Return of the Fallen Volume 8 Chapter 35

This was no longer a game for these Ancient beasts. They had taken things far too easily and thought a human and a few Ancient beasts from the north were a mere joke, but that turned out to be the exact opposite. The human called Kazuki was no lamb but a wolf instead. Not just him, they thought his allies were all weak and fragile things. Their attacks at first were like farts in the breeze—annoying but nothing dangerous.

In actuality, they were all holding back. The moment they attacked for real, they slew multiple Ancient beasts. Everything had been a ruse. Kazuki and the Ancient beasts had lured them into falsehood and caused them to lower their guard. They had started with 14 Ancient beasts on their side, and merely a few minutes later, they were down to 5.

Because of their own arrogance, combined with Kazuki and the other’s trickery, their confidence was sky-high. Now, though, the last of these Ancient beasts were aware. Their arrogance had been stripped away, and what was left was absolute rage.

Between them all, a strange silence filled their surroundings. An exchange of knowing looks. Everyone’s power on both sides began to climb. The tension in the air made one’s skin crawl as they all squared off. Eyes darting left and right, each one knew exactly who they were aiming for. Dreunz and Camila stared coldly at Kazuki.

At the same time, Kazuki stared right back up at Dreunz, completely ignoring Camila.

Inhaling deeply and exhaling once more, Kazuki released his aura breath. He could feel the last bits of pure energy being burned away, and so he pulled his aura slightly back. Seeing Dreunz, Kazuki could feel his hatred boiling over.

(Because of him, because of Dreunz and the Vazul, my brother is no more!)

Just as the tension reached its apex, Camila snapped.


Kazuki had completely ignored her presence. Seeing the one who murdered her son in cold blood not even acknowledging her, the motherly instincts within broke out.

All at once, she launched 10 tornadoes at Kazuki. Each one was filled with wind blades several miles long and several hundred feet thick.

This was like the opening bell, and everyone all at once attacked.

Energy came flying over in every which way, and it quickly became chaotic.

Kazuki rushed forward faster than the wind racing at him. Using his aura as well as his strength, he opened his hands wide, and with brute strength, he clapped them together.


The wind he created from this clap was just as strong, if not stronger than Camila’s tornadoes, and with it, the two winds clashed with one another. Several of the tornadoes were ripped apart because of this and became nothing more than a breeze, while the ones that remained were greatly reduced in both force and speed.

With the power of these tornadoes a fraction of what they were, Kazuki was unbothered by them and flew through them. Wind blades that could easily sheer and shredded metal came slashing and cutting down atop him, but Kazuki ignored them.

*Clank clank clink*

Striking his armored body all over, these blades of wind couldn’t cut through his god metal, let alone him. Racing through the tornadoes, Kazuki arrived in front of Camila almost instantaneously.

Camila, though, held no fear and even smiled with ecstasy. Her eyes glowed with rainbow-like color as she called out.

“Fool! DIE!”

The myriad of different colors shot out of her eyes and rushed directly into Kazuki’s.

Kazuki was slightly surprised, but beyond that, he was unafraid.

As the light slammed into his eyes, he felt his mind slip, and he lost consciousness. Inside his soul world, the attack slammed into his soul tree directly and even slammed into the gate that was sealed at the base of his soul tree.

Kazuki was already in his soul world and watched this power slam into his soul tree.

“A soul attack! I must have blacked out.”

Kazuki’s words were still calm at this moment. The attack hit his soul tree, but in the end, it could only be shaken slightly. A strange dark glow coated his entire soul tree, and it completely dispersed Camila’s soul attack. Kazuki nodded in approval.

“If it were 2 weeks ago, this attack would have damaged my soul, possibly even destroyed it, but Zetrazz’s technique is truly overbearing.”

Kazuki saw that his soul tree was completely unaffected and quickly left his soul world. Had he more time to look around, maybe he would have noticed a small, seemingly insignificant crack on the gate at the base of his soul tree. A tiny tear had formed on the seal Zetrazz had placed.

Kazuki, unaware of this, shut his eyes, and when he opened them, he was already back in the real world. About a second had passed in his soul world, while about one one-hundredth of a second had passed in the outside.

Kazuki was already in front of Camila when she had used this soul attack, so when he opened his eyes, he was still in front of her. She had not noticed that her attack had failed and was already preparing to cut Kazuki’s unconscious body to pieces with another wind blade.

A blade made from wind, colored in silver light, came flying at Kazuki’s head, but once more her blade could not penetrate his god metal helmet.

“Damn this armor!”

She instantly changed her attack from a slash to a stabbing motion. She aimed directly for Kazuki’s unprotected eyes. Just before her blade reached his eye, it was caught and stopped a hair’s breadth away from his open eye.


Before she could say another word, Kazuki had already reached up with his other arm and grabbed her by her neck.

“Does it really matter when you’re already dead?”

Dreunz saw this from across the battlefield and roared.


“You wish to get over there; first you must deal with me, old horse!”

He tried to rush over, but it was Shaila who stood in his path. Before, he could easily deal with her, but now it was different. After she had absorbed multiple Ancient beast cores, her strength and powers had skyrocketed to a dangerous level. He was still slightly stronger than her, and he still held the advantage in speed, but she was not too far off. If he wanted to rush past her, she would cut him down from behind. He had to deal with her first if he wanted to save Camila.


Shaila smiled.

“Awe, are you in a hurry? Hehe, let’s see what will happen first. You getting past me or Kazuki snapping your daughter’s little neck.”


The two exchanged blows repeatedly, but Dreunz could not get past her.

At the same time, Camila was panicking. She desperately tried to claw at Kazuki’s arm, but she couldn’t break his armor. Finally, she spit a wind blade directly into his eye and destroyed it. She felt an ounce of relief. If she damaged him like this, he would be forced to release her.

Unfortunately for her, something like a destroyed eye would never make Kazuki remove his grip. The blood that had started to flow from his eye, in an instant it stopped. The destroyed mush left behind in his eye socket, as though he had the power to turn back time, his eye regenerated in a fraction of a second.

A vile smile stretched across Kazuki’s face.

“Earlier, you called Dreunz as father. This makes this so much better for me.”

Before Camila could utter a word, before she could once more desperately try and struggle and break free from this monstrous strength, Kazuki, with a simple squeeze


Broke her neck.

Her body went completely limp in his hands, like a rag doll.

Dreunz saw this, and his expression became horrendous. As if someone had ripped something out of him, he roared out with such grief that only a father could.


Kazuki then proceeded to drive his hand deep into Camila’s chest and rip out her Beast core. In an instant, he sealed it before tossing it up and down like a toy. His hand still covered in her blood, Kazuki laughed with madness.

“Hehehah, this will make a good snack for my friends. What do you think, Dreunz?”

Dreunz…Something within him broke. He immediately transformed into his true beast form and became a large white horse with horns protruding from his head. He was as big as a mountain, and power gathered in both his eyes and mouth. All at once, 10 suns began to gather in front of his mouth.

Kazuki could see what he was about to do and instantly threw out dozens of javelins. Dreunz expected this, and several swords made from golden-white light rotated around him and deflected Kazuki’s javelins. Kazuki thought his javelins were perfect for keeping this Ancient beast in their human form. After all, if they transformed, they would simply be making themselves a bigger target.

Dreunz no longer cared, though, and even though he was this big, he was still managing to block most of Kazuki’s attacks. While this was happening, the other Ancient beasts fought harder and harder. Danny was never as strong as the others and was being pushed back, while Tozu and Sasai were having their own struggles.

Shaila was the only free one, and she raced up into the sky. She changed into her true form and stored her armor. A black panther with a bright golden spot atop her head, she also took up a large portion of the sky.

Clawing at Dreunz, several blades of dark energy came rushing out as she roared.


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