Return of the Fallen Volume 6 Chapter 44



Author: Blue_Rat


Scooping a few pebble-sized rocks off the ground, Kazuki focused on the sound of beating wings up above. With his hearing, he got several images in his mind and he could easily predict the lizard-bats’ movements.

Wasting no time, Kazuki whipped his wrist forward at an optimal speed and threw a single rock at the perfect angle.


The pebble moved so fast and with such force that it pierced the lizard-bat’s eye and exited out the back of its head, killing it instantly. The creature’s movements seized and it fell out of the sky and crashed not too far away from Kazuki. As soon as it hit the ground, the nearby carnivorous trees, sensing the vibrations from the impact, all at once began striking where the lizard bat had just fallen.

Kazuki was just excited to have killed a creature down here so easily that he had forgotten the carnivorous trees, attack instincts for a moment and because of this he acted too slowly and his prey was crushed into meat paste. A few of the carnivorous trees, after crushing the lizard bat to bits, opened up the bark around their tops, revealing large drooling mouths. Bending downward, the mouths scooped up pieces here and there from the lizard bats remains and ate it with slurps as though they were enjoying a fine soup.

(How annoying. Stealing a man’s meal right in front of him.)

Kazuki gripped the rocks in his hand in aggravation and crushed them into a fine powder. Seeing this, his curiosity grew.

Grabbing a fist-sized rock from the ground, he sensed one of the nearby trees.

(I wonder…)

Aiming at the tree, Kazuki used a good amount of strength and threw it a few feet from the grey tree’s base.


The rock shattered the tree and continued racing forward before taking out another tree behind it. Finally, it broke apart after coming into contact with a third tree.

Kazuki had tested his strength out a little bit before but it was only now that he was realizing just how much his strength had improved. Taking a few steps forward, he stood next to another carnivorous tree and tapped the ground so the tree could feel it. The tree noticed him right away and with a flexible snap, the top of the tree came whipping down.

Previously when Kazuki had entered a carnivorous forest, an impact from one of the trees had broken several of his ribs. Kazuki knew he had gotten stronger but he still wasn’t quite sure by how much. Raising a single-arm, he defended himself against the whipping tree.

He winced a little as he predicted how much this would hurt.

(I know I’ve gotten tougher but this should still cause a few fractures in my arm. Best case scenario only a slight break will occur.)


The tree pounded on top of Kazuki’s arm. the impact was heavy and it caused the ground beneath Kazuki’s feet to split open and sink by about two inches. Kazuki couldn’t help but flinch as he expected a good deal of pain but he was immediately surprised.

(It…It doesn’t hurt!)

The top of the tree swung back up on the rebound and Kazuki examined his arm. Now that he could see around 10 feet in front of him, he could take a look at his arm. Inspecting it up and down, there was not a break, not even a bruise. As a matter of fact, there wasn’t even a red mark or a welt left behind. The feeling in fact was close to someone flicking you.

A feeling of excitement started to climb up Kazuki’s spine and he got the chills.

(Is this reality!?)

He had to test it again to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.

He quickly tapped the same tree with the tip of his foot. This time there was no wincing and no flinching. Kazuki watched everything unfold before him. As he got the attention of the grey tree, he listened and sensed it coming down atop him. Only now did he realize just how slowly it seemed to move. At first, he wondered if there was something wrong with the tree for it to move so slowly but as it got within 10 feet of him, he saw with his own eyes its exact movements.

(It’s not that the trees are moving slowly, rather my senses have been improved so much that it appears slowly.)

The speed of the tree in Kazuki’s vision looked as if a simple breeze was pushing it forward. Kazuki saw this and couldn’t help but take his hand away and no longer block it.

(It won’t hurt it won’t hurt it won’t.)

Kazuki watched the tree come down directly atop his forehead. He grit his teeth as the tree slammed into his head.


The ground split further and Kazuki’s feet sank another two inches. As the tree rebounded upward, it again left no marks whatsoever on Kazuki. This time, however, there was a bit of pain but the amount was laughable.

(It’s like someone slapped my forehead. A slight sting but nothing more than that.)

A large grin stretched across Kazuki’s face. Once again he tapped the tree and waited for it to come whipping down from above. This time however when it came close, Kazuki reached up and grabbed the top of the tree, catching its falling weight. With a tight grip and a pull, Kazuki ripped the tree in delight.


The top of the tree unfurled revealing its ugly mouth and it shrieked out as it died right there and then. As this squeal of death rang out inside this grey forest, all at once, the trees began to move. The ones that were close to Kazuki reacted right away and at the same time, they came crashing down on Kazuki.

Kazuki stood completely still as these trees bashed him all over. He watched and waited. Before, only one of these attacks would be near enough to kill him, now though it was like someone was repeatedly dropping small sticks on him.

*Heh haha heh heh heh HAHAHAHAHA!*

As these trees continued to rain blow after blow down on top of him, Kazuki couldn’t help but bellow with wild laughter. This was too funny to him. After everything he’s gone through, all the setbacks and suffering, and now something that was once so dangerous to him before posed absolutely no threat now. What else could explain this situation but comical. At least that’s how Kazuki felt.

On top of that feeling of joy and laughter, there was also a raging fire. He had suffered again and again and again.

(This damn place. It knows nothing of mercy and is eternally a dog eat dog world. That is the way of survival. I get it, I really do. So let me follow such rules to a T.)

Kazuki closed both of his fists and he laughed no more. As another tree came whipping at him, He swung his fists forward with a speed that tore through the air.


The tree flying at him was shattered into chunks. Before any of its pieces could even touch the ground, Kazuki’s body blurred and he left after images in his wake.

*Bang Thwack Crunch Bang!*

Kicks, punches, knees, head butts, Kazuki unleashed his pent up anger and aggression over the entire forest. He moved at such speed that the wind screeched as he tore through it. By the time the first pieces of the tree he punched touched the ground, he felled over a hundred trees.

Those 100 trees were nothing though, merely the appetizer. As he unleashed all of his hardships upon this forest, his speed and strength only climbed. He not only was taking everything out on this forest but was also testing his new limits.

(Faster, stronger, I can break more, I can destroy even swifter!)

Kazuki began circulating his ki through his body and his speed and strength increased several folds more.

His movements were now so quick that he appeared to almost be teleporting. He was still nowhere near the level of Etora or Glacious but to the common eye, there would be no way they could tell the difference.


Before he knew it, the entire forest of carnivorous trees was uprooted and crushed in its entirety. Standing around in this open field of destruction, Kazuki’s body was shaking from the amount of energy he felt. He still had yet to unleash everything and had not reached the point where he felt his upper limit. His eyes scanned around and he stretched out his senses for an opponent, anything that he could fight but the only thing nearby were a few lizard bats that had watched Kazuki’s entire display in fright and there was no way any of them would come down anywhere near such a monster.

As soon as Kazuki sensed the lizard bats in the sky above.


His stomach rumbled and he recalled his original purpose in coming into this now devastated forest in the first place.

Kazuki grabbed a rock from the ground and didn’t hesitate to snipe one of the lizard bats out of the air. With no more trees to steal his prey, Kazuki casually walked over and examined his meal.



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