Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 108

As power surged like tidal waves preparing to flood the world, Danny started to make his move.

Asuna’s gates had all been closed, making it impossible to get the rest of the supplies so Danny had to make do with what they had already collected.


Earlier he had sent the fastest Mages, soldiers, and anyone that was enhanced and blessed with speed. These people went through Asuna’s gates as fast as possible, their goal…Paper. Going through Asuna’s gates, these people were scattered across all the kingdom’s major cities. In these cities, they raced throughout them and gathered as much paper as possible.

With no time to explain, a strange phenomenon happened all over the place at once as hundreds of people broke into stores, warehouses, any and all business before stealing all the paper they could get their hands on. The local garrison and other guards had no clue what was going on but with the world constantly shaking and the sky lighting up with explosions, they could care less about such stupid thievery and it all went ignored.

Instead, these guards were more concerned about public safety and their own families. Everyone felt this was the end of the world and most people just wanted to get home. During all of this, a loud booming noise tore across the land and everyone, no matter you be a child or a grown adult, all in one moment, this terrible deathly sound, burst everyone’s eardrums and the world for them, became silent.

A state of panic was already amongst the people but it only grew worse with this. The only ones who weren’t panicking were the ones Danny had sent out to gather what he needed. In the midst of all the chaos, these Mages and soldiers continued to move with precision before racing back to Asuna’s gates.

Once they returned, they would empty their rings before turning back and heading for another city. Very quickly large piles of paper started to stack up in front of Danny.

Millions upon millions of sheets of paper and more.

“Danny, this plan, it will work, right?”

Asuna was nervous. She believed in Danny but this idea of his, it seemed to be an impossible task.

“It has to work, otherwise…it will work, I’ll make it happen.”

Asuna swallowed hard and said nothing more. All she could do was believe in Danny, believe in herself, and believe in Kazuki.

Shin and Triska had just returned from one of the gates and emptied their rings. The amount they brought back was almost a hundred times more than the others. The reason being is because of their speed. Once they traveled through Asuna’s gate and arrived at a city they would clear it of its paper in minutes or less. After that, they wouldn’t immediately re-enter Asuna’s teleportation gate and would simply fly to the next city. At their speed, they could arrive in less than ten seconds or a little longer depending on the next cities location.

In this way, they gathered a shit ton of paper and dumped it all out in front of Danny.

Shin chuckled.

“You sound oh so confident Dan Dan. Here’s a question though, how will Kazuki even know what to do or when to act. This little distraction of yours, how effective will it be if Kazuki is completely unaware that we’re even trying to help.”

Danny pointed at King Brian.

“Brian is already sending his floating crystal orbs back to the desert. Once they reach the battlefield they’ll remain just at the edge so they don’t get pulled into that mess. We will be able to see the battle at that point and know exactly when to make our move. As for Kazuki, he will notice King Brian’s orbs. He will know King Brian isn’t just watching for fun because that’s how Kazuki’s mind works. He will understand that we are planning something whether he approves of it or not.

Because he knows we will be making a move, naturally he will believe it is me who has come up with the plan and no one else. He knows I don’t do pointless things, at least not when it comes to fighting. Because of this, he will be ready at any given moment to go along with whatever appears.

Triska didn’t like this at all. She respected the strong greatly and normally wouldn’t start shit with those she couldn’t win against but this plan relied heavily on unknowns and the future of the world she, her sister, and Shin inhabited. She would speak or she would curse herself in regret.

“This plan, all of it hinges on trust. Trust that you know Kazuki the way you think you do and trust that Kazuki would be able to go along with everything without notice. How can you put so much on something so unsteady? Our lives are all on the line. If this goes ass up, we’re all going to get fucked.”

Danny shook his head.

“As you know, I was fused in Kazuki’s soul world. In the outside world, time that passed wasn’t much but in there, in that place of memories, soul, and power, more than a hundred years passed. For that time, I mainly trained with Kai, Kazuki’s older brother, besides that though there was very little else to do. I could observe the outside world through Kazuki’s senses and I could also watch his memories as if it were a movie. In that time, I must have seen his memories a few thousand times. Add to the fact that observed the world through Kazuki, I saw the world how he saw it. He, Kai, and I conversed many times and I helped him through several struggles. When I say I know him, these words hold more weight than you can possibly imagine. Because we both helped one another and relied on each other too many times to count, trust, this simple word between us, is something I believe is unbreakable. It is not something unsteady as you have said and I believe this so deeply in my core that I am going to enter the center of all that chaos and I’m going to prove it.”

Asuna and everyone else were shocked. They had discussed the plan but never once did Danny mention he would be personally going into that shit storm.

Shin became pissed hearing this.

“When the hell were you going to mention this to any of us? Does it even make sense? With Asuna’s power, why would you even need to go, can’t she just send this so-called distraction of yours with a rift of hers?”

Danny once again shook his head before holding up one of the sheets of paper.

With his aura, he quickly carved tiny inscriptions on the sheet of paper. He managed to be so precise that he didn’t actually carve all the way through. After the paper was carved on, it became almost see-thru when one held it up to the light. Because Danny carved the inscriptions with his aura, he left a small bit of his own power in the paper, with a thought, the piece of paper shattered and become dust.

Shin and everyone else didn’t understand at first but Danny instantly picked up another piece of paper and carved the same inscription on it before passing the piece of paper to Shin. Shin held the piece of paper in confusion.

“Now what?”

“Simple, activate the talisman I just gave you.”

Shin knew about these talismans because he had witnessed Kazuki use them before. All one needed to do was send a bit of power into it and the talisman would use that energy and activate whatever spell was written upon it.

Shin looked at the talisman and sent a small bit of power into it but nothing happened. He then tried a little harder and sent more energy into it but the very next moment the piece of paper simply crumbled in his hands.

“The Talisman failed to activate and was simply destroyed in your hands, Shin. The reason though is not exactly your thought but rather because of the power you used to activate it. Knowing you, you probably used the element of wind but these talismans I made specifically to activate only by aura.”

Shin felt a little embarrassed but more annoyed seeing as he would have failed this task no matter what.

“I know what your thinking, you are wondering why I purposefully made these to activate with aura and not other elements. One of the reasons is time.”

Danny pointed at the hill-sized stack of paper still growing around them.

“All of that paper, how long do you think it would take to make them Talismans?”

Shin was about to make a guess but Danny quickly interrupted him.

“That was rhetorical, your estimation would be nowhere close. I’ve already done the math in my head. After sensing everyone with my aura, I can feel your bodies and understand them to such a degree that I can tell when you would be thirsty, hungry, how much stamina you have, how long you’ve slept, and so on and so on. So many different details I can determine the near exact output each individual here would have and in turn, It would take around 15 days 7 hours, and around 38 minutes to turn every sheet of paper here into a talisman. For me, on the other hand, I can complete such a simple task in minutes. Not only that but if everyone carved these Talismans they who are untrained would be sloppy and make far too many mistakes to count. Not only that, the energy around this area is far too wild. It can easily affect the Talismans and cause them to be marked with a certain element. If that happens those Talismans could then only be activated with that certain element, I can’t have that. I need every single one of these to activate at the same time and as you know someone needs to send energy into them to activate them. I cannot use every element and therefore there would be a large portion that I would not be capable of activating causing them to simply go to waste. Should I go on or do you get my point?”

Shin rolled his eyes.

“Damn I forgot how annoying that big ass brain of yours can be sometimes.”


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