Return of the Fallen Volume 8 Chapter 69

It didn’t take long for the effects of mana sickness to ease and then finally subside altogether. Shin and Nunully were at the 5th stage. Being at this level, the amount of mana they naturally absorbed was enormous. Energy rushed into them continuously, like a flood.

The mana sickness faded, and color returned to their paled faces.

Asuna, Sam, and Kimi were doing a lot better as well. Kazuki had given them all some ki and it eased their pain. They were at the mind-body stage, so they couldn’t absorb magic as quickly as Shin and Nunully, but compared to most others, they were still quicker than other mages with similar power.

With the pain gone, and their power returning, their furrowed expressions relaxed, and they fell into a comfortable sleep.

Kazuki and Triska had a conversation on the side while Shaila, Tozu, and Sasai decided to explore the palace. After all, they had rarely been inside a human palace, let alone one that was converted into a powerful weapon. While they roamed the wandering halls, Danny stood guard in the room and watched over Shin and the others.

“So that’s what happened.”

Triska explained what had happened with King Brian and King Garn. She told him about Garn’s movements in the desert and how he was killing millions and burning cities in order to lead the Miasma and starve it.

Putting this together with what Bozek had told him, Kazuki now understood what had happened up to this point. Well, at least what had happened between Garn and Brian. Kazuki had never met King Brian but the fact that he gave Asuna and the others such a plan and this plan almost worked. Kazuki had to admit, that King Brian was indeed very clever.

“So Brian already got everyone out of this city before Garn ever arrived. To teleport that many people, the number of trips would have been immense and the resources costly, yet he did this for these people, incredible.”

Kazuki thought about the amount of sacrifice this would require on Brians’ end. The cost of mana crystals and elemental crystals to teleport millions of people to safety was a vast fortune that a kingdom would have difficulty producing. Yet Brian was comfortable giving it up to save a city of people.

Kazuki had also saved some people when he protected everyone in the palace from Garn’s final explosion. This though cost Kazuki nothing. He merely needed to use some of his energy, which after a small amount of time would refill anyway. He didn’t need to protect and save anyone but if he could and it wasn’t too much trouble, then he would.

King Brian on the other hand is in the middle of a war with the Miasma, Azirian’s and Fera. He saved a bunch of people that have given him no added benefit towards the war and instead cost him greatly in terms of moving and continuing to protect and feed these people.

Kazuki didn’t know if this was a smart move on the upside or downright foolish on the low.

(Saving people with the cost of all of those resources while in the middle of a war. This King Brian is he compassionate or dumb? No, the plan he came up with to defeat Garn was not something conjured from a dull mind. For what purpose then did he save the people of this city? Was it really just to save them?)

As he thought about it, Kazuki came to a realization that his heart was simply a bit colder than others and his mindset was different. To save someone, for Kazuki, it wasn’t an automatic thing. He understood this was how he was and that, for him was ok.

“Speaking of King Brian, I told him I would check in when things were settled, and if I didn’t contact him at a certain time then he should assume that I am dead and move on to his next plan.”

Kazuki became curious.

“Next plan, you mean he had another contingency if this didn’t work out?”

Triska shrugged.

“I guess. King Brian is young but his mind is far sharper than his age shows. One plan two, he’s the type that has a plan for the plan. I don’t know what he had thought up if this didn’t work out but whatever it was, I’m sure it would have worked if he’s the one executing it. I’d say this one would have succeeded if it had been him leading it.”

Triska spoke up to here before pulling out a small mirror. Seeing it, Kazuki recognized the magic tool right away.

It was a communication device, and by the looks of it, it seemed to be exactly like Bozek’s.

Several crystals along the edge of the mirror lit up and only a moment later the image of an unfamiliar face appeared.

Kazuki hadn’t seen this face before but from Triska’s responses, he knew it was King Brian.

Kazuki wondered if he should introduce himself or something along the lines but he didn’t want to interrupt while Triska gave her report. Seeing the man’s expressions as he found out Garn was dead, it wasn’t one of happiness and joy. To Kazuki’s surprise, it resembled that of someone who was simply but reluctantly relieved.

King Brian asked a strange question next.

“Triska. DId Garn…Did he seem regretful in the end?”

Triska raised a brow.

“No. In fact, he only dug his grave deeper and buried himself neck-deep. His death was warranted if that’s your concern.”

Brian shook his head.

“That’s not it. Garn…Everyone knows what he’s done now. The man is…was a mass murderer. He did indeed deserve death, more so than many others but it doesn’t change the fact of what he used to be. The man was once the greatest hero this world’s ever seen and he was beyond brilliant. His ideals, his actions, the beliefs he held, the power, all of this did something strange to his mind and he became a monster. His death is both a relief to the world as well as a regretful one. If he didn’t go down this path if he didn’t do all the awful things he did…He would have been a hero to the end of times.”

There was a long silence between the two before Brian added on.

“Now that he is gone, things have to move forward. He is gone and that is that. On to what’s important. Is Nunully still alive? If she’s gone, I’m afraid Glacious will see our ends even if Garn is already gone.”

“She’s fine. Everyone in our party made it out alive.”

Brian’s eyes widened in shock. He expected at least half of them to have died carrying out this plan, after all, they were facing off against Garn and his floating palace.

“Your report, finish it. Tell me everything that happened. I want every single detail!”

While Triska gave the full report, Sasai was wandering the halls and finally, after getting fed up with Tozu and Shaila’s lovey-dovey behavior, he found himself outside of the palace.

He found himself bored and ended up pulling a small charm out of his pocket. It was carved from wood and was made into the shape of a rabbit. His thoughts became lost as he stroked it gently. Just as his mind began to drift back to Edngaul, he suddenly felt something racing toward him from the distance.

He hurriedly put the charm back in his pocket and sent out his aura to see what was coming at him when an aura in the distance knocked his own out of the way and started to pressure him.

(Such strong pressure! Which bastard dares try and hold me down.)

Not even a second later a tall man landed in front of him and Sasai was taken aback.

“Huh, your the wolf king right?”

It was Etora who had landed. His body was covered in dust and dirt and bits of blood and mud. Seeing Etora, Sasai knew that Kazuki was apparently close with him and so Sasia didn’t have his guard up and he tried to introduce himself.

“Etora right? I’m called


Before Sasia could finish his sentence, Etroa flashed forward with a speed Sasai’s eyes could barely follow. Etora appeared before Sasai in an instant and without warning, he delivered a strong left hook.

This punch was indeed heavy. It landed squarely on Sasai’s jaw and it broke his jaw, shattering the bone in his mouth and sending him flying into the distance. By the time Sasai hit the ground, he was left unconscious and leaking from his face.

Etora saw the floating palace was damaged all over and was no longer flying and a million thoughts flew through his head. With his aura, he could feel Nunully as well as Asuna and the others. Seeing that they were still alive, he felt relief but there was another he sensed and it caused him to fill with both rage and sadness.

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