Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 105

Godly aura drilled into the remaining giant Azirian’s and Zetrazz made his move. Dark power had been collecting beneath the surface of the world and in a single blast, it all exploded upward like a volcano. Pillars and beams of Aura breath rushed at Fera.

Torzz as well finally made his own decision. Using gravity he pulled at Zetrazz dark energy and blocked it from reaching Fera.


Torzz didn’t listen and continued to block Zetrazz while Fera laughed.

*Heh ha*

“Torzz your brother truly is foolish. I nearly forgot all about this brother of yours but this attack of his has placed him in my path, and that is something I can’t allow.”

Fera raised a hand and thousands of red bolts gathered above her palm.

“Had you stayed back, I may have let you go…Heh, who am I kidding, you were always set to die by my hand, I just thought it would be a little later. DIE!”

Fera’s red bolts descended like the god of death. In an instant, they tore through Torzz’s power before ripping into Zetrazz. Even using his Aura breath, Zetrazz realized he was no match for Fera. Her power pierced his body and began to ravage his entire makeup. He could feel his soul-shaking as this power started to tear away at his soul.

His death was imminent but his fury was untouched.


Zetrazz felt himself starting to collapse as his soul was breaking apart more and more but he didn’t care anymore. Fera had taken his rival Glacious from him and in a few moments, she would kill Kazuki as well. She had crossed him too many times and there was no going back. If he couldn’t get a chance to fight Kazuki, then what point was there to exist.

(I’ll at least ensure she doesn’t become a Demigod.)

Zetrazz’s power changed from attack and defense to pure offense. His dark power changed course and using the hole Fera made, he broke through his brother’s power and aimed at both of the giants.

(I’ll destroy them both in a single strike. I’ll see to it that with my final breath you never ascend to a higher realm. Stay down here with the rest of us you demon spawn.)

Dark power shot forth, aiming at the giants. Fera wasn’t expecting for Zetrazz to give up his life and go for the Azirian’s and was caught off guard.

“You dare!”

Her grip of space around Kazuki loosened ever so slightly as she stopped Zetrazz’s power in mid-flight. The moment this happened, Kazuki’s aura once more dug through the world in search of something.

Kazuki looked at Zetrazz and understood this was an opportunity maybe an accidental one but an opportunity all the same.

As Fera blocked Zetrazz with the power of space, she became annoyed.

“I should have simply went after you first. With you out of the way, a nuisance would have been long gone.”

Fera’s power began to crush Zetrazz and his soul was on the verge of collapsing.

(Is this it? No matter what, she will kill me and I can’t even destroy the Azirian’s. What a fucking joke. Glacious, it seems I will be meeting you soon. Maybe then…we can have…a real…fight.)

Just as his soul was about to be destroyed, the world completely stopped.

Everyone on the planet was completely frozen, everyone except Fera. When the world became still, Fera’s anger rose as she hissed out.


The moment this name was spoken, a rift next to Zetrazz and Torzz opened and a god-like beauty stepped out.

Although time had stopped, and these two women were unfrozen, strong beings like Kazuki, Torzz, and Zetrazz were still fully aware and conscious of what was happening around them. When Kazuki saw Detra appear from out of nowhere, he felt a fragment of hope as he wondered if she was going to rescue them and put an end to Fera.

“Why…Why have you come to interfere?”

Detra smiled coldly at Fera.

“My sons are both morons it seems. They never listen to their mother and are constantly a pain but they are still my sons and even if I don’t say it enough I still love them both very much. After all of this time, they have both hurt me an innumerable amount of times but a mother is still a mother and I can’t hate them. Even if I lose everything precious to me, as long as I have them…Nothing else matters. Not this world, not my hus…When I see my youngest about to die, it is a mother’s duty to protect their child.”

Fera rolled her eyes.

“You say that but isn’t it just convenient that now of all times you make an appearance, now of all times you stand in my way.”

Detra shook her head.

“I am not standing in your way, I am simply saving my son. After this, I plan to take both Torzz and Zetrazz away from here where they will sit this out.”


Fera laughed sarcastically.

(She says she’s not getting in my way but her saving her son is directly interfering with me. Does she think I’m stupid or what?)

“You think you rule the lower realm Detra. Doing what you want, when you want, making up things as you go. Your husband’s family will not back you up. He abandoned you long ago and according to mother you are like a piece of driftwood with no place to go back to. This puny world and those good-for-nothing sons are all you have in this universe.”

Fera spoke up to here when the compass around her neck began to pulse chaotically.

“What do you mean mother, you think I should continue to fear this old hag. Even with her power covering the whole world, I can still move freely. She is nothing in my ey…

Fera’s words froze in her throat as the power of space and time began to surge all around her. A great force was rushing to Detra and was only growing stronger with each passing second. In this time frame, it became increasingly obvious that Detra was in fact no weaker than her and might even surpass her in certain areas.

Fera knew that Detra wasn’t one to interfere because of their family background. Because of this a false confidence was built and the longer Detra didn’t step in, the more compounded this became until it was a fact in her mind. Because of this, it led Fera to believe that Detra was actually much weaker than everyone thought. It made sense, otherwise, why wouldn’t Detra help under these circumstances long ago. It had to be because she was weak. Fera now realized that narrative was completely false.

Detra was not weak whatsoever and was instead as strong as her. Maybe even more so.

Detra stared daggers at Fera.

“You should listen to that mother of yours. Even though she and I never officially exchanged hands, I do not believe if we were to, she would have the advantage. You who is still smaller than her in every aspect, little girl, you have no idea what I can do to you.”

Fera was pissed. Even if Detra was powerful, Fera didn’t feel as if she would lose in any way shape, or form. Stepping on the air, Fera walked right up to Detra until her tits were pressed into Detra’s. The two stood at different heights, with Detra nearly a head taller but Fera didn’t care. She looked up at Detra and grinned.

“You think you can take me, old lady. You who have been hiding under a rock for eons, against I who have only grown stronger every single day. Just like your son, I will press you down and crush you. I’ll turn your soul into ash and kill the so-called immortal Titan. Just try me bitch.”

Detra pushed back and lowered her head down until their foreheads met.

“Oh, how the young do not know an impossible task when it bites them in their ass.”

It seemed as if the two would come to blows at any moment. The tension was something that could kill lower life forms were they to get too close. Zetrazz, Torzz, and Kazuki who were nearby felt a force slowly rising as the two were about to snap.

Just as it seemed as if they were going to erupt, it was Detra who backed down.


“I didn’t come here for this. Like I said earlier, I came for my sons.”

Detra went next to Zetrazz and Torzz. She removed Fera’s power from Zetrazz and stopped his incoming death.

“What do you think your doing bitch, SCARED!?”

Detra ignored her and instead asked.

“If you become a Demigod, are you still so bent on killing Kazuki?”

Fera found this to be a stupid question.

“Without a doubt.”

“And you think that’s a good idea. As your mother watches from your compass, have you not been curious, have you not wondered, which god is observing from Kazuki’s compass.”

Fera snorted before crossing her arms.

“Father gave that to him so naturally it is Father who is watching. After everything that’s happened, Father still did not interfere and help Kazuki which tells me he also wishes for Kazuki’s death. After all, it’s Kazuki’s fault he’s been imprisoned and confined all this time. Father wants him dead just as much as I do.”

Kazuki felt a shock in his mind hearing this. He was curious but never really made the connection. After everything that happened though, it kind of made sense. If his adoptive father was in fact a god and he’s the one that gifted this compass to him, it only made sense that he was the one watching this entire time. Not only that but during this entire fight, Kazuki hadn’t received any help from his compass while Fera had become stronger and stronger because of hers.

(This can’t be. Father is not that type of person. He…he doesn’t wish me dead…does he?)

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