Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 102

As these world-breaking punches came flying at Kazuki in the thousands, he was thrown into turmoil. He moved with such swiftness that tornadoes formed and were destroyed moments later by Fera’s punches. He could not go near the ground or these blows would hit the world. He was forced high into the sky, dodging with everything he had. These punches flew past him and impacted Fera’s barrier of space.

A few of these blows caused the barrier to warp but after repeated blows, her own barrier was torn through and the punches made it into the open air, where they proceeded to tear at the sky. The chaotic energy that these punches brought with them, caused wild storms to form. tornadoes dozens of miles in diameter materialized because of this but very quickly the tornadoes formed into one and became a monstrous force of nature stretching hundreds of miles in every direction.

This caused Zephris’s raining Miasma to be sucked upward and taken into this tornado. Zephris saw this and laughed inwardly as this tornado flew off into the distance.

As Fera gave chase, she located the exact spot where Kazuki sent his aura into the ground and immediately went to cut it off. If she could remove his aura then he could not interfere with her fake bodies down below.

Fera quickly raced to the ground and wrapped her aura around Kazuki’s and started to crush it.

Kazuki felt his aura fading beneath the planet under this crushing pressure. He immediately folded his aura into layers until he reached his limit at 200. Add in his aura strengthening and his power soared as he resisted Fera. Even with this though he was still at a disadvantage.

(Zephris, she’s breaking my aura. You need to distract her right now!)

A laugh echoed in Kazuki’s mind.

(She doesn’t care about anything but killing you. Let me show her why that’s a mistake.)

There was a large portion of Miasma that had been sucked up and out of the barrier but it was nowhere near all of it. Plenty of it had rained down and came into contact with the ground, the ground that was covered with both Zetrazz and Torzz’s power. It had become a flood of Miasma that was several inches deep. This Miasma that remained on the ground did what it always does, it fed. It ate away at both Titan’s energy and grew and expanded.

With a single thought, the Miasma exploded upward and moved like lightning. From every direction down below, the Miasma flew up.

Fera controlled space, gravity, and wind and blocked all of this Miasma from reaching her body but Zephris would not let such an opportunity go to waste. In this darkness that covered the whole battlefield, Zephris appeared next to Fera. Reaching forward he attempted to grab her. She instinctively punched at his head but when her fist made contact with his face, his entire face transformed into mist and it snaked its way around her arm and rushed at her head.

Fera inhaled deeply and shouted.


The power of wind exploded forth and pushed the Miasma away from her face and halfway back down her arm. The two tried to overpower one another with the element of space and their movements became almost completely still as they locked one another in place.

Fera smiled as she realized that Zephris was now completely frozen in front of her yet she could still move an arm.

(You may be able to devour energy but that in itself still takes time. You say I have a weakness but after being around the Miasma for so long, I know yours perfectly well.)

Fera’s free hand slowly rose and faced Zephris. Red flames combined with sparks of electricity until a tiny bolt of red lightning no bigger than a needle formed then and there but she wasn’t done just yet. Another red bolt formed and then another and another. Within a half, a second thousands of tiny red bolts materialized just above her palm, lightning up the darkness.

With a single thought, these thousands of red bolts could only move slowly but still, they moved. With a snail-like pace that snapped and crackled as they came into contact with the Miasma wrapped around her arm. The moment red met purplish-black, the Miasma, it began to sizzle and disintegrate right then and there.

(Just as I thought. You can devour seemingly anything but not right away. Because of this, the Miasma takes time to acclimate and absorb things. Under normal circumstances, no one would notice because under their eye they see you eating things in an instant but my eyes are different. Time in my eyes is different. I can see so many things that others cannot. Your power is a strange combination and it bends the laws of nature to some degree but it does not break them. Unlike my shit brother’s strange power, yours is easy to understand. Miasma can be overwhelmed with energy more powerful than its own. As long as I use an abundance of fused magic, even you will be destroyed under my power.)

The red bolts zapped away at the Miasma wrapped around Fera’s arm. This snail-like pace disintegrated the Miasma more and more and Zephris was completely bound under Fera’s space magic. As this was happening though, Zephris only watched without fear.

“Keep that expression all you want but as time ticks by, you will only grow weaker until I eventually destroy your entire body. To think you were alive all this time suffering nearly every waking moment. Finally, after who knows how many years you manage to regain a body and that very same day I, your enemy’s daughter will take it away from you. What cruel fate, hehehe.”

Zephris slowly opened his mouth and spoke. Because of the restricting space, everything he said was delayed slightly.

“No, I first thought I was cursed but in the end, there are no such things. What happened to me is a direct result of what your mother, Torzz, and you did. I cursed all of you for so long but did you honestly think you were the only one observing the other after all this time. You, in some ways, are like me except I can recognize my own arrogance and not let it distract me.”

Zephris looked up at this moment and his delayed voice came again.

“You still haven’t looked up yet. Yep, arrogance equals distraction for you.”

Just as Zephris’s voice faded, Fera looked straight up and saw the tornado she had accidentally created was now rushing down into the tear in her domain. It Had sucked up a shit ton of Miasma before it flew off into the distance and was covered from root to stem in a spiraling doom of Miasma.

This tornado was under Zephris’s control and with a thought, it came crashing down atop Fera. Fera still had most of her barrier up around her. The only spot that was broken around her body was where Zephris had snaked his way partially up her arm. Fera instantly changed her barrier and severed the rest of her arm so she was fully enclosed inside of her barrier but this wasn’t enough.

Had it simply been the rain of Miasma from before, her barrier would hold until her power ran dry but because the Miasma was fused with a massive powerful tornado. The Miasma became a new weapon. It spun at nearly a thousand miles an hour and when it hit her barrier, it became like a shredder of sorts. The miasma shaved away at her barrier and the forceful wind only compounded it all.

If she had used her free hand to disperse the storm she would have avoided this but she was distracted by Zephris’s frontal attack, something she hadn’t expected. Fera quickly tried to create more red bolts but it was too late. Her barrier buckled almost instantly and the Miasma fused tornado completely surrounded her and struck her again and again nonstop.

The Miasma and wind peeled at her flesh and tore bits of skin off here and there. She was nearly immobile and endured this for only half a second as her hand regrew and she moved.

The power of space, her domain covering the entire battlefield, she quickly released her power and used it to fully focus on teleporting away.

Zephris quickly wrapped around her and his eyes glowed as he teleported with her. She instantly disappeared from the center of the tornado but Zephris clung to her body and teleported to the exact same place she did. Before she could form a new barrier around her body, Zephris took his fist and shoved it deep in her mouth.

“Have a taste of this bitch!”

His arm went from a solid to Miasma and in an instant, it spread within her body like a plague of purplish-black death.

Fera’s eyes widened in absolute shock and she quickly began to choke and cough.

Blood gushed out of her mouth and dark purple spots spread beneath her skin as if she had been bruised all over.

Her eyes lit up and she teleported away once again.

“You think I’ll let you escape from me.”

Following her flow of energy, Zephris used his own power to teleport right along with her. He could feel her weakening rapidly and found that he might actually be able to kill her. He had to take this chance and try to finish her but this would be a costly mistake.

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