Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 121

Fera was filled with exhilaration one moment and then absolute fear the very next. She had just thrown both Asuna and Nunully into the sky where they were struck by lightning and were reduced to ash. When she did this, she prepared to ascend to the Higher Realm. She had just sent Kazuki’s lovers to their final resting place and she couldn’t wait to see the look of dread, the look of guilt and defeat spread across Kazuki’s face but that was nowhere to be found.

Instead, he was racing toward her even faster with only murder in his eyes. Fera was even more confused by this and quickly tried to escape but the second she tried to leave the golden beam in the sky froze in place. Three rifts opened in the sky and out stepped Detra who Fera was sure she killed along with Zephris, Zetrazz, and Torzz from the final rift.

Fera felt her entire body lock up and freeze in place as the power of space and time, along with gravity pushed in from every direction. It wasn’t just one person but all of them that contained her.

Detra, Zephris, Zetrazz, and to her absolute shock Torzz and coming up from below, Kazuki. Three powerful Titans, a strange entity called Zephris, and a seventh stage human. This combination was something never seen before when it came to coming together.

(All of them have come against me.)

“Torzz, you traitorous bastard. My family will personally see to it that you will die a slow and painful death.”

Torzz shook his head.

“Your family has no right to complain. It’s one thing to threaten a single world but you had to push it even further and start to warp the fabric of this entire Lower Realm. The moment you did this, you made it abundantly clear that my life was forfeit in your eyes. I didn’t betray you, you betrayed me.”

Torzz said this but there was no confidence behind his words as if he were simply saying what others wanted to hear at this moment.

Detra also chimed in.

“You did this to yourself. Had you simply ascended you would have been fine. Since you threatened this Entire Lower Realm, the natural laws say we inhabitants of said Realm have a given right to defend ourselves. In the eyes of the Gods, they will see that we have only followed that path. Even if your family wishes to retaliate, they would have to have a better reason than the inhabitants were protecting themselves from a tyrant.”

Fera still couldn’t comprehend how she found herself in this situation. She saw Kazuki racing up toward her and she roared at him.


Kazuki appeared before Fera in an instant and his hand reached forward, gripping her head.

“I told you I’m greedy and I chose both but even now you still don’t get it. You underestimate who I am, you always have, that is why you will die and I will be the one who lives but don’t worry you will not be alone in the Realms of hell. Sephra will join you the moment I am strong enough to take her head from her shoulders.”

“NO! You will not kill me! You can not kill me! I am a DEMIGOD AND YOU A SHITTY


Kazuki silenced Fera with his booming roar before exerting immense pressure into his hand. Fera immediately tried to counter with her own power but she was completely sealed from everyone else. Still, she forced her aura forward to cut Kazuki’s hand away along with the magic holding her.

Her aura came out like lightning and formed formless blades as she tried to cut Kazuki and the magic around her but everyone expected this. All at once, Detra, Zephris, Zetrazz, and even Torzz used their own aura to suppress her. Zetrazz also used aura breath to suppress her slightly.

Their auras compared to Fera’s were basically nothing and represented only a small fraction. Kazuki though was different. All at once, Kazuki released aura breath to suppress her and also added aura strengthening to his own aura. Folding his aura more than two thousand times, and also striking out with the severing tempest, he cut through her magic. And with a deep inhale, the spinning void within him was already devouring part of her energy and With the small help he got from everyone else, it was just enough to pierce through all of her defenses.

Fera in the midst of all of this confusion and her desperation had forgotten about Kazuki’s ability and in this instant, with her defenses broken, her head exploded in every direction like a fleshy melon.

The moment her head exploded, the black compass around her neck pulsed like crazy. The very next instant, Fera’s soul shot forth from her corpse and was sucked directly into the compass. The very next moment, purple light surrounded the black compass as it tried to teleport away.

Kazuki snarled like a beast.

“You think I’ll let you escape!”

His aura, ki aura breath, gravity magic, and everything else surrounded the compass and forced it to stay in place. The spinning void inside his soul world spun faster and faster and pulsed dangerously as he called out in the world.


Fera had just escaped with her soul but immediately after, Kazuki was drawing her soul out of safety. Sephra’s godly aura within the compass pulsed and a field of energy protected the compass but Kazuki was no weakling and would not stop until this was finished once and for all.

He began to devour the godly aura protecting the compass while at the same time using the serving tempest on it. Thousands, tens of thousands of cuts from the severing tempest, the third sword form slashed out and landed squarely on the compass. In this way, Kazuki was rapidly both devouring the energy as well as destroying whatever blocked his path.

As he devoured this godly aura, his evolution continued and he improved exponentially causing the spinning void within him and his aura to strengthen. In turn, he ripped through the godly aura faster and faster and faster until finally, he tore through it completely and Sephra’s connection to this world was no more. She could no longer observe this Lower Realm and was now unaware of the happenings here.

With the godly aura no more, Fera’s soul was completely exposed to Kazuki. Fera spoke through her soul and appeared tiny, frail, and weak. She didn’t know how it all came to this. She was winning, she was stronger, faster. She could split the skies and seas and even the planet itself. Space warped and bent to her will and nothing was her match, nothing, or rather, that’s how it was supposed to be.

Every turn, she thought she held the upper hand and in a sense, she really did yet somehow she was incapable of finishing Kazuki off once and for all. Every time he came back, every time he barely escaped death and kept growing. At first, this was annoying, and then it was rage-inducing. Even when Kazuki clearly surpassed her in terms of power and strength, she still was not worried. She could still cause some damage to his heart by killing those he cared about. In this way, she could still have her cake and eat it too in a sense but no, that was not the way things played out.

She had not even thought of Detra nor her stupid sons as a threat. Everything and everyone in this Lower Realm was infinitesimally small in her mind and they were nothing in her eyes. So when it finally came down to these last moments, she was truly baffled. Now though she finally felt fear. With her body destroyed and her defenses no more, she was at Kazuki’s mercy. Knowing this, she felt such seething hatred and bitterness.

Especially because of the way Kazuki looked at her. A confidence she envied as well as a look of pure disgust at her mere presence. Still, she knew at this moment there was no other choice but to swallow down her infinite pride and bow down to her most hated foe, to her little bastard of a brother.


Kazuki raised a hand up high before Fera could even finish her words.

“You really think I would spare you. Your death was sealed the moment my brother died.”

Without another word, Kazuki’s hand came down like a cleaver. With it, his aura formed a shapeless blade as he cut down upon her very existence, her soul.

The moment his hand came chopping down, a sudden pressure filled the entire world as Two golden beams of light descended from the sky like the hand of god.

Kazuki’s movements were completely frozen in place.

(This power, I felt it once before. The day brother died and I was about to be killed by Sephr

Kazuki’s thoughts stopped here as the very next moment, both he and Fera vanished completely from the Lower Realm.

The very next moment the golden beams of light ascended and the mighty pressure forced Detra and everyone away from the epicenter.

Detra looked up into the sky, stunned.


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