Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 36

As Motozu fired a beam of pulsing water wrapped in chaotic lightning up at Kazuki, Kazuki, in turn, activated his ring. As the beam of power rushed into the heavens, Kazuki became completely enshrouded in all of this dangerous energy.


The beam of energy broke as Kazuki appeared above the great beast. His entire body was covered head to toe in armor made from god metal. In his hand, a blade several hundred feet in length, also made from god metal came slashing down atop the monster’s lion-like face.


The sword made contact, striking the beast dead center of its forehead. The impact slapped the large beast, causing its large hill-sized head to whip violently to the side.

The beast had not expected this at all. Whipping its tail, it offset its own weight and rebalanced itself. Turning its head toward Kazuki, a fiery rage burned in its eyes.

Kazuki was shocked. Looking down at the great beast, the place where he had struck it, there wasn’t a single crack in its scales whatsoever. The blade in his hand was something he could no break, not with everything he had and more, yet the scales atop this beast were just as hard.

(No damage, how can that be!?)

Energy gathered at the tips of 6 horns this time. Kazuki once again felt the hair standing on his arms. Blue hot flames erupted beneath his feet and he accelerated sideways just in time.

The Motozu fired a beam 2000 feet in diameter directly where Kazuki had been just a second before.


lightning and water raced by him and landed in the water miles past him. Tidal waves rose like a wall of death and carried forth doom for any foolish enough to get in the way.

Even though he had god metal covering his entire body, even though he had managed to move, he felt a heavy pressure as the monsters’ energy passed him by. Even though he didn’t get hit by it directly, some of its excess energy created strange pockets of pressure. These did no harm to him but they did slow him by a few fractions.


After that last blast from the monster, all of the ice was destroyed and Kazuki no longer had a foothold. Without one, he would be hit by the creature’s beams.

Kazuki landed atop the water and stood on it with water magic. This allowed him some stability but his movement was limited. Very quickly he sent energy from his core to the soles of his feet and instantly froze the surface of the water he stood on, creating solid footholds he desperately needed. Kicking off of one, he leaped forward. Just before he landed in the water ahead of him, he again created another small platform of ice. In this way, he started to move with more fluidity and agility.

(This bastard is tough. Its scales are comparable to god metal but what about the natural weaknesses. Its eyes for example.)

As another energy beam came down upon him, Kazuki dodged it. He could take it head-on with the suit of metal he made but the beam would slow him down far too much.

Leaping away from it, Kazuki took to the skies once again. This time instead of going above it, he went straight for the beast’s left eye. He got around 400 feet in front of the monster when the monster pulled its head back slightly and opened its largemouth. It bore its fangs in an attempt to swallow Kazuki whole.

Kazuki felt cold sweat pour down his back as e remembered what it was like being swallowed by the goat-headed fuck down in the depths of the Abyssal trench.


The sword in his hand changed shape and became a huge war hammer. Swinging it up, Kazuki circulated ki into his arms, adding strength to his swing, increasing its momentum by severalfold.

The hammer came up from under the beast’s jaw and slammed into it causing the monster’s mouth to slam shut. The sound of its teeth colliding with more teeth rang out like large slabs of metal crashing into one another.

As soon as its mouth slammed shut, Kazuki changed the shape of the hammer back into a blade. He shaped it in realtime, Kazuki the blade to move with flexibility and snake around the creature’s mouth and extend forward towards its eye with breakneck speed.

The monster though was equally quick. As soon as the tip of the blade threatened to enter its fleshy eye, it slammed its eyelid shut.


There were scales covering its eyelid so when the blade met the eyelid, the scene of an eye being pierced did not play out. Still, the force Kazuki put into this thrust, put pressure on the eye itself, enraging this creature even further.


Energy gathered a the tip of all 8 horns and the sky was filled with light. The geysers of water that had risen up earlier started to move once more. At the same time, eight thick bolts of lightning fired from each tip and like a focused laser, they struck Kazuki’s body, blasting him down into the water below.

Kazuki felt his insides rattle and shake as things became dislodged. Even with the armor on, at least a 10th of the monster’s impact had penetrated the armor and drilled into Kazuki’s body. There were devastating tears and lesions all throughout his body. The internal bleeding alone was enough to scare the wicked.

Kazuki though was healing at a rapid rate and as he sunk deeper and deeper, he had a smile upon his face instead of fright.

(Its scales are definitely tough but the way it guarded its eye…It knew I could damage it. Just like other creatures, the eyes of this monster are a weakness. If its eyes can be penetrated, so to can the rest of its insides. Maybe I should just get swallowed like before.)

As soon as he thought that he slapped himself in the face.

(No, I never want to go through such an experience again. Still, this creature has revealed a weakness. I should go back up and take advantage.)

A devious smile formed on Kazuki’s lips.

His ring glowed once more.

Kazuki used the water and propelled himself forward like a bullet. He shot out of the ocean and found a nightmarish-like scene before him. Dark clouds had formed high above in the sky. Thunder boomed and lightning cracked. Hurricanes made of nothing but water spun around the monster almost creating a protective barrier. Kazuki knew though that this was solely for offense.

Lightning continuously danced atop all eight of the monster’s horns. The moment Kazuki appeared out of the water, the creature’s large eyes lit up with silver light. All at once, thousands of bolts of lightning came raining down in response to these glowing eyes. The focal point was the precise location where Kazuki was. The moment the lightning came down upon him, Kazuki…just stood there.


Thousand of bolts of lightning crashed into Kazuki all at once and the entire area for hundreds of miles became blindingly white for nearly a full minute. After the light finally faded, what was left where Kazuki stood was a large deep whirlpool. It stretched down to the very bottom of the ocean floor. In its surroundings, hundreds of thousands of oceanic creatures were dead. There was such overwhelming heat from the lightning that the water for the surrounding miles had begun to boil and thick pillars of steam rose up all around as if this part of the ocean had become a pot of boiling water.

The Motozu looked around and could no longer see Kazuki but it wasn’t satisfied with that as it could still feel his energy. This left the creature even angrier. It had used one of its greatest abilities upon a human of all things and it had failed to kill the insignificant human. Humiliation and rage were at the forefront of its emotions.


It was at this moment that Kazuki’s voice unexpectedly rang out atop the creature’s head.

“At first you act like you can’t speak and now you won’t shut up. I’m right here you dumbass!”

The Motozu turned its eyes upward only to see a mocking grin as Kazuki hung over the side.


Kazuki quickly interrupted him.

“Yeah yeah yeah. I’m this and that and how dare I this and so on. Shut the fuck up!”

As he said this, his hand was flashing at an incredible pace as he made ancient hand signs. Where his arm had been completely obliterated, in its place was Kimi’s orichalcum arm. By the time Kazuki had said his peace, the necessary amount of energy had been gathered and he called out.

“Beam of Light!”

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