Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 103

Coking on Miasma, Fera’s insides were turning to mush while at the same time regenerating rapidly. A battle took place inside of her and she could feel her magic and soul being eaten away by the Miasma. Because of this, the Miasma was growing more and more within her while she was weakening.

Before things broke down even worse, Fera made a split decision. Her eyes lit up with purple light and she teleported away. Zephris who was latched onto her followed after her. Sensing her flow of magic, he held on tight to Fera and teleported away along with her. This would be a costly mistake.

The moment they reappeared, neither were still on Gordonia nor were they on any planet at all. Instead, Fera had teleported into the void of space. Zephris was shocked. He had never been in such a desolate place such as space. The elements were greatly weakened here and it was hard to sense things in his surroundings.

Fera threw an elbow backward but Zephris simply turned to mist. This though was what Fera was waiting for. The moment his body became mist, she controlled gravity to push herself far away from Zephris, the moment she felt she had enough distance, her hands stretched out and she gripped the emptiness around her and tore at the dark void.

Space ripped open behind Zephris and a powerful force dragged at him. The force was so strong that even with his mastery over space, he could not withstand the pull of it. He now realized why Fera had made such a great distance between the two of them. This pulling force was so overwhelming that were she closer, even she would not be able to escape its pull.

Zephris tried to teleport away but he felt Fera’s domain of spae surround the area. There was no escaping. A nearby moon started to drift back as it too was pulled toward this tear in space. Large chunks of it broke off in the thousands and were crushed before being sucked into oblivion. Zephris desperately sent out his aura and tried to latch onto this collapsing moon in an attempt to slingshot himself away but Fera would not give him the chance.

One eye glowed with bright purple while the other a bright emerald green. Zephris found the weight of his body had increased by millions of pounds in an instant and rip in space suddenly doubled and then tripled. The force dragging on him climbed exponentially and he was dragged to its outer rim. The power of space condensed around him and he grabbed at the edges of this opening with everything he had.

(You will not kill me so easily!)

These words could not reach Fera nor could hers as she cursed in her head.

(Just fucking die already!)

Straining herself, she felt her power running dry. With the last of her magic, she created a rock bigger than the broken moon and with all her might she sent it flying forward, careening into the already breaking moon. The colossal-sized rock crashed into the breaking moon and the extra mass and accelerated speed caused the two massive floating objects to crash directly into Zephris.

At this moment, there was no sound, no scream, no loud crash only absolute silence. That along with a stunned expression that quickly became a glare of death as Zephris was pushed directly into the tear in space.

Using the very last of her magic, Fera gripped at the nearly empty void around her and closed the rift before she went limp and her eyes began to roll up into the back of her head. To her shock, she could still feel the Miasma within her devouring away at her magic, flesh, and soul. If she didn’t do something soon, it would only grow and eat everything within.

Just before she was about to lose consciousness, a thought spread from her mind and her aura carried it through. Seconds passed and her mind was about to go dark but at this exact same time, in the depths of the world, one of Fera’s fake bodies exploded and vanished. Seconds later, the fragment of soul, along with that extra focus she used for that fake body was returned to her just in time for her to snap out of it.

With her mind not as divided and split, she found herself focusing a little more. Her aura moved like lightning within her body. Wrapping around the Miasma from every corner of her flesh, in one swift movement, she expelled all of the purplish-black poison from her. In an instant, this dark power exploded out from every single pore and started to float powerlessly like a piece of driftwood.

After that Fera was finally free from death. Now though she faced a new problem. She had teleported an incredibly long distance from Gordonia and she was almost completely out of magic. She could feel small strands of energy coming in from multiple directions but it would not be enough to teleport back. At the same time she knew, Kazuki would be doing everything he could to fight her fake bodies and drag the remaining Azirian’s to the surface. That was something she could not allow.

Using what little magic she had, she extended the power of space and coated a small portion of her aura with it as if it were a glove. Using this glove over her aura, she grabbed at space as if it were an anchor point, and using her aura she pulled herself forward with a frightening level of speed.

Fera flew through space like a comet as she raced back to Gordonia.

A moment before when Fera first teleported away. Kazuki could no longer sense Fera’s main body at all. Using his aura he could sense nearly the entire planet. He could feel and see so much. He saw the entirety of the Patar desert as well as the great plains. He could see Danny and the others scrambling around but since they were safe he ignored them and sensed more. He checked all the kingdoms as well as the entire Feya continent. Beyond that, he felt the dark continent and a third continent as well, yet he could only feel her three fake bodies at this moment.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Kazuki continued o control his aura deep beneath the surface of the world and chased after them and the Giant Azirian’s. Zetrazz had just lost focus and much of the energy he was using to pull the Aziirans away slipped. This, in turn, allowed the fake bodies to catch up but Kazuki wasn’t far behind, or rather his aura wasn’t far behind.

Just as Fera’s fake bodies made it to the Giant Azirian’s, Kazuki’s aura came crashing down upon them.

All three were made of hardened and reinforced rock or dense crystals. His aura was like a tentacle and with a swing, he side-swiped two but the third managed to dodge. The first two were sent flying into the side of the open cave and their bodies crumbled apart. Zetrazz still had a bit of power but the third body crashed into him and severed the remaining dark power and took hold of one of the giants.

Kazuki’s aura caught up to the third body and attacked. His aura became like a fine blade and sliced at the fake Fera but this one was swift. It used the giant as a shield. Kazuki’s aura divided the giant in two but only a moment later the Azirian put itself back together like always.

The fake Fera fled with the giant and went deeper underground. Fera understood that Kazuki had his limits. His aura could only go so far while her fake bodies could go anywhere so long as her real body was alive. This Fake Fera dove deeper and deeper into the world and Kazuki’s aura was stretched thinner and thinner. At this rate, the fake Fera would take the giant away to some place Kazuki couldn’t reach.



As if by some miracle, at this very moment the fake Fera exploded and vanished. Kazuki could sense the energy from the fake Fera flying away at an incredible pace. He would have stopped it from flying away and destroyed it then and there but his own aura was already reaching its limits. He chose to grab the falling giant and return it to the surface so he could devour it whole.

Wrapping his aura around the giant Azirian, Kazuki aimed to do just that but as he started to pull the Azirian up, he sensed the other fake Fera’s form new bodies and they swooped in and grabbed the last giant. It now became a race to the surface. Along the way, Kazuki continued to exchange blows using his aura but it was already late in the game. Now that the fakes were aware of him, they used their numbers to avoid him. Kazuki would go to smash one of them and that one would throw the giant to the other and ignore Kazuki or try and slow his aura down.

Even after they were smashed it only took a fraction of a second for a new fake body to reform and continue the fight. Kazuki though wasn’t out of ideas just yet. His aura became like a sword and with a swift movement, he used the severing tempest. IN an instant, he destroyed Fera’s fake bodies and retrieved the second giant before racing back toward the surface.

It was at this time that he could sense Fera’s true body once more. To his surprise, it wasn’t coming from some strange or mysterious location he could not reach on this world but rather from the vastness of space above him.

“She’s almost here!! Wait! Where is Zephris!?”

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