Return of the Fallen Volume 5 Chapter 42



Author: Blue_Rat


Kazuki lay sprawled out on the ground, looking up at the fair sky. Sweat covered his body and a puddle formed around him. The skin from his hand had been torn in many places. One disadvantage of the healing effects from the cauldron was that any callouses you formed would be removed and new fresh skin would heal in its place. This made Kazuki’s hard-working hands look as though he’d never done a day of actual labor in his life.

This also resulted in his skin easily ripping and tearing as he handled the extremely heavy rocks on the training field. For some reason, even though his body was becoming tougher and tougher with each spin in the cauldron, these rocks were still affecting him. He quickly learned the cause of this though was Glacious. Still, even with the horrendous wounds all over his hands, as he lay there soaking in his own filth, the injuries were actually healing before his very eyes.

Blood that should have spilled on the ground long ago quickly stopped flowing out and skin began to fuse back together.

As the clouds drifted along, a beam of sun shone down causing Kazuki to slam his eyes shut. A moment later shade overtook him and Kazuki opened his eyes. Instead of seeing a fluffy white cloud blocking the sun, his sight was filled with a huge muscle-bound Glacious.

“Breaks over young Kazuki. It’s time for another dip in the cauldron.”

Kazuki felt a chill run down his spine.

“Again? I’ve already been in it so many times today. There’s no way anymore of that green sludge is left. I should have absorbed everything by now. Are you not adding more when I’m out here working my ass to the bone?”

“Do you really think I would mess around like that? It’s not my fault you can’t absorb an entire cauldron worth of healing concoction in one trip. Now are you going to walk on your own or shall I assist you?”


Kazuki released a small grunt as he tried to climb to his feet. He only made it halfway before he collapsed into the dirt.

“I thought so.”

Glacious grabbed Kazuki by the collar and before Kazuki could protest, Glacious threw him towards the river. Kazuki’s vision blurred as hundreds of trees flew by him, or rather it was he who flew past them.


Glacious stood on the surface of the water and reached down into the river and pulled Kazuki up. Walking across the surface of the river, Glacious dragged Kazuki along until they met the river’s edge where the cauldron sat.

“Clothes or no clothes?”

Kazuki was like a rag doll in Glacious’s hands as he could gather no strength. To Glacious’s question, he could feel no embarrassment as this has happened too many times already. Every time Kazukiw, as thrown into the cauldron and magic, was applied, the cauldron would spin the continents within, Kazuki included. It would spin both the foul green liquid as well as Kazuki faster and faster until it was literally shattering his bones upon contact with the metal walls inside. Because of this, Kazuki’s clothes would be torn and ripped to shreds. After having to repeatedly put on brand new clothes after getting out, Kazuki was becoming annoyed, so Glacious asked him a simple question now. Clothes or no clothes?

Kazuki sighed inwardly before replying.

“No clothes.”

“I thought so.”

Glacious snapped his fingers and Kazuki’s clothes flew off by themselves. With Kazuki butt naked, Glacious tosed him in the cauldron-like a puppet with its strings cut.


As soon as Kazuki hit the green liquid inside the cauldron, he felt like crying as he knew what was to come. After taking a moment to compose himself he took a deep breath and began to relax. Seeing that there was only about a 5th of the liquid still remaining, Kazuki felt a little better.

(This should be the last one. Let’s get this shit over with.)

Kazuki began to release his magic into the cauldron and with it, hundreds, thousands of inscriptions began to light up on the outside of the cauldron all at once.

“Looks like you’ve started this one sooner. Good, it’s smart to get it over with instead of waiting around. Here’s my little gift as well.”

Glacious cut the tip of his finger with his nail and formed a Magic blood orb. Dark condensed blood formed a grape-sized drop of blood. Inscription after inscription glowed around it as well as within. When it was just right, Glacious flicked it directly at Kazuki’s forehead and the blood orb immediately began to sink in. Glacious smiled greedily watching this and added.

“Have fun young Kazuki.”

A bit of sarcasm was clearly at the end of Glacious’s tongue but Kazuki ignored it. With those words said, Glacious slowly closed the lid.

*Bang Bang Bang Bang*


Screams echoed out continuously as Kazuki was thrashed repeatedly against the metal walls within. If it were this much, Kazuki could still hang on but the real agony was suffered through the Magic blood orb. Millions of images, sounds, smells, experiences, filled Kazuki’s mind, tearing at it, stabbing it. Absorbing Glacious’s memories was the hardest thing Kazuki had ever dealt with in his entire life. Soon, his mind could take no more and his mind shut itself off.

Glacious and Kazuki had been at this repeated process for hours. From morning until late afternoon, Kazuki would simply move heavy green rocks to and fro. The rocks would constantly shift their weight throwing Kazuki’s balance off as well as increase or reduce their weight drastically. Kazuki would have to constantly strain himself and readjust to manage. This way of training was both simple and effective. Doing it this way, his muscles would exhaust far quicker and tear sooner. The faster Glacious could break Kazuki down, the faster he could put him in his cauldron and improve him.

They had done this several times today and this one was just the same as the others. After time ticked on by, the inscriptions on the cauldron dimmed. The lid at the top was slowly pushed open and Kazuki climbed out.

Glacious looked Kazuki up and down.

“Not bad, it seems you’ve improved some more. What of my memories?”

“Hmm, they’re fuzzy right now. I’ll need some time to comprehend them all and put them in order.”

Glacious nodded before handing Kazuki a bar of soap.

“What’s this for?”

“It’s soap, what do you think it’s for?”

Glacious pointed at the river behind him.

“That’s not what I meant. Every time I got out of the cauldron you’d have some food for me and then it was right back to training. Does this indicate my training is done for today?”

Glacious nodded.

Kazuki felt electricity run all over his body, as excitement rushed through him.


Kazuki shouted at the top of his lungs and with it, thousands of leaves on a nearby tree swayed with the wind his breath created.


Kazuki realized something.

“Since the green concoction is all gone, what does that mean for my training?”

“The healing concoction within my cauldron is all used up. I’ll need a few days for my golems to gather up all of the ingredients in my land and then the processing takes time too. It should all be ready within the week.”

As for your training, well you’ll still be moving rocks of course. We’ll just have to change the rest of the regiment until you can use my cauldron again. I’ll be teaching you about the other stages as well.


Kazuki’s stomach made odd noises. Looking around though, there was no fish.

“Um, Senior, where is all the food?”

“Look at the sky, the sun will be setting very soon. Get cleaned up and then we’re heading back for dinner. Your training is done for the day.”

“What about Mei, we should call on her. The little imp will be enraged if she misses out on dinner.”

“She already headed back home. She came by when you were still in the cauldron and collected all of her snacks before leaving so she knows.”


Kazuki got cleaned up in the river before heading back.

The two walked into the dining room and everyone was already sitting down pleasantly chatting. When Nunully and Asuna saw Kazuki, the two jumped to their feet and ran over.


He appeared in front of him and Kazuki felt a headache coming on.


The two stopped in front of Kazuki and stared blankly at him. Lamia also walked over and noticed a change immediately.

“Young hero, you’ve gotten even more handsome, how is that possible?”

Everyone noticed at this moment and Shin ran over as well. Pushing both Nunully and Asuna aside he inspected Kazuki closely before getting pissed.

“What the hell man, what the hell! They said you went out to train and you somehow come back looking prettier. What kind of bullshit is this? It’s not enough that you have to have all the women here but now your face looks even better. Dude how am I ever gonna get some if the girls flock to you like moths to a flame. When we go out to meet ladies, you better do me a favor and rub some shit on that boy band face of your’s or everyman will curse you for a hundred years.”

Asuna quickly tried to shove Shin away but Shin dodged her hands and jumped backward.

“Shin you asshole! Next time you push me, I’ll break your hands!”

Shin laughed.

“Bwahaha, on second thought, maybe it’s better you have the ladies Kazuki. Having Asuna around is already like a curse, hahaha.”

“Say that again you piece of shit!”

“Hehe, I’ll say it a thousand times if I have to. Having a girl like you around is clearly a curse. Firey red hair with a fiery attitude that makes you constantly come off like a foul-ass witch or bitch, whichever one you prefer. Either way, I feel sorry for Kazuki if he ever ends up with you. Nunully’s a much better match in my opinion.”

Asuna’s face turned red and she was about to attack Shin when Glacious interfered.

“That’s enough. I’ve only known you two for two days and I’m already tired of you both. My place is quite peaceful, and if you two wish to remain you will not be snapping at each other’s throats, especially in the place where we eat. Do you two understand!?”

A powerful pressure filled the room and Asuna and Shin both felt a heavy weight on their shoulders. The two could barely lift their head but they both quickly agreed. As soon as they did, Glacious released his pressure and the two could breathe normally again. They then sat at opposite ends of the table and dared not even look at one another.

“Good, now let’s have some food and enjoy each other’s company.”

Sam walked over and grabbed Kazuki by the shoulders before turning him around. Kazuki had no clue what Sam was doing but there seemed to be no harm. Sam then stood back to back with Kazuki and measured himself.

“You’ve gotten taller.”

Nunully grew excited seeing this.

“Eh, you really did grow Kazuki! You’re at least an inch taller that’s amazing! Just what kind of training did you do to actually grow taller? Can…can I try it as well?”

Kazuki thought about the cauldron and he immediately shook his head.

“No way…um..I mean, if you do the same thing you’ll end up skin and bones just look at my arms.”

Kazuki then pulled up his sleeve to reveal a much thinner arm than what he had before. After the cauldron, all of his muscles condensed. He was far stronger than before but by appearance, he looked very thin. Only after consuming a crazy amount of food would he then bulk up again.

Nunully saw his thin arm and gasped.


“You’re so thin. Meat, you need lots of meat and then you’ll get much bigger, it’s ok.”

Nunully said that to comfort him but he just laughed inwardly. Lamia wrapped an arm around Kazuki’s and pressed her breast against him before pointing at his crotch.

“As long as you didn’t thin down there, I have no complaints, fufufu.”

Nunully became redder than a tomato and dove in between the two and pried her mom off of Kazuki.

“Mama! leave Kazuki alone, he’s mine got it!”

She then led Kazuki to the table. Lamia quickly caught up and got on Kazuki’s opposite side, again wrapping herself around his arm.

“Mama, what are you doing!?”

Lamia licked her lips.

“Exactly what I want to do. You don’t like it, fufu, too bad. How can I give up young hero when his face looks like this. As a woman, I’d be nuts to let such a gem slip through my fingers.”

Nunully felt her heart fill with worry. It was one thing if she was fighting off Asuna but if her mother started to compete.

(No, I won’t back down.)

Nunully clutched Kazuki tighter.

“Mama, aren’t you a bit too old for Kazuki. When it comes to both age and beauty, I outclass you right?”

Lamia, as well as everyone else, was taken aback by this. Lamia felt something in her heart. was it pride for her daughter or jealousy, she didn’t know. Either way, she didn’t hate it.

“Maybe you have youth, but Mama has the best technique. Kazuki can attest to that.”

Shin downed a glass of alcohol before shouting with perfect timing.




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