Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 117

With a force strong enough to crack the fabric of a Lower Realm, a red beam of light crashed directly into Fera’s back before she could make a move.

If there was an opposite force to counter this blow at this moment then combining of the two powers would rally have torn this Lower Realm apart causing all of its inhabitants to be destroyed, reduced to nothing. This power though instead of meeting an opposing force, collided with Fera’s flesh.

Fera’s eyes lit up the moment her own power slammed into her. The power of gravity and space wrapped around this powerful attack and she managed to reflect nearly half of it away. The other half though was already driven into her body. From the middle of her back down to the tip of her toe, in this single moment had vanished as her power destroyed it in an instant.

Even with her tough body, she could not resist so much domineering and pure energy. With her lower body completely gone, Fera did not panic. With her aura, she formed it into the shape of a wedge, and with her all, she crushed it into the remaining energy of the red beam.


Her aura rushed forward under her will and with an almighty push, she managed to divide the red beam into several parts sending most of it shooting off in another direction. Oh how she wished that one of these smaller beams crashed into Gordonia and ended the world but luck was not on her side as these beams flew off in seemingly every other direction beside the planet.

With that, only a small amount of energy remained from the last of the red beam she couldn’t force away. Fera had no choice but to take this within her. She pulled the final destructive power inside of her soul world and absorbed it back into her core. Since it was originally her own power to begin with, it was a little easier to bring it back in and reabsorb it. Had it been more though, even she would not have been able to handle it as the fused power of fire and lightning had a high possibility of damaging her core.

Fera’s hand still gripped Detra’s neck and her body was rapidly regenerating but Detra knew she had dealt a damaging blow to Fera. She quickly tried to shake Fera’s grip from around her slender neck but to her surprise, Fera still had plenty of strength, no more than that, her grips seemed to have not loosened in the slightest.

Fera’s voice echoed inside of Detra’s mind at this moment.

(Fufufuf, did you think you could destroy me with my own power. You forget already. I’M A FUCKING DEMIGOD BITCH!)

Fera’s hand that was around Detra’s neck contained the power of space but that wasn’t all. The moment her words fell in Detra’s mind, Detra could feel a surge of aura rushing into Fera’s hand.

(She means to destroy my soul. NO!)

Detra immediately tried to slow time. If she did this she thought she could find another way to escape but she had already used too much magic and failed.

Fera’s power and control over the element of space was not as strong as Detra’s but it was closer than any other in this Lower Realm. After Detra used so much of her power defending both the world as well as collecting Fera’s attacks and sending them back at her, Detra was nearly depleted of energy and she knew she could not escape Fera’s grip.

Detra’s expression changed as she realized the danger she was in. Her voice suddenly echoed out millions of miles away as she called out for help.


Kazuki heard this cry and was already focusing with everything he had.
His aura started to mimic the element of space and a rift appeared before him. With a simple movement, he flew through the rift and appeared only a few feet away from Detra and Fera. Fera had already felt the power of space bending and warping around her and knew she was running out of time.

Her hand was tightly around Detra’s neck and in a single moment, her aura exploded into Detra’s body. Detra’s eyes went wide as she felt her soul crumbling under Fera’s aura. Just as she thought she was about to die Kazuki silently mouthed.


The very instant Detra’s soul was about to be torn to pieces, she suddenly felt a strange suction force on her soul. Being in this weakened state she absolutely could not resist this unfamiliar pull and her soul vanished from her body.

With no soul in her body, Detra’s body under Fera’s aura exploded into millions of tiny fragments made up of only the element of space.

Fera had never destroyed a Titan before but since she could no longer feel Detra’s soul she figured she had succeeded. Now though there was a problem. Kazuki was only a few feet away from her. With his speed and this short distance, he could catch up to her the moment she tried to flee but Fera was determined. Her hand by her side and power gathered in her fists, her voice echoed out in Kazuki’s head.

(I wonder little bastard, what do you think is quicker. My punch or you catching and destroying me. With a single move, you might be able to take hold of me but it will at least take you a second strike to battle it out with me soul to soul, aura versus aura, by that time, my blow would have already destroyed Gordonia and everyone you love and care about along with it. How fun is this? Even when you finally surpass me in power, you are still at my mercy.)

Fera smiled at Kazuki demonically. What she just spoke of was true. If Kazuki wished to destroy her soul, he would first have to catch her and then fight her with aura but his aura was still not a match to hers. It was now infinitely close and with his ability to strengthen his aura’s defense he was sure he would not lose against her attacks but he could also not beat her instantly. In the meantime, she would have already sent a punch directly at the world in front of her, killing everyone Kazuki cared about.

Kazuki held not an ounce of fear in his expression as he mouthed.

Who says I need to destroy your soul. I simply need to rip that head of yours off from your shoulders. A single move is all I need to end this.

Fera’s vile smile didn’t change as she nodded.

(True enough but also can you really do it? If you believe yourself to be that confident then why haven’t you made the first move, huh? I know why. Even if you tear my head off, you will still be too slow to stop this blow from reaching that world. So it comes down to a choice, a choice of what you really want. Do you want to seek your revenge and kill me or do you wish to protect those maggots down below? What will you decide I wonder? After all of this time, what is stronger, your hatred, or that thing you call love.)

Kazuki’s eyes widened as he felt his rage boiling within him. He finally had the power to end Fera once and for all but she was now holding the people he cared about as hostages. With his speed, he could reach out and take hold of Fera and rip her to shreds but in that small time frame, she too could throw a single punch that would destroy the world.

After all this time, the rage inside of him burned just as bright and hot as before if not even stronger now but at the same time, his love was real. Asuna and Nunully had etched their way into his heart and Danny was like a real brother now. How could he abandon them, and the rest of his friends. At this moment, a battle took place deep within Kazuki. Love and Hatred divided him. One would think that love would automatically take precedence over all else for isn’t that what it means to truly be in love. Doesn’t it mean that no matter what one would throw down one’s life to protect it, to hold and cherish it?

Yet Kazuki who claims he felt this way, at this moment, there was hesitancy. No one could determine what was more important to Kazuki at this moment except for Kazuki. In an instant, many faces flashed through his mind. His big brother Kai, his granny master, Nunully, Asuna, Glacious, Etora, old Tilly, Danny, and the rest of his friends.

Kazuki looked at Fera. Without words, his eyes spoke of death and doom he would inflict upon her. Kazuki’s lips moved in this dead silence but the silence did not remain as Kazuki spoke directly into Fera’s mind and he told her exactly what he chose.

(Sorry Fera but I’m a greedy fuck. You want to know what I choose…I choose both!)

The moment his words came to here, Fera and Kazuki moved.

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