and without making enemies with one of the strongest humans on the entire Feya continent. In my opinion, you were far too cocky and you were unaware of your own limits or thought you were that much more above them. Either way, you were dumb in the way you pursued things and because of that as well as your weaknesses, you have failed.”

Muteki gloated over his defeated opponent. He couldn’t help it. Crushing one physically as well as mentally was a true rush that Muteki couldn’t get enough of.

Muteki placed his boot over Kazuki’s back and several spikes emerged from the bottom and just barely pricked into his flesh like needles drawing a bit of blood.

“If you fuck up, my foot will shred the flesh from your back. After that, I’ll start breaking every bone in your body at a nice slow steady pace.”

Muteki then leaned down and forcibly grabbed Kazuki’s finger and placed the ring on him.

Byki couldn’t help himself and whisper nastily under his breath.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

A few squad members couldn’t help but chuckle but Muteki heard them. Muteki stomped on the ground and large sharp spikes made from rock shot out of the ground and stopped right before his subordinates throats. They had been so fast and abrupt that none of them had time to move.

Muteki glared at them and they all gulped or inhaled coldly before either apologizing profusely or falling backward on their asses. Muteki wondered why he kept so many fools at his side and sighed.


Turning his attention back to Kazuki, he pushed down slightly with his foot, sinking the spikes into Kazuki’s back. Not enough to kill but more than enough to send piercing waves of pain rushing up and down his back.

“Well, are you gonna surrender your items or no?”

Kazuki remained silent as his mind raced with thoughts.

(There has to be something, some way out of this, there has to be.”

No matter how he thought it over though, nothing came to mind. Muteki was stronger than him and faster too. On top of that, Muteki was a brawler in combat but he wasn’t dumb and fought like a war-torn veteran.

Muteki twisted his rock blades into Kazuki’s back and began to shred away some of his flesh like he was peeling a potato. Kazuki’s eye twitched in pain but he remained silent.

Muteki was getting bored of this real fast and his eyes fell on Mei. He could see the fear all over her as it paled her face and left her shuddering.

“Abura, are you still hungry by any chance?”

Abura rolled over excitedly like a pig in the mud before he jumped to his feet.

“Of course of course, always and forever.”

Muteki pointed toward Mei.

“The girl and the woman next to her. We have no orders from Garn, so we can deal with those tow in any way I wish. Since they aren’t citizens and are actually monsters that transform into human form, I think Garn would much rather we kill them then let them go, right?”

Abura’s eyes shined as he nodded gleefully.

“Monster meat is yummy too. Boss, can I eat them?”

Muteki looked back down at Kazuki.

“Well, what do you think Kazuki? I have no grief with them and could easily let them go. Where they fly off to and what they do, it really has nothing to do with me and I wouldn’t care. On the other hand though, they are monsters and Garn doesn’t like them. Well, can you help me figure this one out, what should I do?”

Mei and Tsura looked pleadingly at Kazuki and Kazuki felt his heart twist in agony.

(To give up everything here and now. My revenge, how can I make my enemies pay if I give up now? But I’ve already lost and Mei and Tsura are right in front of me right now. They’re not an entire continent away but 10 feet away. I…I.)

Muteki scratched his head slightly in embarrassment. He really thought that one would work.


“Oh well. Abura, eat them both but make sure you start with the girl got it.”

The fat on Abura’s face shook in excitement and he nodded repeatedly before rolling toward them. He was just about to pick up Mei when Muteki called out.

“Oh yeah, Abura.”

Abura grew nervous and Asuna and the others sighed in relief thinking Muteki had changed his mind but they were mistaken.

“Yes, boss.”

Muteki eyed Mei and pointed her out with his chin.

“Make sure you eat the child slowly, I want them to understand what it is we do to our enemies.”

Abura relaxed and picked up little Mei’s foot.

Asuna and the others screamed in horror.


Tsura as well was trying to get between Abura and Mei while crying hysterically. She bit his arm as hard as she could but she couldn’t even penetrate his blubbery fat.

Abura ignored the woman as he felt nothing from her bite. Focusing on the meal in front of him, Abura opened his mouth wide. Mei was crying and trying to squirm out of his grasp but even with her strength, she couldn’t get out of grip no matter what. She screamed in terror.


Just as Abura was about to take a bite, Kazuki’s ring flashed and thousands upon thousands of gold Zeni piled up beside him. Muteki signaled Abura to stop and he reluctantly dropped Mei back to the ground in utter disappointment.

Several seconds went by but the Zeni hadn’t stopped pouring out. Soon a pile almost as big as a person collected next to Kazuki. Muteki’s squad members ran over and started sucking up all the coins with their own storage rings. Byki looked around but didn’t see what he desired.

“Boss, he’s still holding back.”

Muteki shook his head.

(This fool.)

“Abura, you heard Byki, Kazuki didn’t listen to me, eat the girl.”

Kazuki roared inside before he shouted.


Abura though ignored him. Kazuki wasn’t his boss, Muteki was and as long as Muteki didn’t tell him to stop, he most certainly wouldn’t. Especially when there was a snack already within his grasp.

Abura opened his large mouth.


Nearly 30 feet away, something crashed into the ground and sent a plume of dust, dirt, and snow flying high into the air. Everyone’s attention jerked in that direction and they looked on cautiously.



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