Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 86

“Fine, keep your secrets. Even with your magic still intact, it matters not. Your soul is sealed and therefore your aura is unusable. That touch of death or whatever, you will not be able to fuse aura into and with that, your attack will od nothing to me. At the same time, my magic will only fuel your strength due to that weird ability of yours. It seems we’ve come to a point where things will not be settled with my magic as you’ll just absorb it.”

Fera balled her hands into fists causing her knuckles to crack.

“Let’s see what’s stronger, me…or you.”

Kazuki rolled his neck before glaring at Fera.

“I’ve been curious myself.”

No more words were exchanged. Without hesitation, the two launched forward, vanishing like phantoms in the night. The very next moment they reappeared directly in front of one another, fists outstretched, the two punched one another.


Like two mountains made of steel colliding, the power behind their fists could collapse the world.

As soon as their fists met, the air around them condensed and exploded. The power was so great that tiny black holes started to form but before they could fully materialize, the domain of space Fera projected crushed them into oblivion.

Both were pushed back slightly from this first exchange. The skin on Fera’s knuckles had split open and fresh blood dripped from her hand. Barely a second later the blood retreated back into her flesh and the wound healed. Kazuki’s hand was a little better. The skin had also become rough on his knuckles and had torn a little less than Fera’s and no blood could be spotted.

When it came to this first round, Kazuki had clearly won. Before he would have definitely lost this trade of blows but because he had devoured her fused red lightning multiple times, his body had become stronger and tougher in that short time.

(I’m slightly in a better position than she but that’s only when it comes to who’s body is tougher. Her strength though is still greater than mine. Not only that but if she wants, she can still use aura, while I’m cut off. This seal the black sword placed upon me is far too strange. I can’t simply destroy or remove it. Not only that, my devouring ability is doing nothing to the seal. I thought it is supposed to devour anything but it’s like it’s actively avoiding the seal.)

Kazuki found this to be more than strange and currently he had no solution.

Not only did he have no solution, but he also had no time to even think of a solution. The very moment the two separated, once more they closed the gap between them and began to trade punches.

Kazuki punched towards Fera’s left side with a swiftness. Fera though was swifter. She caught Kazuki’s wrist and pulled him close to her. She threw her head forward and headbutted Kazuki directly in the nose. His nose broke and sprayed blood. She once again tried to use gravity on him and hold him in place but the rotating power in his soul world had yet to cease and quickly took in her power.

Fera quickly stopped the flow of magic and instead twisted Kazuki’s arm, trying to tear it from his shoulder in one move. Kazuki ignored his battered nose and turned with her force, flipping in the air. His foot spun round and his ankle came crashing toward her face. Just before it landed, Fera used her free hand to catch his foot and stopped in mid-air.

Kazuki wasn’t done though. His left foot came forward and he tried to kick her in the chest but she blocked with a raised knee. Kazuki added ki into his leg and his power rose dramatically. The initial kick that stopped on her knee pushed further and knocked her away, freeing her from his grip.

As she was sent flying backward, a fused column of white fire and pitch-black darkness crashed into her, covering her in flames and dark eroding energy.

“So weak!”

This attack which could destroy the continent and beyond, to Fera it was simply irritating.

She casually flew out of the flames and sent her own fused lightning at this inferno. Her lightning slammed into it and snuffed out Kazuki’s attack. Before Kazuki could absorb what was left of Fera’s lightning she quickly waved her hand and it vanished without a trace.

“Even though your body has gotten tougher, stronger, your magic is still at the same level. Without your touch of death, you will not win. Kill yourself now and I’ll allow your soul some peace.”

Both knew this would not happen and the two once more attacked.

(She’s right, I haven’t gotten used to the 7th stage yet so my Magic power has yet to catch up with this body. Only my body has gotten tougher and stronger. Yet it’s obvious when we exchange magic who is superior in that department. If even one of her red bolts strikes me in the head, I will no doubt die instantly. At the same time, my magic can almost be shrugged off by her. It only seems to piss her off more than anything. I need my aura. Without it…I can’t win.)

Once again Kazuki and Fera began to exchange blows. In a single second, 10’s of thousands of punches and kicks flew out one after another. The two vanished and reappeared all across the sky as the air was torn apart by their blows.

Even if neither landed a hit, the area around them was filled with so much power that space continually broke. Without Fera’s domain, along with Torzz and Zetrazz’s covering the surface of the world, it would have been destroyed long ago.

Fera was already a fraction faster than Kazuki, with his aura sealed, the difference in speed became that much clearer. For every one blow, Kazuki landed, Fera landed 5 or 6. The fight using their bodies had just started yet Kazuki was already being pushed back.

His body started to creak and crack with each blow he took. He was like a sandbag for Fera’s personal use. Even if he could heal his wounds in half of a second, Fera was hitting him hundreds of times and more in less than that time.

Kazuki was tougher than Fera but because he was getting hit more, his body was starting to collect damage. His body took hundreds of blows in less than a second and his healing was starting to lag behind as Fera seemed to get faster and faster.

(Damn this fast bitch! I have to stop her movements otherwise I’ll just be beaten to a pulp.)

While Kazuki fought with Fera inside he was doing everything he could to remove the seal. He tried using the devouring technique to eat away at it, but it did nothing. He tried to send magic directly from his core to smash into it but strangely, his magic would curve around and away from it. It was almost as if the devouring ability of his and his magic were actively avoiding the strange layer of power covering his soul tree.

(How in the fuck do I get rid of this thing.)


Kazuki was kicked squarely in the head and he felt his head start to spin around and the muscles in his neck strain. At first, he wanted to resist this force but he was late. If he tried to strengthen his neck with ki, the tension wouldn’t be dispersed properly and his neck would snap. Kazuki quickly spun around with Fera’s quick kick. With this spin, Kazuki created a large cube of god metal. In an instant, it became the size of a small hill and Kazuki created a small amount of distance between them.

Fera grunted seeing this.

“How many times do I have to destroy this shit for you to get the message.”

Once again she punched forward with every intent to crush this metal cube and reduce it to shattered debris. However the moment she punched at it, the god metal to her surprise sunk inward and avoided her fist. Due to missing the cube, her momentum brought her slightly forward and the rest of the cube completely wrapped around her in an instant.

(So many pointless tricks. It’s no wonder he survived again and again. He doesn’t face his enemies but plays pranks and runs away like a cowardly rat fuck.)

Fera grabbed at the metal around her and with one easy pull, she tore the metal construction around her apart like paper. The cube crumbled under her extreme grip and fell away in a split second.

The moment she tore the metal cube apart, she fully expected Kazuki to have run away. It was clear as day that she held the advantage in both strength and speed. She was starting to crush his body and she could see weaknesses popping up one by one. All she needed was time and she believed her victory was assured. She fully expected things to go this way. However, that did not happen. Instead, the moment she tore away the metal box around her, a familiar metal sphere hovered barely a foot away from her.

It was already alit with magic.


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