Return of the Fallen Volume 5 Chapter 7



Author: Blue_Rat


Nunully, Asuna and Mei all tried to run into the storm at once in search of Kazuki. Sam reached forward and snatched them up all at once and held them back.

Nunully screamed at him.

“Let me go, let me go! We have to stop him!”

Asuna and Mei struggled in his grip as well but Sam held firm. Asuna tried to break free, even going so far as to kick Sam in his shin But Sam just took it.

“Big bro we have to help Kazuki!”

Sam shook his head.

“No. Kazuki…The only thing we can do for him is to stay back. He’s sacrificing everything, just so that we can live.”

Nunully screamed once more.

“NOOOO. Let me go, release me!”

Sam refused.

Mei was getting more and more anxious and Tsura could sense it. Before Tsura could do anything, Mei began to transform in Sam’s arms. Mei expanded so fast that Sam had no choice but to let her go, otherwise Asuna and Nunully who were in his grip would be crushed from her changing shape.

Mei flapped her wings and prepared to take off but then Tsura jumped on her back.


Mei refused and took off into the sky and the two disappeared into the raging storm overhead.

Asuna and Nunully both found this chance to rush forward but Kimi stood in their path, arm out, attempting to block them.

“What do you think you two can do? You know what Garn is capable of. He could bring this whole mountain down on top of us and you two are thinking what?”

Asuna attempted to rush past Kimi but Kimi sidestepped and blocked her once more. Asuna’s tone became cold and she spoke through her teeth.


Kimi refused.

Asuna had no time to play and attempted to jump over Kimi in a single leap. Kimi was one to idle either. Her staff appeared in her hands and she fired a beam of light directly at Asuna’s face attempting to temporarily blind her. Asuna slammed her eyes shut in defense and landed unsteadily on the ground. That’s when Kimi swung her staff at Asuna’s legs and swept her feet, knocking Asuna to the ground.

Asuna hit the ground hard but jumped back to her feet and threw out a kick.


It landed squarely in Kimi’s chest and she was sent flying backward. Sam caught her before she landed badly but the damage was already done as a line of blood ran down her lips.

“You, you bitch!”

Asuna ignored Kimi’s remark and turned her back on her before starting to walk away.

“Do you think he’ll want you there! Do you think Kazuki will be thankful? He’s giving up his life so that your selfish ass can live and this is how you turn down his favor. This won’t make him love you!”

Asuna’s footsteps froze. She barely turned her head but a glare of fire was in her eyes.

“Maybe he won’t want me there. Maybe this is all for nothing but at the same time, maybe you need to take a close look in the mirror before you start calling people selfish.”

Asuna began walking away with Nunully.

Kimi felt her blood boil over.

“Get back here!”

Kimi formed a blade of light and threw it at Asuna’s back. As soon as she released it though, Sam reached forward and caught it. Blood began to pour down from his hand. Even he with such tough defenses was cut by this blade. If it were to hit Asuna in the back, the results you can imagine.

As soon as he caught the blade of light, Sam squeezed it with all of his might.


Sam broke the blade and it dissipated into tiny light particles before disappearing. He stared at Kimi with disbelief. It seemed as if everything he thought about Kimi so far fell apart in that single moment. As soon as Kimi saw his look, she knew she had messed up.

She tried to apologize but Sam backed away from her and shook his head.

At the same time, Asuna and Nunully continued forward and then Shin caught up with them.

“What, are trying to stop us as well?”

Shin shook his head and smiled.

“Stop you, and why would I do that? Nah, someone has to be there to swoop in and rescue Kazuki’s sorry ass. I’ll finally get to show you guys my cool side and at the same time embarrass Kazuki a bit. I’ll princess carry him or something, bwahahaha.”

Asuna and Nunully didn’t know what he was talking about but before they could even think about it, Shin began to run ahead.

“Let move ladies, Kazuki’s already got a head start on us. Let’s join him before the fun starts.”

Asuna grabbed Nunully around the waist and carried her and the three disappeared into the mountain. None of them looked back or mentioned Kimi’s actions. They didn’t have the time to care nor worry about her.

“Those idiots. They’re going to get themselves killed. How am I being selfish? What the fuck is she thinking?”

Kimi was mumbling to herself self and then she turned to Sam and grabbed his hand.

“Forget it, let’s get to someplace safe. We’ll head to that cave Tsura spotted earlier and the two of us will wait it out alone.”

Kimi took a step forward but when she pulled Sam along he didn’t budge.


It was only at this time that she noticed that Sam’s entire body was shaking. At first, she thought it was because he was feeling cold but she knew he wouldn’t get cold that fast. She looked up at him and his expression was blank.

“Sam, what’s wrong?”

Sam’s voice trembled not from cold, not from fear but instead from anger.

“You…You tried to kill her.”

“No, I…I was just going to stop her for a bit so we could all stay safe. I…I would never try to…do that.”

Kimi knew something was wrong but she tried to play innocent. She tried to pull Sam’s hand but he pulled away from her.


Sam just stood there shaking his head.

“This isn’t right. None of this is right. What am I doing? I just let Kazuki leave like that and you tried to kill my best friend in front of me. I didn’t stand up for her and I didn’t even go with them when they need me. Since when…Since when have I become so cowardly.”

“What, what are you talking about. You’re the bravest person I know. This is just something we must do if we want to live. It’s not cowardly when it’s about survival. Besides, why should you put your neck on the line for people who just abandoned you like that? Asuna that crazy bitch. Just who does she think she is?”

Sam clenched a fist and punched the side of the mountain.


A large portion of the rock wall exploded and Sam roared out in fury.


Kimi’s face paled and she went as white as paper.


Sam punched the mountainside again but this time with even more force and the wall exploded once more. A large crack as big as a tree formed in the wall and a crater formed as well. Tons of snow came racing down from one side but Sam raised a hand up and a boulder bigger then a carriage rose up in front of the two. The avalanche of snow hit the boulder but couldn’t budge it and split around it, falling past Sam and Kimi without harming the two.

After about a minute it finally subsided and Sam whispered so that only the two of them could hear.

“I said shut up. Toxic and vile, selfish and cowardly, you are every single one of these things and because I just stand idly by, I to am these things.”

Kimi Was terrified. She had never been fearful of Sam but right now, he seemed like a tiger that would strike at a moment’s notice.

“You talk and talk and talk only hatred. You’re just so mean all the time. At first, it was understandable. At first, it was understandable. Summoned to a new and dangerous world unfairly. Told you must fight monsters and beasts, all for the sake of saving this strange and unfamiliar world. Then when you decide to do something good and help Nunully, your kindness is returned by being hunted down by Garn and his lackeys. In the end, even your arm was taken from you and eaten while you watched. I understood all of that anger and even placed some of it on Kazuki but after finding out the full truth, I realized it wasn’t his fault. It’s this world and those who rule it. I accepted that and thought you had as well but I was wrong. After all of that, you’ve only become viler and viler. Not to those that actually deserve it, not to your enemies but instead to those close to you. I can’t do that, I can’t be like you. My friends are putting their life on the line for Kazuki and I know for a fact they would do the same for me. It’s not they who abandoned me but I who abandoned them. When they need me the most, I’m here arguing with you. Not anymore. I won’t cower and back down, not when my friends are risking it all!”

Sam then turned to walk away.


“I’m going. Even if I die, I’m still going.”

Sam turned back and his expression softened.

“I won’t ask you to do the same. Wait here if you must, or head down the mountain before it’s too late. I won’t force you to do anything. If I don’t return, then you know what that means. Kimi…even with all that said…I love you.”

Sam then ran ahead, leaving Kimi all by herself.




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