Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 114

The very instant Kazuki was about to once again be smashed through a planet, he leaned upward and locked lips with Fera. The moment he did this, Fera became frozen on the spot as if she were petrified. Her mind at first running at a million miles an hour, questioning reality before it simply went blank.

For her who had never shared an ounce of intimacy nor romance with a man, this kiss was something she truly never expected nor experienced in her life. Not only did she have zero experience but also the one who kissed her was the man she hated most in the entire universe. No, more than hatred, it was a feeling of standing above a lesser being. in her mind, she was the superior being in this entire Lower Realm and nothing could be her match.

The final blow that caused her mind to go blank was the fact that even though she did not ever wish to mention it, Kazuki was her brother, adopted yes but her brother all the same. She had never felt familial ties to him whatsoever but still, this was someone she had relative status with. Having Kazuki of all people kiss her, was beyond vile and beyond shocking.

Because of all of these factors, her mind just completely shut down for a moment.

Kazuki as well felt a chill run down his spine and his innards churn. Kazuki never understood Fera’s justification for hating him. Saying things like it’s his fault her father’s gone and such made no sense to him so he felt she had no right to hate him. Instead, it was he who had the right to hatred. It was her and Sephra that took everything from him, it was they who could not leave well enough alone even when they had already stripped him of everything.

The disgust and rage he felt for Fera exceeded his own understanding and connecting lips with her would haunt him for a long time but right now he could not think about any of that. Instead, he had to force everything down inside of himself and bury it for now. This was his only opportunity and he did not know if he would ever get the chance again to gain the upper hand.

The moment his lips were planted against hers and Fera froze in place, Kazuki wasted no time.


With a single thought, the spinning void fused with his soul tree began to spin and pulse. The planet they were about to crash into, the very moment Kazuki activated the spinning void the planet started to crumble at a terrifying rate and both chunks of the planet along with the magical energy on this strange world started quickly entering his soul world.

Kazuki made several moves at the same time. All of the remaining energy in his Mage core that he was somewhat conserving, he instantly sent it flying into his soul tree where his soul tree greedily gobbled it up. The magical energy coming in from the crumbling outside world was sent directly to his Mage core where it was converted into his own energy before he once again funneled this energy out of his core and into his soul tree.

Chunks of the planet as well vanished from the real world and appeared before his spinning void before this void devoured the large pieces of this world.

*Ba bump*

The spinning void inside was receiving nonstop large chunks of the planet. His core was having a constant flow of gushing energy and his soul tree then having a constant flow of energy directly from his own Mage core. This combination of overwhelming power caused his strength and power to rise rapidly.

The power was so great that he could not control his own growth and his hair nails and body enlarged several times over. He would usually keep himself around 6 foot 5 but now all of this influx of power caused his body to expand and grow almost uncontrollably. Fera who was still blank from the kiss, suddenly felt an extremely dense power swell up directly on top of her.

Her instincts screamed at her and her mind snapped out of it. She had left reality for no more than two, maybe three seconds but when she snapped out of it, everything had changed, or rather Kazuki had changed.

Kazuki was nearly three times her size and he was still wrapped around her like a monkey. Now that his body had expanded so quickly, his clothes had been torn away leaving him completely in the nude. She tore her lips away from his and stared in absolute shock. Looking down at his waist area where he was locked around her own hips, she saw…it.


She couldn’t help but release a hysterical roar. Her roar was so loud and powerful that the world that was already falling apart due to Kazuki’s ever-expanding appetite at this moment shattered.

Her eyes glowed once again with purple light and the two vanished from this place. The very next moment, the two were near one of the two suns in this strange solar system.

Appearing by the blue sun, Fera immediately dove toward it at her fastest speed. She didn’t know if she would die or not but right now she didn’t care. She had to get Kazuki off her no matter what for her sanity alone.

Kazuki was surprised Fera made such a decision and was mildly disappointed. Just a few more seconds and he could have eaten that entire world. Still, he gained what he needed. He could feel his soul even now still increasing in strength at a rapid rate. It was rising faster and faster and seemed as if it would not stop growing.

(A little more, just a little more and my soul should be able to surpass hers.)

This was his immediate thought but one thing he knew for sure, he still could not handle the power of a star, at least not this star. They were still a distance away from the surface but the gravity alone was already becoming far too much for him to handle. Too much more and his body would be crushed under this gravity.

Kazuki finally, unfused his bones from around Fera’s fingers and hands. All this time he had hoped she herself would have become desperate enough to tear off her own hands but little did he expect her to skip ahead and go straight for a suicide murder scenario.

(Was seeing my dick that traumatic, hehe.)

The second she was free from Kazuki’s grasp she kicked him toward the surface of the blue giant but with his power growing by leaps and bounds, Kazuki was able to successfully stop himself from being pulled in before flying out of the giants grip.

Kazuki flew up to meet Fera but unexpectedly she retreated backward the same distance Kazuki flew forward. Kazuki gave her a strange look before he remembered he was still naked. Usually one could protect their clothes from being destroyed by using a barrier made of magic or aura but no such thoughts came to mind when he started to devour that planet. The only thing on his mind was to eat and grow so his clothes were ripped to shreds the moment his body expanded and grew.

“What’s wrong sis, why are you backing away from your little brother like you’ve seen a ghost or maybe a monster?”

Kazuki chuckled as he spoke. Though his words could not be heard in the depth of space, Fera could read his lips and understand him. She immediately pointed at him accusingly and mouthed back.


Fera was clearly shouting from her expression but again one could not hear words in this place. Kazuki as well though could read her lips and knew perfectly well what she was trying to say but he couldn’t help but fuck with her at this moment.

He raised a hand next to his ear and acted as if he was confused.

“Huh, I can’t hear you. Did you say something was touching your leg?hehehe”

Fera’s eyes bulged in anger.

“You know exactly what I’m saying you foul bastard. Put that thing away immediately before I tear it away from the root.”

Kazuki once again acted as if he could barely read her lips.

“What are you talking about? Oh, could you be referring to my soldier?”

The moment he mouthed this, he started shaking his hips side to side. Because of this, his dick hanging down suddenly flopped from one leg to the other. Kazuki couldn’t help but laugh like a wild man but again nothing could be heard. Fera on the other hand found no humor in this situation at all and was instead horrified.


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