Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 10

Seeing his own reflection in the mirror-like ice, Kazuki nearly jumped in fright.

Hair…So much fucking hair that it covered him from head to toe. That mixed with his large frame, made him look like a wild jungle ape lost to the ages.

Kazuki went to stand to get a better look at himself in the ice mirror but as soon as his body moved ever so slightly, the rock beneath his feet sunk in before shattering. He had grown a few inches and had packed on only a few more pounds so it wasn’t his body’s size that caused the mountain to crack underneath him, rather it was his immense strength.

His power and strength had evolved once more to unprecedented heights. Not being used to his newfound strength, the moment he moved, he used far too much force. This caused his balance to sway ad he almost tripped over his own two feet. So he moved his right foot forward to catch himself properly but that resulted in him stomping down in front of him.


A large crack spiked downward into the mountain, threatening to split it open. Kazuki’s eyes widened as he realized he was having difficulty restraining himself and he quickly willed his magic forward to fly. His thought was to just hover gently above the mountain so he didn’t accidentally stomp on it again and break it this time but the moment he gathered flames beneath his feet, he heard a sharp whistle-like noise as the flames came out at such a high temperature and so fast that they tore through the surrounding air and melted large holes into the mountain.


The thrust from the flames shot Kazuki nearly a mile up into the sky in an instant. Kazuki had to quickly adjust his flames beneath his feet before he wound up in the great void among the stars.

After a few moments, and a few missteps, he managed to control his power with precision, which allowed him to hover in the sky. He would have just used his wind aura to fly but he knew he needed to get used to this upgrade of power, lest he accidentally kills some innocent individuals who merely got too close.

Floating in the air, he created a new ice mirror and looked examined his outward appearance once more.

Once again he saw a wild ape-man. His mind drifted to the Adrola apes below the trench, more specifically the female apes.

(I attracted their eyes the first time around. If they saw me like this they may have just jumped my bones.)

A bit of cold sweat dripped down his forehead from just the thought.

(Still, for me to grow all of this hair like this is insane.)

Not only did Kazuki’s body heal and regenerate at a rapid rate but the hair all over his body grew out unreasonably fast. The hair on his head was wild and came all the way down to his ankles. The style reminded him of a certain character he had seen in an anime. It was the brother of the main character of the show. He couldn’t remember the brother’s name but the main character was called Kakarot. Kazuki’s hair style resembled Kakarots brother’s hair almost to a T.

Not only was his hairstyle wild and unkempt but he had a beard and hair all over his chest, arms, legs, etc.

Kazuki made a few goofy faces in the ice mirror, mimicking a Mime or a clown before he grew tired of his new look.

(Some of the hair is nice but the amount I have is absolutely ridiculous. Time for a cut.)

Kazuki who had near-perfect control of his body could of course remove such a mess of hair with ease. With a thought, he controlled his body, and the unkempt wild hair he didn’t want, fell out on mass.

The weird beard fell away with the wind, the shaggy bush on his back was gone in seconds, and so on and so forth. In the end, his looked went back to normal, well almost normal. The long hair that resembles Kakarots brother’s remained. Kazuki couldn’t help but like it, though he did reduce its size by a bit. Instead of it hanging near his ankles it came down to his lower back instead. Besides that though, everything else was normal, well almost.

Kazuki had grown exceptionally tall. He was now around 6 foot 7 inches. Everything had grown, everything. His muscles bulged and he felt a terrifying strength flow through him. Making a fist, the air shot away from his palm as though it feared being crushed in his hand. In actuality, the simple closing of his hand carried with it that much force.

Kazuki held out his hand and pointed it at the mountain below him, flicking the air with some strength, a pocket of air rushed down to the mountain and crashed into it.


A pit as big as a boulder was carved out from the mountain. With just a flick at the air, the damage he caused was incredible. The fact that he was a mile high in the air when he did it added another level of separation between him and a regular Mage at the 5th stage.

Kazuki then curiously flew down toward the mountain with his fist cocked back behind him.

Coming near the mountain, Kazuki’s hand flew forward, blurring out of sight before smashing into the mountain.


The mountain split all the way down to the base. When the force of his blow spread throughout the mountain, it could only explode outward into millions of pieces. Following that, the noise of the mountain falling along with the weight of its crumbling caused several avalanches from the other nearby mountains and the ongoing raging blizzard was softened for a brief moment before it returned to its rampaging ways.

Kazuki stared at his hand in shock.

Someone at the Core stage had Magical power that could lift and destroy a mountain. Garn for example could do such a thing with a bit of effort. With his physical body though, he was slightly better than an average adult male. Kazuki on the other hand could lift the mountain with his magical energy and then proceed to smash it with a fist.

Knowing that about oneself was an odd yet riveting feeling.

A thought flashed through Kazuki’s mind and once more his mind was on bystanders.

(I need to learn to control my new strength before an accident occurs.)

Kazuki examined his body with his ki at first and detected all the minute details. Afterward, he used his aura to check as well just to make sure nothing unpredictable occurred and he was taken aback. Not with his body but instead his aura. It was much richer and the pressure of it had increased more than tenfold. Not only was it stronger but it could stretch and extend almost a thousand feet in either direction.

Kazuki was almost stumped but then he realized why this happened. He remembered his soul tree growing exponentially while he was absorbing all of that energy with the ourodyess devouring power. Kazuki felt giddy deep down and couldn’t help but throw his head back and laugh like a madman.


Oren had told him how to grow his aura and become stronger with it but Kazuki had unintentionally found a way around it.

All of his rotten shit luck down in the trench and now it was like a complete 180. Windfall, after windfall was now falling in his lap, left and right.

As Kazuki’s loud laugh echoed out, once again he caused another avalanche in the distance. He quickly shut his mouth and restrained himself.

(I have to control myself.)

For Kazuki to master his new body, this was easy, way too easy. His Granny Master had taught him to control the muscles blood organs and everything else long ago. At that time it took him years to master, now though, he already knew what needed to be done and had proper control over his strength in a mere few hours.

Kazuki looked at the Rin mountain range before him.

(Since Senior Glacious isn’t here I can’t get into his tiny world. At the same time, it’s useless to sit around here and wait for him.)

As Kazuki wondered what to do, he remembered Tilly’s ring.

(Tilly has a son back in the town of Edngaul. Since she’s gone, the least I can do is return her ring to him. At the same time, I can gather some news as to the happenings on the continent and gather some information. With Glacious leaving his territory, something he hasn’t done in decades, there should be some info on such a powerful character moving about. At least with the relationship Glacious has with Garn, Garn shouldn’t have stayed quiet about it. If I find news on Glacious, I should be able to find Nunully and Asuna and everyone else’s whereabouts hopefully.)

Kazuki remembered the direction of the small town of Edngaul and flashed forward. He moved so fast that a wall of air tried to hold him back but with a bit of wind aura, the air flowed around him more naturally and the resistance became almost nothing. The air made a loud booming noise as he moved faster and faster and his surroundings became a blurry mess. In a fraction of a second, he disappeared into the distance, a streak of blue light fading was the only evidence that he had been there in the first place. Well, that and all the fucked up mountains he left in a mess.

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