Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 89

Just like the mountain, he threw moments before, Torzz launched a wall of white flames in an arc. The flames flew high in the sky and came falling back down at an angle due to the black holes mighty pull.

The white wall blazed and scorched everything in its path, reducing it to ash and then destroying even the ash itself. Torzz knew his flames would most likely do nothing to Kazuki as he had seen Kazuki repeatedly use white fire many times. No, instead this wall of flame would come with a powerful force. The licking flames would not harm Kazuki but with the amount of power Torzz packed into them, it would push Kazuki further into the black hole.

(My fire will not simply push him once but continuously. Without being drowned and snuffed out, my flames would burn even if I were to die. As long as there is magic energy in the surrounding, my white flames will draw in that power and use it as fuel. This wall won’t disappear and will be your final sight before you get crushed and sucked into that black void. It’s over.)

The wall of flames took up most of the sky before slamming into Kazuki. Kazuki was already barely close to the ground, the moment these flames hit him, the force of them tossed him in the air and knocked him back.


The closer Kazuki got to the black hole the stronger its pull on him was. Flames of his own erupted beneath his feet and stabilized his tumbling body. It took several seconds for his fire to slow him down, the pull was that strong. Finally, the pull on his body became that of a crawl and the danger lowered a tiny bit.

He looked for a way around this wall of flame but it stretched out like a tidal wave. For hundreds of miles to the left and right and for several miles into the sky. He once again found himself in a position where he could not move forward.

(There has to be a path forward! Think Kazuki!)

Kazuki still tried to remove the seal from his soul tree. He sent magic from his core once again, this time it was fused with the energy of darkness and fire but again, the moment his magic came near it flew around his sou tree avoiding the seal entirely.

At the same time on the outside, he tried to devour the flames of his enemy but they were too far away and he needed to wait but the longer he waited, the further he would be pulled backward. By his calculations, by the time the flames came t knock him back again, the pull would have increased several fold and he would still be forced backward.

At the rate things were going he would be pulled into the black hole before he got a chance to devour any of the flames and even if he did devour them then what.

It was at this time that a black fog flew across the sky. Just like the white flames, the fog came about at an angle. This black fog though came even faster than the flames and soon caught up to them. The black fog like a sticky slime latched onto the wall of white flames and a weird burning sound echoed out.

*TSssss TSsssss*

Several places in the wall began to open as several spots were being engulfed by the darkness and some of the flames were destroyed. Gaps here and there started to open in the wall and Zetrazz shout came from far away.

“Kazuki, once the wall gets close enough use everything you have and leap through them!”

Torzz was pissed at his brother and a strange battle began to take place. Torzz outstretched his aura above the black hole and around to the other side and into his wall. The flames that were starting to dissipate once more grew in power and heat. Zetrazz as well outstretched his aura in the same way and fueled his darkness.

A sort of tug of war took place as one power tried to constantly overtake the other. The gaps in the wall opened and closed as if the wall was alive and breathing.

(One power trying to overcome the other…)

Witnessing the wall opening and closing before him and thinking about these two brothers locked in combat in such a strange way, it reminded him of something and it was as if he was struck by lightning at this moment.

(A power overcoming another, I have such a power. Just like when I fought Dreunz…can this work?)

While maintaining his flight and controlling his weight with a crushing amount of gravity, Kazuki steadied himself while focusing inward. All of the magic that kept him alive, he left alone but everything else, he drew away from his Mage core, and the void fused to his soul tree opened. As this dark void inside began to spin and draw things in, Kazuki took all of his magic that wasn’t maintaining him in the outside world and drove it directly into the devouring void.

He had learned several fights back that devouring other’s magic and the magic in the world allowed his body to grow in strength and toughness but for some reason, devouring his own magic with this rotating void made his soul strengthen.

His mind flashed back to the moment he inspected the mysterious black sword. He had never seen so many inscriptions let alone such complex ones and since he was fighting during that time, he hadn’t a moment to fully comprehend what he had observed but the seal that the sword left on him had given him some clues.

(My magic doesn’t work on the seal and it seems my magic as well as this devouring void inside avoids the seal entirely, going around it. Even trying to use my brother’s sword forms fly away. I have never experienced such a thing where at the final moment my power no longer follows my own will and avoids attacking something. I wondered why but after looking at the inscriptions on the black sword and thinking about the soul itself…Is it not a natural instinct to avoid self-harm. Even if I myself don’t know it, my instincts were avoiding this outside power as if it were a part of me. In actuality, this seal is like a mimic. Every time Fera used the blade against me, it would cut off part of my soul and since I was no longer connected to that cut off part, I thought it had been destroyed and no longer existed but what really happened was that when my soul was cut away, it was then stored inside of that mysterious sword. Once Fera had enough of it in the blade, the part that was inside had magic inscriptions placed upon it, and then she delivered this altered part of my soul back into me.)

As Kazuki fed the spinning void inside his soul world with magic, he could start to feel his soul in his soul tree once more. The moment he felt it, he confirmed his theory.

(Yes, I can sense it. The seal is my own soul that Fera took. It’s not actually mimicking my soul it is my soul.)

As Kazuki fed more and more magic into his spinning void, his soul started to grow stronger and stronger. The stronger it grew, the more he could sense it and the more he could now observe the seal coating his soul tree.

(This seal has many inscriptions for disruption. My attacks won’t work because my body, my instincts know it’s my own soul. Not only that but these inscriptions wouldn’t allow outside help either. If someone else were to attack this seal, it would draw the rest of my soul out and sacrifice it to keep the seal in place. How cunning and sneaky. Fera truly is a snake. Now that I can sense the inscriptions though, I simply need to find the weak link in the chain. Once I find the weakness, I can break the inscriptions and remove this damn seal.)

While Kazuki was looking for the weak link inside, a strange battle took place outside.

The wall of flames and now darkness continued to open and close in odd places due to the Titan’s aura. One tried to pressure the other and vice versa. At the same time, the two fought near the edge of the range of the black hole. Torzz fought closer to the black hole while Zetrazz was slightly further away. One was about 10 miles from it while the other was around 20.

Zetrazz could not hit Torzz with his power so instead, he dug into the world and tore up the land, and tossed it at Torzz. Since they knew Detra was no longer worried about the world they both did this. They were literally launching mountains-sized pieces of ground at one another while cursing at one another. From a God’s perspective, one could say two siblings were having a squabble while tossing rocks at each other.

To the people and beasts of the world though, they were absolutely terrified as the world shook violently nonstop. Reminding them constantly that their death was ever approaching.

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