Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 75

Zetrazz couldn’t help but laugh out loud causing Torzz to eye him.

“What the fuck are you laughing at? Did I say something to amuse you, little brother!?”

The element of gordonia and fire began to gather rapidly toward Torzz.

Zetrazz shrugged.

“Funny, you, no. I just thought how great things will become soon. I really cannot wait to see what’s coming.”

The element of darkness rose and wrapped around Zetrazz.

(I’ll hold Torzz for a while longer. The more I buy time, the more fun this will be when Kazuki finally shows up. Not only that, but this will give me a chance to pummel my brother for a little while longer. Who could pass up such an opportunity?)

Zetrazz and Torzz said nothing more and nothing more needed to be said. The two began to clash with one another and their fight was once again on. While the two Titans went at it, more than a thousand miles away, Asuna was trying to convince everyone to fight but Kimi had already spoken her peace and most of them agreed with her instead.

Asuna couldn’t abandon Kazuki but what Kimi and King Brian said was correct. To get in between powerful figures, would only cause a distraction for Kazuki. He would have to worry about those he cared about coming to harm or much worse, death. Not only that but being anywhere near Zetrazz when he uses his Aura breath would cause one’s soul, aura and even magic to be thoroughly suppressed.

Attacking a Titan or someone at the 7th stage would already be like an ant biting a colossal giant, the effect would be insignificant, to say the least. They though would not be able to attack with their fullest capabilities. Can’t use magic can’t get too close or else they would be caught up in the chaos and surely die. The option of just staying out of it all was more than reasonable but Asuna and Nunully could not accept this.

While the two were distraught, Danny was still rubbing his chin in thought. Shin noticed this and asked.

“Danny, you’re doing that thing again where you rub your chin just before coming up with some clever idea. What do you got?”

Danny stopped before nodding.

“You noticed that?”

Shin smiled before knocking on Danny’s large metal body.

“Who wouldn’t notice when the biggest guy who’s also made from metal is rubbing on his chin. You stand out like a cock in the wind.”

Danny couldn’t laugh at such a lame joke and the silence made Shin annoyed.

“Jeez you big bastard, laugh even if it ain’t to your liking. Aren’t we friends?”

Another silence followed making Shin a little embarrassed but Danny finally opened his mouth.

“Of course, heh.”

Triska came up and slapped Shin on his back.

“For you to fall behind like that, it’s rare for someone to get you, hehe.”

Triska’s smile annoyed Danny. After all, this was the woman who caused his death. Just looking at her gave him dangerous thoughts. He thought he had put these thoughts and emotions away a long time ago. He had died and could do nothing about any of that at that time but now he stood before the woman who killed him and she was happy. It was almost like she was rubbing it in his face but he knew the truth. After that day, no after the very moment, he was killed, Triska didn’t think about him ever again. Meanwhile, he had thought about it for a long time.

Having a body now though, having the strength to grab her by the neck and twist one good time. Killing her and then forgetting about her and feeling zero guilt afterward, he could live with that.

These thoughts though quickly vanished. Rather he had already died. Triska hadn’t paid for what she did and was even happy with Shin but Danny knew there were more important things to deal with. No matter how much he loathed the woman, now was not the time.

“I do have an idea but it’s rough. Not only that, it will not do much damage to Fera but hopefully, it will be of some use.”

Asuna looked up at Danny with a lost expression.

“What is it? Whatever it is, please just tell me how I can help Kazuki.”

Danny understood just how much she cared for Kazuki.

“Sure, I’ll exp[lain in detail but first things first, Brian, I need access to your vault.”

King Brian didn’t understand.

“Everything in my vault along with the entire mountain base should have been utterly destroyed by now. The Titans made sure of that.”

“Not that vault but the one back in your kingdom of Maoudou.”

King Brian didn’t hesitate and took out a small medallion he wore around his neck before tossing it over.

“Using that you can enter my vault but what is it you need exactly?”

“I need every magic storage device you have. I could go and gather them from merchants and other shops but I’m afraid that would take too long. Instead, we’ll need to send people to every shop that creates paper. We need all the paper and parchment we can get our hands on.”

Everyone looked at Danny in confusion and Asuna whispered out.



As brother fought brother in the skies above, something down below was steadily rising to the surface. The ground beneath the dome broke and the land for hundreds of miles exploded and ruptured, sending tens of millions of tons of rocks, boulders, and other debris thousands of feet up and into the air.

The moment the ground exploded forth, Fera emerged from the ground. Dragging behind her was a giant fused Azirian. Zetrazz’s eyes widened. He had been distracted the moment his mother appeared and stopped his fight, he had forgotten about the Azirian’s for a split second. He had been moving them around continuously beneath the surface of the continent this entire time. When his mother held him in place though, he could not freely use all of his power. Combined with losing focus for a moment, Fera had caught one of the giant Azirian’s and managed to pull it out from underground.

The moment she emerged, Torzz quickly started repairing the land but he was surprised to find that he felt none of his mother’s energy nearby. Usually, the moment damage reached a certain point, you could sense her presence near and that meant to fix things before I really show up. This time though he felt nothing at all, which was odd.

Zetrazz also noticed this but instead of finding it odd, he found that it solidified his mother’s threats.

(For her not to show when the world is breaking. She’s serious. Even if the world is broken, as long as she has Kazuki to find father, the world is no longer important. Wait…Does this not mean, I can go all out?)

Zetrazz could feel a chill run through him as he was filled with excitement. The dark energy around him began to rise further and further. Usually, Titans would only draw in so much power to them. This was to put a limit on how much destruction their power would cause. Now that Zetyrazz believed he could go further with no consequences, he started to draw in a ridiculous amount of power.

Torzz and Fera both saw this. Torzz didn’t understand why his brother was seemingly breaking an unspoken rule.

“Little brother, it seems you have finally lost it. I knew mother was bluffing. You gathering this much power is proof enough. If her threats were real, she would have stopped you the moment you started to draw in this much energy. Since you are planning to go all out, why should I hold back?”

Fera smiled. Zetrazz was drawing in as much dark energy as possible and Torzz was not holding back either.

“I’m not one to be left behind.”

(Father, I will see you soon.)

Fera’s eyes began to glow and the moment they lit up with power, the black compass around her neck started to pulse as if it were alive. Godly aura shot out of the black compass a fraction of a second later and drilled directly into the Giant Azirian still in her grip.

The Azirian had been thrashing about violently only moments before. Its body constantly transforming doing its best to kill Fera but no matter how much strength it used, no matter how sharp its appendages were, it could not pierce Fera’s dense tough body. It couldn’t even leave a scratch nor any mark of any kind. This monster that could level mountains and eat nearly anything. When facing Fera it was like a speck of dust and no more.

The moment the godly aura drilled into its body, all at once the violent thrashing stilled as if the Azirian had become a puppet with its strings cut. Barely a moment later, the godly aura shot out of the giant Azirian, and towing behind it were millions of souls. Zephris’s souls. The godly aura went from the Azirian to Fera. Entering her body, she suddenly took in millions of powerful souls all at once.

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