Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 113

(Here it comes.)

As Kazuki held Fera with all of his might, even going so far as to fuse his bones around her hands, the thousands of sword slashes were approaching faster and faster.

(The moment my severing tempests arrive, I’ll teleport away before she knows what happened. The sword form will sever the residual energy I leave behind and Fera will be unable to follow me.)

The plan was simple enough but it was this simplicity that allowed Kazuki’s confidence to rise. All he needed to do was keep Fera in place without her killing him.

In life though, things did not always work out the way one would hope. Fera did not seem to sense the severing tempests flying at her from behind, nor did she seem to know Kazuki’s plan but in this exact moment, the very moment, the tempest would arrive, Fera’s eyes glowed with purple light and the two disappeared.

They swiftly reappeared near a large planet.

Before Kazuki knew what was what, Fera raced toward the planet with everything she had. The two entered the atmosphere with Kazuki still clinging to Fera.

“If you won’t let go! I’ll simply have to crush you repeatedly until you do!”

Kazuki wasn’t expecting this at all. This was not part of the plan. Kazuki could see an uncomfortable look in Fera’s eye and he suddenly realized something.

(Normally she would have continued to try and crush me then and there but the way I’ve held onto her, clung on, it made her uncomfortable so she went with this approach. How did I not see this coming?)

With Fera’s insane speed, she body-slammed Kazuki into this unknown world beneath them.


It only took a split second for the two to pierce through the planet. Through the surface, the core, and then out the other side. A shockwave had just started to spread across the surface of the world but the two had already exited from the other side.

Kazuki shockingly felt his grip loosen a bit. The planet itself wasn’t that hard but that didn’t matter much when added with Fera’s extreme speed. Her speed caused the force Kazuki experienced slamming into the planet to skyrocket to an unprecedented level. It was like the difference between diving straight into a source of water and crashing into its surface flat. The effect it would have on someone was obvious.

Fera didn’t stop there. Once she found Kazuki’s grip had slid a tiny bit, her power seemed to rise. In this unknown part of space, there were dozens of planets orbiting around two different stars. One of which was a deep blue and the other a fiery red.

Seeing all of these planets Fera made a path and set to it at a terrifying speed. She wished to continue to fly through space, that way she could maintain her momentum but the planets were simply too far apart. If she wanted to crush Kazuki and be free of his grip, she would need to teleport nearby a planet before flying into it at her maximum speed.

Her eyes once again contained that bright purple glow as she set out to crush Kazuki. Teleporting with him, she arrived at a new planet and immediately dove at it with Kazuki. In the distance, the first planet she had driven Kazuki through exploded into trillions of pieces. The time it took for her to move through that planet, teleport to another, and come crashing into a new one was fractions of a second. So only now did the first planet actually have time to blow up.

Kazuki was once more pushed through another planet and out the other side before he could grasp his situation. Arriving at the third planet, his thoughts moved and millions of ideas flashed in his head.

(She’s moving too fast, I have to reduce her speed and try the severing tempest again. It’s the only way I can escape her.)

Kazuki surrounded Fera with gravity and wrapped his aura around her but because of her speed, she broke past the control of his gravity faster than it could work on her. At the same time, her aura came flying forward like unstoppable spears. Her aura was simply far too strong and Kazuki was immediately put on the defensive. His aura retracted and became a folded barrier thousands of layers strong.

As Fera slammed Kazuki through another planet, her aura penetrated more than a thousand of his layers but it didn’t stop there. Her aura moved like sharp claws as she began to scrape away more layers dozens at a time. Kazuki’s barrier was being torn apart more and more.


Opening his mouth, small bits and pieces began to be torn away from Fera’s aura. She saw this and immediately pulled her aura back in time to escape Kazuki’s spinning void.

Her eyes flashed once more and she arrived in front of another planet. This time she didn’t use her aura to attack and positioned it within herself for protection only. Kazuki once more tried to attack her aura with his but it was useless. Her aura was far and above his own. His aura attacks were pathetic compared to hers and she knew this as well. This caused her an endless amount of frustration. If she could enter Kazuki’s soul world and avoid the spinning void for even a split second, her aura would be able to crush Kazuki’s soul in one fell swoop.

They both knew this but because Kazuki could devour her power there was nothing she could do to his soul. To beat him, she had to crush his skull.

(Once he loses his grip around me, I’ll immediately decapitate him. If the little rat bastard still has the capacity to return from that, I’ll send his head into a black hole and end it. I don’t care if I have to make the black hole bigger than a planet and it destroys this entire lower realm. As long as he dies, I’ll be satisfied.)

Fera once more dove with Kazuki toward another planet. This time though things were slightly different. White flames appeared beneath Kazuki’s feet and the power of wind surrounded both him and Fera. He tried to materialize thousands of hurricanes and create tidal waves of ice. The power of darkness and fire fused together but just as he was about to use it, Fera had already torn through the entire planet and the two were once more in space.

(Damn! I was too slow.)

Kazuki felt his bones fused around Fera’s hands break away. He sent his ki and the element of gordonia to speed up his healing. The speed at which his bones could heal normally was already on a level that none in this Lower Realm could compete with but even at that speed, Fera’s body was faster and she would break away. However, with both his ki and the gordonian element, his speed accelerated even more and he just managed to fuse his broken bones around Fera’s hands and fingers just in time to keep hold of her.

At the same time, Zephris was screaming something in Kazuki’s soul world. Kazuki was distracted because of Fera crushing him into worlds but he quickly snapped out of it to hear Zephris yell.


This was so simple yet he hadn’t realized it himself because he was literally getting rocked each and every time Fera slammed him.

Zephris called out once more.

(The amount of magical energy within those worlds varies but it should be an amount unmatched nearly anywhere else. You can’t get all of that energy but you should be able to collect a portion the moment your close enough to those worlds.)

Kazuki understood right away what needed to be done. He quickly kept his expression in check and put on a pained face. He feigned weakness as he was once again brought to another world.

Kazuki knew the moment he started eating this world’s energy, Fera would immediately sense it and she would realize what he was doing. If she knew, she would then find some other way to try and escape Kazuki’s grasp. Kazuki didn’t know what other unpredictable thing she would come up with but he knew that if she took him somewhere even further away, someplace where there was just nothing, eventually her strength would outlast his, and she would peel him off like a wet noodle.

This was possibly his last opportunity to try something but he needed to distract her. He needed at least a few seconds to sap the energy from this planet. The moment he tried to figure out a way to distract her, something disturbing came to his mind.

He remembered the way she squirmed the moment he wrapped around her like a monkey and when he bit her neck she completely lost it.

Fera raced down to the planet, once more she was going to slam Kazuki directly through the world. Just as they were about to impact, Kazuki released his bite from Fera’s neck and in one swift movement, his lips came up and connected with hers.

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