Return of the Fallen Volume 8 Chapter 10

With these large metal plates lined up perfectly, Shin and Triska opened their palms. Their rings lit up almost simultaneously and arcs of lightning shot down in the open space between the plates. These metal stencils became the go-to option for those without a steady hand or extensive knowledge of carving magic inscriptions.

Neither Shin nor Triska knew how to carve inscriptions properly but these metal plates with cut-out patterns made up for this lack of know-how. Using the power of lightning, this intense heat not only carved out the ancient language in the flattened ground beneath it but at the same time, it began to heat up the metal plates as well. As the heat from their lightning continued to grow, the bottom layer of the metal plates began to soften before they started to melt.

The bottom layer of the metal plates was just a weak covering. Once it was melted, the electricity destroyed this thin bit of metal to reveal the real part of these stencils. Under the thin layer of metal, a layer of magic gold was revealed and with the heat growing, this magic gold naturally poured into the fresh grooves and lines the two had carved.

This magic gold filled every nook and cranny until every inscription was coated completely in a layer of magic gold.


A sound similar to steam rising up, spread out, letting the two know that the magic gold had fully settled in the carved-out spaces and that the first part of their task was complete.

Storing the metal plates into their rings, a large magic circle was completed, or rather its carving was complete. Now it required a source of power.

Triska took to the center of the Magic circle and held her trident high above her head. At the same time, Shin took out a small Acadian crystal. It was only about the size of a grape but even with its tiny size, it would be more than enough.

Coming to the center of the circle with Triska, Shin placed the crystal rock directly beneath Triska’s feet and pushed it halfway into the ground. Next, he grabbed hold of her trident with her and the two began to gather power around them.

Dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky, darkening it to blackish-grey in no time.

*Crack Boom*

Branches of lightning lit up the sky as they snaked out in every direction. The sky exploded again and again as thunder roared and shook the sky. When she felt there was enough power gathered she looked up at the sky above and in a dominant tone she commanded.


The lightning and thunder heeded her command and like a divine dragon, this electricity descended to meet its master.


A large bolt of lightning as round as a hill came raining down atop the two. In a single moment, it struck the trident that they held and in one smooth swift motion, in sync, the two brought the trident down between them and connected it to the Acadian crystal at their feet.

The moment the power entered the Acadian crystal, the crystal, in turn, converted this energy according to Triska’s will. The magic circle beneath them lit up with golden and purple light and spread outward connecting every inch of the circle with itself. Layer after layer connected like deeply seeded chains and the circle shined like a star in the night sky.

After this, a gate started to form in this magic circle and the two stepped away from it. The moment this magic circle lit up with light, it connected to another gate in another city and sent a signal to it. A moment later, the circle flashed and several figures appeared.

Ten soldiers and two Mages, along with other supplies and a few Magic cannons.

As soon as these people appeared, the one leading them began barking orders. Soldiers took the cannons and set them up in certain spots while the Mages began to draw out inscriptions to create magic barriers.

The magic circle continued to light up again and again and soon there were several hundred people. One of the Mages promptly went over to Triska and Shin before taking out more metal plates. Triska and Shin were used to this. Exchanging the ones they had already used with these fresh ones, they loaded them into their storage rings before the pair took to the skies and raced towards Bozek’s direction. They still had to do this a few hundred more times.

Bozek was already far ahead of the others and was already headed to the 9th location to set up another trench filled with lava. Every now and again, a large desert shark or the strange creature would make their appearance and try and attack him. These desert sharks were several hundred feet long and could easily take down 4th stage Mages. The territory Bozek was in, was such a place that no normal person would ever enter. These desert sharks though, when coming face to face with Bozek, they were no match.

The man didn’t even need to use his glaive. Instead, the moment these creatures appeared, Bozek would simply open his mouth, and in a single huff, he would breathe a column of blazing fire upon them, reducing them to smoldering corpses.

As he continued to fly along and handle these annoying situations, a large palace appeared above him and a familiar yet hated voice echoed out.

“Bozek, change of plans. I need you to move further north, theirs a city that will be in the way. I’ll need you to handle it.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

Bozek already knew what Garn meant when he said, a city needed to be handled. Bozek was a cold type of person but he was not one who liked seeing innocent people being uprooted or killed. The moment Garn said this, a flicker of rage started to rise in Bozek’s stomach.

“You know exactly why I’m telling you. It’s because you need to handle it. You know as well as I do, the Miasma needs to head in the exact direction I need it to. It’s attracted to magical energy as well as life. I need it to head into the depths of the Patar desert, you know this.”

“If the Miasma goes anywhere near those cities, all of those people are doomed. Garn, how fucked are you? You wish to see all of these people be consumed by the Miasma?”

Garn’s expression darkened.

“Hmph, you know I’m not making this decision lightly and that’s exactly why I called upon you in the first place. Why else would I ask for a damn halfbreed like you to handle it?”

“You want me to kill them, I still don’t understand, why don’t you tell this simple half-breed upfront so that I can better understand why they should die.”

“Why does that concern you? I said do it, and do it you will!”

Power began to gather in the palace high above.

“Garn, are you threatening me? Why not step out of that shit stain of a house and go toe to toe with me? Could it be…you fear my power?”

A smirk appeared on Bozek’s face.

A moment later, the great energy gathering in the palace above just stopped and an old man flew out. It of course was Garn.

He flew down and stopped only a few feet away from Bozek. Face to face, Garn held a scepter in his hand.

“I’m here now, right in front of you. Should we fight right now and I’ll put you in your place just as I have three times before or will you finally see how foolish your actions are and fall in line?”

A long glove appeared in Bozek’s hands. Pointing it at Garn he asked.

“Each time we fought the circumstances were in your favor. The first time, you were well into your 40’s and I was a child. The second time, I was poisoned, most likely by your agents. The third time I didn’t have this weapon, yet at that time you barely won and we both walked away with wounds. Now though, I have this weapon, I have unlocked my full potential, my blood may only be half-dragon but the power it endows me with will give me everything I need to kill you.”

Garn was not impressed in the least.

“And yet you still have not attacked me. I’m not in my palace so what are you waiting for?”

Bozek glared at Garn but he didn’t swing.

“Fighting you now…there’s no point. That palace of yours goes beyond a force of nature and it’s something we’ll need if we’re to finish this war. You though are the only one capable of using it. In the end, you are a piece of scum but this world needs you, or at least the weapon you’ve created.”

Garn smiled.

“I thought so.”

Bozek’s eyes lit up and he waved the glaive behind him. A beam of fire energy shot out into the distance behind him and met a mountain. The moment his fire hit, the mountain shattered and exploded, leaving more than a third of it destroyed in a single blow.

“Make no mistake Garn, I do not fear you in the least. Even though the world needs your weapon, for now, that will not always be. That day, it will be your end. However, since that end is not yet, I will continue to fight in this war and not with you. At the same time, you will not order me about like some tavern whore. If you wish for me to do something, you will explain it fully, and only after that will I decide whether or not I will do it. As for killing innocent people in a city, no matter what you say to convince me, I will not.”

Garn slowly flew around Bozek in a circle.

“Really. You allowed your king to be framed and you killed him so easily. He was the one you were the most loyal to and you took his life as if overturning a hand. Yet a few million people you have no connection to, you won’t destroy them for the sake of humanity. How curious?”

“That was different and you know it.”

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