Return of the Fallen Volume 8 Chapter 65

As Garn raised his scepter, a flow of devastating energy filled his weapon. Both Triska and Asuna could see their lives flash before their eyes as death was upon them.

Triska desperately struggled to free herself but to no effect. Asuna as well could feel all hope fading and in her heart just before her inevitable death, there was only one thing she wished for.


Just as Garn swung his scepter the unexpected took place.

In the far distance, the air was exploding as something was tearing it apart. A stream of bluish-white light stretched across the sky as though the world had sought its end. This stream of light was in no way ordinary. Hidden within was Kazuki. He could sense Asuna and everyone else. He knew exactly what garn was about to do.

The moment Garn prepared to swing his scepter, Kazuki condensed his aura and punched outward.


His aura moved more than a thousand miles in this instant. His aura imitated the wind and brought with it a tremendous force as it struck the second barrier.


The barrier warped chaotically and whipped inward and outward in such a violent matter that the air compressed and caused an explosion. This was the second barrier and not the one covering the floating palace but the moment his aura had caused this explosion it slammed into the first barrier protecting the palace and caused the entire palace to shift and fly backward.

Everyone inside the palace, Garn included was shocked. They all thought Garn had everything under control now but this sudden attack showed them how wrong they were.

Garn was the most surprised. His senses stretched out as far as possible but he could not feel any foes. Below the palace, Nunully, Kimi, and Shin were still suffering from mana sickness and were out of it, so it couldn’t have been them. At the same time, he felt no presence of the elements of space. No tears in space where Glaucous would have attacked, and Etora couldn’t sue magic so he as well was off the table.

Not knowing where this sudden attack came from, left Garn feeling uneasy.

(This wasn’t a magic attack, I would have felt it, so then what in the seven realms of hell hit my barrier!?!?)

Garn was still confident but he was no fool. If there really was some unknown enemy that he couldn’t detect, it could shake his palace without the use of magic, it would be unwise to remain until more was revealed.

(I’ll simply kill these traitors here and now and retreat. I don’t know what that was but it specifically aimed for me. Whether that attack just now was a random fluke or something more menacing, I’ll find out later when things have cooled.)

Garn this time didn’t even manage to raise his scepter before another large impact struck his second barrier once more.


Again the air alone exploded from this attack and rocked the entire palace. This time Garn was on high alert. One time could be counted as random, twice was in no way a coincidence. Whatever being was attacking him, it was clear it was indeed after him.

Garn changed his mind then and there. It was better to just leave. Now that he already had Asuna and the others captured, he could kill them as soon as he was away from this place. There was no reason to wait around for whatever was on its way.

Garn’s eyes glowed with radiant light and the flow of energy changed in his palace as he prepared to teleport away but the moment he tried to leave, he faced a similar problem as Asuna did moments ago when she tried to flee.

A powerful aura surrounded all of the second barrier and beyond. This aura stretched out and covered an area of more than a thousand miles in an instant and Garn’s palace couldn’t teleport through it.

Garn himself did not have an aura but he had felt the unique energy a handful of times. He felt Glacious’s as well as Etora’s before in the past and would have recognized both of theirs right away but this aura surrounding them, it was completely unfamiliar.

(This aura, it’s undoubtedly quite powerful but I don’t remember ever making an enemy such as this.)

Garn knew that he could not escape from such a powerful being and tried to reason with whomever it was. He couldn’t fathom who he could have offended and felt that this was definitely a mistake and misunderstanding. This person hadn’t killed him which in his mind meant they were reasonable and could be talked to. Garn knew how mighty beings usually didn’t like to interfere with human wars or humanity in general, so surely this being must just want something. Garn had no clue what it was but if he could cooperate and get this over with, then maybe this being would leave him be and he could get back to his true purpose and lead humanity into a bright future.

Garn spoke respectfully and called out to this mysterious being.

“Senior! I Garn, King of Treia offer my humble respects. I do not know why you have attacked but surely there is a misunderstanding. Please tell me what it is that you wish and surely we can come to terms!”

A bright bluish-white light appeared outside the second barrier in an instant. The light surrounded this being so Garn couldn’t quite see what this figure looked like but as soon as Kazuki spoke, a chill ran down Garn’s spine.

“Garn! The only thing I wish is for your deserved death!”

The bright light around Kazuki faded and his large stature appeared for all to see. Garn was visibly shocked. Was this…Could this person in front of him truly be Kazuki he thought.

(This…This isn’t possible. Kazuki fell into the abyss. Nothing can survive that, nothing can live once it goes in and nothing living can ever come out from there. This is how it has always been, yet, that face…Is it really him. Looking closely only the face resembles Kazuki, his body is…big…too big like Glacious’s. Could he be an imposter. Why though would this imposter show up in front of me as Kazuki?)

A million thoughts ran through Garn’s head as he tried to understand what he was seeing in front of his very eyes.

At the same time, Triska was just confused while Asuna, was left stunned. As a million thoughts ran through Garn’s head, Asuna’s mind was completely and utterly blank. She couldn’t understand what she was seeing, she couldn’t even in her wildest of dreams ever believe that on the brink of death, the man she loved would actually appear before her like some sort of fairytale. This was impossible, after all, fairytales weren’t real.

Even as she took this in, her mind remained blank. Even as she tried to speak his name at this moment, her throat ran dry and she couldn’t help but choke slightly and cough. The only thing that filled the blank space in her mind was an echo of a single word or rather name.


As everyone was lost in thought several more streaks of light raced across the sky and stopped the moment they reached Kazuki’s side. Garn became even more baffled when he saw a tall brown beauty, a large bald man with bulging muscles, and a tall slender man with a handsome face and long green hair. A few seconds later one more something arrived. Something because the moment Garn saw it, he couldn’t understand what it was. A large being, taller than the rest by 2 feet and even wider than the rest with a metal-like body and glowing silverish eyes. Garn was at a loss for words.

He could feel an aura coming from every single one of these beings telling him they were all incredibly powerful figures. Beings that could produce aura were rarely below the 6th stage which meant every single one of these beings before him, equaled his floating palace in power.

Garn felt cold sweat run down the side of his old face.

(There are too many. If all of them attack together, my barriers will fall. Not only that but Sam got one of my cores, my palace isn’t at 100% as it is, which means with enough time they can get through my defenses even faster. Damn. If this person really is Kazuki…I have to run!)

Garn didn’t know if the person in front of him really was Kazuki or not but it was obvious that the beings in front of him had no good intentions. Garn did some very quick calculations in his mind and played out dozens of scenarios in an instant. In every single one of them, he lost. Garn knew right away that he needed to leave this place no matter what.

The power around his palace started to change and flow once again.

(If I can’t teleport while being surrounded by this person’s aura, then I’ll simply fly my ship to a safe distance and then teleport away. If I put everything into defense and fleeing, there’s no way they can stop me in time.)

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