Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 70

Kazuki pointed toward old Sid and his ring lit up.

Thousands of Motozu scales flew toward Sid with blinding speed. Using his aura, Kazuki made a barrier out of them and held the scales together, both entrapping and protecting Sid within. Pointing upward, Sid wrapped in these protective scales flew high up into the air and was moved more than a mile away where he hovered safely out of the way.

Sid was absolutely terrified of being trapped in the sky but at the same time, his curiosity to see his masterpiece in motion overwhelmed his fear. Sid took out a set of goggles and threw them on. A hammer appeared in his hand next and lit up with several inscriptions.


Sid swung this hammer with all of his strength but was only able to knock one scale out of the way. This though was more than enough for him to peer through with his magic goggles. The goggles focused into the distance until Kazuki and Danny were perfectly in his sight.

(Show me what you can do! Let me see the limits of what I have created!)

“Now that the old man is out of the way, I can stretch a little.”

“Kazuki, I hope this isn’t a game to you and treat it a bit more seriously. With this body, if you underestimate me, it will be your loss.”

The two floated a few hundred feet away from one another. Neither could tell what the other was thinking but by their expression, it seemed they were both excited.

The blue flame beneath Kazuki’s feet began to grow brighter and burn hotter. At the same time, the core in Danny’s chest spun faster and faster as magic circulated through his body at a terrifying rate.


At the same time, the two moved from their spot and tore apart the air around them.


The sound of metal striking metal rang out as the two collided. One literally made out of metal, the other with metal-like flesh. As soon as they connected, the two moved once more. Vanishing and reappearing. Their speed was not something Sid could keep up with his eyes at all.

All he saw was after images and blurred streaks in the sky. With this strange sight followed the sound of constant explosions as the two fought. It was like a continuous crack of thunder that rolled across the horizon, never-ending in the wake of the two.

Sid had to cover his ears as the sound was far too loud. He felt a reverberation in his chest and it felt like his blood was flowing backward. He knew that if Kazuki wasn’t protecting him with the Motozu scales, his insides would have been turned to mush from the aftershock alone.

“Danny, not bad but it’s clear you lack in both speed and strength compared to me. How will you cause any harm if you can’t even touch me!?”

Kazuki wasn’t lying nor bragging. Danny’s strength was something most could not dream of but his strength was bound and limited because of the body he had. It could only move so fast and could lift so much. Kazuki on the other hand had evolved again when he ate the Motozu and the other Ancient beast’s corpses. He was already faster and stronger than most but after eating those creatures with the Ourodyess technique, his strength multiplied. He was faster than Motozu was before he killed it and his strength was almost as great as Tozu’s.

Kazuki couldn’t see in what world Danny could ever catch him.

Danny didn’t take this as an insult. He simply shook his head.

“There’s no need for me to catch you, as you will be coming to me all on your own.”

Danny stood perfectly still in the air before looking up at the sky above him. With his artificial-like voice, his tone rang cold as he called out.

“Come to me.”

Both of his eyes lit up with a white silver-like color followed by thunder booming above and lightning cracking.

*Boom Boom Ka-Boom*

Kazuki could already see what Danny was trying to do and he pulled out hundreds of metal rods from his ring and tossed them high above Danny before the lightning could fall.

(I’ll leave my rods up there with my aura and attract all of the lightning. If he can’t bring down all of that lightning he won’t be able to hold me off. I’ve got to give it to him though, using all of that lightning, he’s forcing me to make a move and come to him. I won’t make it that easy though.)

As soon as he said that Kazuki made a sphere of dark energy in his left hand and a fireball in his right and rushed forward.

Danny though continued to remain still. His lightning striking the rods in the sky repeatedly. As soon as Kazuki was a hundred feet away, Danny sent out his own aura.

All at once, Danny’s aura attacked Kazuki’s which were holding up the metal rods. The strength of their auras was identical so Danny couldn’t tear through Kazuki’s but it was enough interference to make Kazuki lose control of the rods and with that, they all started to fall.

Kazuki tossed the dark sphere and fireball at Danny but just before they connected, hundreds of chains of lightning fell in front of Danny like a cascading waterfall. Kazuki’s fireball and dark sphere were engulfed and destroyed almost instantly.

“Pretty good but now what? Are you simply going to hide behind a wall or do you think I will rush into all that shit?”

Danny smiled.

“Just wait.”

The very next moment more lightning descended from the sky. This lightning however didn’t target Kazuki and instead struck behind him. Not just behind him though, in a large circle around the two this lightning struck continuously.

A dome of lightning circled around the two forming a large perimeter. There was no way out of it without being struck. At the same time, Danny was still being protected by a wall of lightning. One circle of lighting was around Danny and protected him while another bigger circle surrounded both Danny and Kazuki. The two were trapped inside a cage of lightning or rather Kazuki was the trapped one.

Kazuki looked at the cage of lightning around him.

“I understand, you definitely got me. Let me guess, you will start to close the dome of lightning, forcing me to the center. Since you are at the center and have that circle of lightning around you, I would literally be stuck between a rock and a hard place. I would be struck by your lightning. At the same time, if I try to escape, I would still need to break through the lightning and get struck. It wouldn’t kill me but it would definitely do some damage as well as slow me down. That fraction of a moment I’m slowed, you would go in for the kill so to speak. Am I right?”

Danny didn’t deny it.

“I’ve watched you fight hundreds of times. Not only that, being stuck inside of your soul world for so long I grew bored and watched your memories of your fights time and time again. Analyzing them, observing the way you move, the way you think. Even though you have a great deal of power when it comes to magic you don’t rely on it as much and instead tend to fight like a brawler. You love close combat and 97% of all of your kills are at close range. Taking that into account I know with your strength and speed advantage and knowing my body can resist magic beyond most limits, you would come forth with strength and fist. At the same time, I didn’t wish to waste time so I came up with this. Trapping you in here. You can’t retreat and yet you can’t charge ahead either. In the end, this cage will close in on you, and the moment you are struck, you are done. Face it Kazuki, I know you too well, you have lost. Now admit your defeat.”

Kazuki nodded.

“You do know me. You know me far better than any other living being but knowing me, have you already forgotten just how stubborn I can be? You know It’s difficult for me to surrender and that I’m always thinking, planning step after step. You should also know I work best when my back is against the wall.”

“Kazuki, you are incredibly tough but once you are immobile, I can crush you with both lightning and water. I’m not sure about its strength compared to Motozu’s own energy beam but I’m sure mine won’t lose out. It reduced your arm to nothingness. This isn’t something you want to test.”

Kazuki smirked.

“You know me, Danny, so you should already know what I’ll do next. Tell me, do you think I’ll back down from here?”

“Knowing you, you will surely charge straight ahead and try and crush me.”

The lightning around Danny started coming down with more force and at a much faster rate. At the same time, Danny held the long sword at his waist and beckoned Kazuki.


“Heh, You do know me.”

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