Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 39

Kazuki pulled his compass out of his shirt and showed it to the Motozu.

“Your talking about this energy correct?”

The large lion-like face nodded.

“Yes, that energy. How can I trust a word you say when you enter my territory with such hostility leaking from it?”

Kazuki scrunched his brows.

“What the fuck, seriously! This is not a part of my body. It’s just an item containing a bit of darkness. I had no hostility or animosity with you until you attacked me and even then I tried multiple times to talk things over and you still came after me. What did you expect?”

A guttural growl escaped from the depths of this giant creature’s throat.

“You expect me to believe that. Whether it’s a simple item or not, it still contains something I dislike. You as the owner of it must also have such intentions, otherwise, why carry it around with you always.”

Kazuki was dumbfounded.

(I carry something bad so that makes me bad, is that what this ancient beast believes?)

“When it comes to good and bad, do you really believe an item can be either? The energy leaking from this has nothing to do with me and as for the reason I carry it around, well it’s a keepsake but also there’s this.”

Kazuki took the compass off from around his neck before tossing it as far away as possible. His golden compass covered a dozen miles in a second before pausing in mid-air. The dark energy inside pulsed chaotically before racing back to Kazuki even quicker than he had thrown it before slapping him dead center in his forehead.

Kazuki rubbed the spot before putting the compass back around his neck. A few curses rang out in his head from Zetrazz but he just ignored them.

“As you just saw, I can’t get rid of it. If I was stronger I could disperse this energy and send it back to where it belongs but I do not have such strength.”

Zetrazz laughter rang out in Kazuki’s head.

(Bwahahaha. You wish to be rid of me? How can I allow such entertainment to slip from my grasp. No, I’m not going anywhere and at the rate that your growing, it will be a few millennia before you can even hope of ridding my fragment from your golden compass, little mortal.)

Again Kazuki did his best to ignore the voice resounding in his mind.

Motozu eyed Kazuki up and down before focusing on the compass.

“So this energy is really not your own?”

“Yes. It is more like a parasite or rather a follower who


The compass was dragged to the ground and pulled Kazuki along with it.

(You dare call me a follower, a parasite? Shall I put you in your place again or have you learned your lesson ant?)

There was a silence before Kazuki felt the energy in his compass moving again with impatience. Kazuki finally answered back.

(I…I understand.)

The energy once more went still. Even though Kazuki couldn’t see it, he knew for a fact that Zetrazz was sitting in his lair smiling as he humiliated Kazuki.

Anger welled up within Kazuki but he quickly suppressed it.

“As you can see I have my own difficulties at the moment.”

The Motozu watched this all play out and could see that Kazuki wasn’t lying but that didn’t do much to rid it of its anger from before. Still, it did its best to contain itself for the time being.

“So you’ve come here because you need someone capable of dispelling that energy. Hmph, you’ve wasted your time tiny human. I don’t know what powerful creature has put its mark upon that cursed item but I have not the power to remove it. Now if there’s nothing more, release these bindings and leave me be!”

“Such a hostile tone to the one that bound you. Do you think I will do as you say or rather do you honestly believe it is you who holds sway here and now?”

Kazuki’s response was completely unexpected. This small human in front of itself had such balls, such confidence.

“You damn bag of meat. Had you not that armor, I would simply tear you to shreds before devouring you like a snack. Take it all off and fight me like a true warrior.”

Kazuki flashed forward and stopped right before the creature’s only other eye. Some of the god metal was already wedged between its eyelid preventing it from closing.

Floating directly in front of this single eye, Kazuki slowly held up the metal arm and opened the palm. Light energy was already gathering within it at a rapid rate. Kazuki spoke with a cold voice that sent chills down this mountain-sized creature’s spine.

“If you really cannot see the situation you are in then you no longer need this eye. Speak shit once more and I will take it without hesitation. Do you understand?”

The Ancient beast shook from head to tail. Never before had it been in such a situation. Never before had it been so humiliated so angry and yet at the same time so afraid. It was feeling genuine fear from such a small being.

It slowly and cautiously nodded its head, it felt true defeat.

“If it’s not to remove the mark from that item then what is it? Just state what you want and get this humiliation over with.”

Kazuki shook his head. So much pride in this world caused far too much trouble.

“All I want is a few of your scales. A dozen or so and I’ll be on my way.”

Hearing this, something almost broke inside the Ancient beast as it uttered in disbelief.

“Tha…That’s it? That’s all you want from me is a few scales?”

Kazuki nodded.

“Yes, that’s all I want. I’d even be willing to trade for them if need be but I don’t know what you might want. If it’s in this world, I should be capable of collecting it. Just tell me what you wish to exchange.”

The Motozu froze for a solid minute. It just laid there, with a stunned expression on its face.

“So this entire time we were fighting, all you wanted was a few of my scales. Is this real?”

Kazuki shrugged.

“Is it really such a big deal. Can you not spare them?”

The moment Kazuki said this, thousands of scales began to fall from the creatures body. In an instant, it shed so many that it sounded like heavy rainfall as the scales scattered over the ground.

“These are like specks of skin. I shed millions a year. I have an entire mountain of these and they grow back in a few days. I have no use for them after they fall away. Why didn’t you just say this in the beginning?”

Kazuki was annoyed. This seemed to be handled so easily. Shrugging his shoulders he said.

“Whose fault was it exactly. I wished to speak peacefully remember.”

Motozu felt a gut punch hearing that. To have all the blame fall on his shoulders wasn’t fair. It was at this time, a small faint voice whispered in his mind.

(Kill him.)

Motozu looked around in suspicion for the voice but saw nothing. Again this voice rang out in his mind.

(Such a weak little creature. Once that armor is off, he’s nothing more than a bit of meaty flesh. Get him to remove it and you can kill in him a single swipe.)


Motoxzu shouted at the sky, causing Kazuki to take a step back.

“What! You still wish to fight? I guess I’ll take that eye.”

Motozu stopped shouting and called out.

“No, your wrong I thought I heard something.”

Kazuki ignored it and started gathering all of the scales into his ring.

“Enough of that, what do you for all of these?”

Motozu was still looking for the owner of the strange voice when Kazuki called out to him.

“What do I want?”

“Yes, what do you want to trade.”

Once again the voice entered Motozu’s mind.

(Kill him, take him out of the armor and chew him to bits grind his bones to dust, and drink his blood in a single gulp. You can’t let this insignificant creature eat you. If you let this thing leave alive, will you ever be able to hold your head up. Have you already forgotten the humiliation and rage he made you suffer. Whose fault is it really? He entered your territory knowingly looking for you and knowingly carrying that marked item in here. He knew you would see him as an enemy and would defend your territory. He wanted to fight you, he wanted to humiliate you and make you lay at his feet now and tremble. All he’s done is seal your magic and feet. Does that make you inept? Are you no longer an Ancient beast? Eat him, kill him, crush him underfoot like a bug. Destroy his internal organs and peel his flesh from his bone. Do it, do it. DO IT!!!!)

The anger still rushing in the Motozu, after hearing the calling voice in its head, the flames in its heart grew stronger and stronger. The Ancient beast asked for one simple thing.

“That armor atop your body, give it to me. That is what I want to trade for. Tell me human, will you make this fair exchange with me?”

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