Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 2

The Azirian spoke no more and lunged at Kazuki. A plume of snow was kicked up as the monster flashed forward. Appearing before Kazuki in less than a blink of an eye, the Azirian slashed out with his sharp claws. His aim was Kazuki’s right hand which was holding the compass.

Kazuki’s expression didn’t change for even a moment as he watched the Azirian move. One thing he had to note was the speed in which the monster moved. It was extremely fast or rather to the old Kazuki this type of movement would have been considered fast. This speed was faster than Reya’s as well as Kazuki’s fastest pace before he had fallen into the Abyssal trench. However, after consuming some of Satorus’s body with the Ourodyess, Kazuki found that his body grew stronger and stronger.

His body had evolved somewhat and enhanced. Watching the Azirian before him, he would have been a threat before Kazuki’s fall but now…Now Kazuki could see every single one of this monster’s movements as clear as day.

As the slash came downward towards his arm, Kazuki merely pivoted slightly.


The Aziran’s claws were so fast that they cut through the air but that wasn’t enough. Kazuki had dodged his blow at the very last second, causing surprise. This momentary shock would not delay the Azirian and he would count Kazuki’s dodge as a flook and nothing more.

Stomping on the ground, the Aziran changed direction in an instant and moved fluidly. Throwing his arm behind him, he changed his aim to decapitate Kazuki.

Just before his blow landed though…


Kazuki took a small step once more and again he slipped away from the Azirian’s attack. With it, he added a taunt.

“That was your second chance. Eight more to go or would you rather I counter right now?”

A fire burned in the Azirian’s eyes causing their blood-like luster to redden even further with rage.


Kicking off the ground, the Azirian rushed around Kazuki in a circle, changing his tactic.

“Where will you run if I’m all around you.”

Dozens of arms suddenly grew from the Azirian’s torso and back and in an instant they all extended outwards, stretching towards Kazuki like a mass of tentacles with dagger-like fingers on each end.

These tentacles moved at blinding speed, each one aiming for a vital spot and each one as sharp as metal. Kazuki watched these incoming tentacles with a smirk.

His feet moved beneath him with blurred yet fluid-like motion and his upper body swayed and dipped seemingly randomly but in actuality, each movement was precise and took him just out of range of each attack. Even while he was being attacked from all sides and near every angle, none of the Azirian’s blows could reach him.

As the Azirian attacked, he moved faster and faster in frustration yet still he couldn’t touch the hem of Kazuki’s weird ape outfit.

The Azirian originally thought that Kazuki was just lucky to dodge his first few attacks but as time went on he understood that Kazuki was indeed faster than he and this caused him to rage even more. More arms grew from his body and stretched outward, rushing at Kazuki to stab him, pierce him grab him, break him. Anything and everything to just get one blow in.

(One time…If I just hit him once, I can kill this weak human in a single move.)

As he was lost in his rage, Kazuki’s taunting words echoed out once more.

“I said you could have 10 moves to take my compass from me but you’ve clearly gone over the limit. Don’t tell me this is the best you can do? I even let you have some bonus moves to hit me but you still can’t touch me. Seems like my sister really only has dogs working under her, and dumb ones at that.”


The Azirian pulled all of his arms back to his side before lofting them high in the air and combining them together in the shape of a large war hammer. Kazuki watched this all play out in amusement. The very next instant, the large hammer of flesh came crushing down toward Kazuki like a meteor.


The ground exploded and sank several feet downward and snow flew up nearly 40 feet high. The surrounding area was filled with a cloud of white misty snow, blocking everyone’s vision. Kazuki understood exactly what the Azirian was trying to do and smiled as he waited patiently for the next attack.

(He knew he couldn’t hit me so he pretended as if he would so he could blind me with all of this snow in the air. His next attack will come from behind me for sure.)

Kazuki didn’t need to extend his aura nor his ki to sense the Azirian’s presence and attack. With his heightened hearing and nose, he could hear exactly where the Azirian was, and just like when he was in the trench, the sounds bouncing around him relayed images inside his head. He could see every minute detail for miles around him let alone the Azirian with his loud steps. Even Kazuki’s nose could pick up the smell of the Azirian blood within the meat bag body currently trying to sneak up behind him.

Kazuki said nothing and did nothing, he just stood there as Reya’s brother came from behind. Not even a second had passed before the Azirian sprung forth. Dozens of arms and dozens of legs with sharp blades of flesh came raining down from above, behind, and from below the ground.

Kazuki watched this and couldn’t help but shake his head.

(So slow.)

Just as these bladed appendages appeared before Kazuki’s every vital point, Kazuki moved.

All at once, he stomped on the ground, pinning the bladed tentacles piercing upward to the ground. with his left hand, he grabbed at his surroundings. His hand blurring as he snatched each attack from the air and held all of the tentacles coming from above and behind him, firmly in his grasp.

Finally, with a deep breath, he added ki to his voice as he shouted at his surroundings releasing a mighty boom that pushed all of the snow away clearing up the area in an instant.


The shout was so loud that it echoed off the surrounding mountains in the distance, causing an avalanche.

The Azirian was stunned. All of his attacks had been a sneak attack that should have perfectly landed upon the human before him. Even if they didn’t all work, at least a few should have still gotten through but not a single one met their goal and were all stopped in an instant.

“You, saw my attacks?”

Kazuki nodded.

“In a way, yes. I had to find creative ways to survive in the abyssal trench. Down there, your eyes can’t be relied upon. Your attack, it was doomed to fail just like your doomed to die.”

Kazuki released the Azirian and held up his compass, dangling it teasingly in front of him.

“By the way, your moves, you’ve run out. It’s my turn.”

The Azirian realized that Kazuki was not an opponent he could take on here and now. He needed to retreat immediately and come up with another plan.

That thought crossed his mind and he didn’t hesitate to take to the skies and rush away like a bolt of lightning.

In the blink of an eye, he distanced himself from Kazuki and had already covered a few miles.

(I’ll find a place to take cover for a bit and attack him again when he least expects it. That wa

“Hello there.”

Kazuki appeared in front of the Azirian and before the Azirian could do anything at all, Kazuki lifted a single hand and came chopping down from above.


The blow was a light one from Kazuki but to the Azirian it was like a mountain had just smashed into him. The world passed by his eyes like a blur before he slammed into the ground, forming a crater.

The Azirian’s body had splattered on the ground, spreading flesh b0pnes and purplish-black blood in every direction as if a bomb had gone off.

Somehow, its head was still intact and so it started to quickly regenerate in a panic.

(What in the 7 realms of hell was that!?!?!?!? I have to get away…must escape before another attack comes!)

Just as the Azirian spoke, Kazuki slowly descended from the sky. Flames of blue burning beneath his feet. Just as he landed the flames fizzled out and he was back on the ground.

“It’s a strange yet familiar feeling using magic after so long. Hmm, you have no idea what I’m talking about do you?”

Kazuki slowly walked over to the Azirian still putting himself back together.

Kazuki reached forward to grab the Azirian and the monster took this opportunity to send out several spikes of flesh right into Kazuki’s chest.

The fleshy spikes were harder than many different metals and could pierce through steel yet when they landed upon Kazuki’s chest, all at once they bent at weird angles.

“You really thought I would get so close and you could just stab me. No, my body is beyond yours. I’m faster, stronger, and as you can see, I’m much much tougher.”

Kazuki then grabbed one of the arms that the Azirian had just healed and with a slight pull, he ripped it completely from the Azirian’s shoulder. More purplish blood sprayed everywhere and the Azirian was shocked beyond belief.

“What was it you said earlier? You were gonna remove my limbs and eat them.”

A large demonic smile stretched across Kazuki’s face before he opened his mouth as wide as possible. He took only a few bites before he devoured the entire arm.

As the Azirian watched this, one thought rang out in his mind again and again.


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