Return of the Fallen Volume 4 Chapter 2



Author: Blue_Rat


Varia heaved and breathed heavily as sweat poured down her body. The amount of energy she used nearly drained her entirely, leaving her almost completely exhausted. Had she known this flaming tornado would work, she wouldn’t have wasted so much power chucking so many useless fireballs earlier. Both she and Muteki slowly approached the coal-like body. With no visible movement of any kind, Varia grunted before kicking the charred-up body.


An arm broke off and was sent flying from her kick.


Varia spit on Reya’s body and crossed her arms.

“Hmph, serves you right you vile creature.”

Muteki agreed with Varia’s sentiment and couldn’t help but look around and sigh in resignation. His entire squad had been wiped out. Only he, Varia and Abura were left. Not only that, but Muteki could also sense his Mage core was slipping from the 3rd stage. He was on the verge of falling into the 2nd stage, back down to the Elemental body stage. Thankfully the battle was finished. As long as he found a proper power source, such as several mana crystals, his Mage core could slowly start to reabsorb the excess energy and he could stabilize himself.

Muteki slowly walked over to Reya’s corpse and grabbed his glaive. Giving it a slight pull, he tried to retrieve it but for some reason, it wouldn’t budge. Muteki’s brows furrowed. He didn’t think he was actually that exhausted. Pausing for a moment he stared at Reya’s corpse but found nothing suspicious. Grunting a little, he added more strength and pulled.


His blade slowly came loose. He felt a wave of calm wash over him.

(Was I being too paranoid.)

Just as he thought that his blade once more became stuck. He added more strength and pulled, thinking nothing of it before he heard it.

“Hahahahaha, that was an interesting attack.”

The voice was dry and crackled but it undoubtedly came from Reya’s corpse. Reya’s charred black hand reached forward and grabbed the glaive.

Varia fell backward onto her ass and slowly tried to scoot away but found it difficult to move. She was frozen with fear.

Muteki’s hands trembled and he started to pull his glaive with even more strength. He hadn’t fought long against Reya but the amount of energy he expended to increase his strength for a short time left him feeling drained. Still, at this moment he knew his best option was to remove this glaive from Reya and use it on her before she fully recovered.

Reya slowly rose up, like a corpse freshly turned into a zombie. Her grip was like a vice, as she kept its blade inside her. She opened her eyes and there was nothing but empty ash-filled sockets. Within a moment though, two small orbs grew within until the formed eyeballs. Her crimson eyes seemed to roll forward as they focused on Muteki’s now paling face.

“Hmm, what’s the matter, surely you didn’t think a normal flame would kill me, it has to be at least ten times hotter than that, hehe.”

As Reya made it to her feet, pounds of ash fell away and rolled off from her limbs and flesh and muscle were regenerated anew. Muteki and Varia watched on horrified as veins and arteries regrew and stretched along her body. Nerves latched on and crept along her spine and throughout her body and everything came together.

Only now did Muteki snap out of it and though it pained him to think about losing power, he had no other choice right now than to burn away at his Mage core and send Reya to the grave as soon as possible.

He focused on his Mage core and then his glaive and e fed it everything he could muster. As soon as his glaive began to devour the energy from his Mage core, Muteki felt his strength reaching new heights and he felt the power of the 4th stage within. His muscles expanded and veins underneath his skin thumped and throbbed with blood. His body became taught and dense like steel. Muteki took a step back and yanked at the end of his glaive with everything he had.

Reya didn’t fight it but still, blood sprayed from her chest and her hand was cut. Not even a second later though her injuries healed. Muteki took to the skies again and pointed his glaive at Reya.

“Burning you doesn’t work and removing a limb or two barely slows you down but a good decapitation should end you. Azirian, time to die!”

Muteki was just about to dive down but he had barely finished his words when Reya’s body blurred.

(Is she coming from the front? Fine by me…No!)

“Varia! Move!”

Muteki had only been focused on his own power and had forgotten Varia was still sitting on the ground, completely unprepared. Muteki rushed to Varia’s side but he was too late. Reya appeared in front of her and swung her hand down atop Varia’s head like a hammer.

*Squelch crunch*

Varia’s head was caved in. As her head was crushed, her eyes bulged out before they were sent flying from her head. Pieces of bone broke apart into dozens of fragments that pierced her brain in one go. Varia’s head exploded like a watermelon and splattered bone brain blood and other gunky substances all over. Plenty of it splashed into Reya’s face but instead of disgust, Reya lapped it up in delight.

A shiver ran down her spine as she swallowed some of the brain matter and blood as though it were a fine wine. Her shoulders trembled in pure bliss.

Muteki was shaken to the core. His mind was having trouble processing what had just happened.


The two didn’t move for several moments. Only when Reya cleaned her face of blood and licked up whatever was still on her hands, did her focus seem to return to her. She looked toward Muteki and wondered out loud.

“Oh, you’re actually still here? Normally when you humans can’t fight me and they recognize my overwhelming strength they usually tend to flee. Not that they get very far, hehe.”

Muteki couldn’t even register her words properly and was still drawing a blank as to what he should do. Reya was growing bored by this silence. She lurched slightly forward. On her back, her wings had been burnt off from Varia’s flame but she wasn’t inconvenienced in the least. Soon two new wings stretched under the skin on her shoulder blades until the exploded out from her back and formed into large bat-like wings.

With a large flap, she took to the skies and slowly flew in front of Muteki. Her eyes shined with a bit of excitement.

“Well, shall we continue?”

Muteki finally comprehended her words and his mind snapped back to reality.

(Continue, she wants to continue but Varia, my men…I…I.)

Muteki’s mind ran scenario after scenario and his decision was already made.

Reya flew a little closer but before she got anywhere near Muteki, he gulped hard before his Glaive disappeared into his ring. Reya was curious as to what he was doing but before her thoughts continued, Muteki turned around and fled.

(Wait what?)

She followed after him and flapped her wings as hard as she could but compared to him, her speed was only about half his. She quickly folded her wings in and fell to the ground before she began to pursue him on foot. Only then could she catch up to him.

“Don’t run, that spoils the fun.”


Abura was flying as fast as he could but with his injuries, it was clear that his speed had been impacted by quite a bit. Still, after about an hour or so, he finally saw signs of them. Crossing over a frozen lake, he came upon a small snow-covered hill. His eyes widened in absolute joy when he spotted Kazuki standing atop the hill, as though he were waiting for him. He didn’t see the other three with Kazuki but he didn’t care about them at all. Muteki had only ordered to capture Kazuki and he was allowed to do what he wanted to the rest but if the rest weren’t here, it didn’t matter to him in the slightest.

Abura landed a few feet in front of Kazuki and smiled.

“You didn’t keep running from me, thank you. Does this mean you won’t fight and you’ll just come with me?”

Abura looked at Kazuki expectantly. Kazuki, unfortunately, had to disappoint this overgrown lard ball. Shaking his head, Kazuki said.

“I can’t go back with you but instead I can offer you something you might really want.”

Abura’s fat face scrunched up in frustration and his eyes were almost engulfed in his own fat.

“You won’t go back on your own with me, so know I gotta be tough, let’s fight.”

Abura bent his knees slightly as though he were taking a fighting stance but it just looked like his clothes were going to pop from his weight shifting. Abura was just about ready to attack when Kazuki raised up a hand.

“Wait wait wait. Do you really not want to know what I’m offering you? I promise you’ll want to hear what it is?”

Abura tilted his head in confusion.

“I won’t let you trick me. We’re enemies and enemies are bad and tricky. You don’t really have anything I want so stop trying to buy time and fight me.”

Kazuki sighed.


“Fine, I guess you truly don’t want what I have to offer.”

Kazuki paused for a moment and Abura launched a frontal attack. Kazuki stood completely still as he spoke coldly.

“You really don’t want to keep your life!”



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