Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 90

As the world was being torn apart and tossed about like regular rocks by this pair of brothers, Kazuki’s attention was divided into three parts. One part kept him flying as he resisted the dangerous pull from the rupture of space. Secondly, he was actively avoiding Torzz’s aura and power.

Zetrazz was doing his best to help Kazuki by fighting Tirzz but the two’s fight only made things worse. A wall of white flame and degrading darkness was approaching Kazuki faster and faster. Holes constantly opened and closed on this wall as the brothers battled over control. Kazuki at first wanted to devour this wall of power but the distance was too great. Not only that but now that Zetrazz added his aura breath to the flaming wall, it became a danger to Kazuki.

Zetrazz’s aura breath could suppress not only the soul but magic as well. Now that Kazuki had entered the 7th stage, this ability would have little effect on Kazuki and would be nothing to him now except for one huge problem. His magic was currently split. Part of it was actively keeping him flying, trying to escape the black holes pull while the rest was inside trying to break the seal.

Zetrazz’s power even if it only impacted Kazuki’s magic by a single percentage that was far too much in this dangerous situation. It could literally be the tipping point and Kazuki could lose this tug of war and be pulled in due to it. The third part of Kazuki’s attention was drawn to the seal covering his soul tree. He was constantly sensing and searching through the magic inscriptions that maintained this soul seal.

(The bastard added his aura breath to the wall. This is basically fucking me. At the same time he is distracting Torzz as best he can. I don’t know if he’s trying to help me or sabotage me. Damn these Titans!)

At the same time as all of this was going down, something churned beneath the surface of the world and Fera’s eyelids started to twitch.

As the two Titans continued to battle, the land and power they threw back and forth eventually ended up inside the black hole, causing it to grow in size and strength again and again.

Kazuki knew he was running out of time. Inside the spinning void continued to devour as much magic as Kazuki could spare. This made Kazuki’s soul grow more and more. The more powerful his soul grew, the more he could sense the seal restraining him and the more he could comprehend.

He was getting closer and closer to the answer, to finding the weakness but just as it seemed like he would see the light of day, a problem occurred. The magic in his core was nearly all drained. The only bit left was kept to maintain his flight and weight in the outside world. There was barely anything left.

(No, just a little more. I need just a tiny bit more and I can find a way to break this damn seal!)

Kazuki needed to use his ki but he was using it to help strengthen his body. Were he to take any of it and pour it into his spinning void, the gravity he was currently using to keep him weighted down would crush him to death.

Kazuki opened his storage ring with a tiny bit of power and sensed inside but there was nothing useful.

(Damn, is there really nothing I can use?)

Just as he thought this, a stupid idea came to mind.

(Will something like this work. No, it has to, even if it’s…different.)

Kazuki at this moment reduced some of the gravity covering his body. At that moment his body went from slowly being pulled back to an almost sprint-like speed. Kazuki immediately acted. Using the spare energy he now had from reducing the gravity around him, he quickly created a long thin piece of god metal. The Orichalcum stretched for miles until it reached the wall of flames and darkness far ahead of him.

Kazuki changed the shape and made the inside completely hollow from end to end. With that said and done, Kazuki stuck one end into the wall of white and black and put the other end directly into his mouth. Without hesitation, Kazuki used his powerful lungs and took in a deep breath.

The moment he did this the white flames came racing through the god metal as he sucked the fire through this straw.

The moment the flames hit the metal straw, the high temperature instantly started to melt it. Kazuki though held nothing back as he literally sucked for his life. The flames ripped down the straw melting as they went and arrived in front of Kazuki almost instantly.

The spinning void inside his soul world was already activated and the flames vanished from the real world and instantly reappeared in his soul world. This didn’t end here though. If Kazuki simply absorbed another power into the spinning void, it would simply make his body and strength rise. No, he had to make this power his own before he devoured it.

He wondered if he lived after all of this, how he would describe this part of the story to people he knew. Kazuki wasn’t one who usually got embarrassed but something about this just poked that nerve.

Kazuki shook his head and got rid of useless thoughts and got serious.

The moment it entered his soul world, Kazuki cut off his devouring void and the white flames erupted inside his soul world. They quickly spread out and Kazuki could feel pain in his soul. At the same time, the flames came in contact with the seal, and just like he thought the moment the seal was in danger, Kazuki could feel the seal sacrificing part of his soul to protect itself from the flames.

The flames were burning at the seal yet the seal was left undamaged. Instead, it was Kazuki’s soul that was taken the damage.

Kazuki’s mind entered his soul world and he sliced at the white flames with his hand.

“Blade of wind…HOWL FOR ME!”

Kazuki called upon the first sword form and struck at the white flame. A high-pitched whistling sound scraped at once inner senses as the flames were cut apart in several spots. Kazuki swung his hand once more as if it was a sword and called out.


Once more Kazuki struck the flames and cut them apart in several places. The blazing white flames weakened greatly because of this.

“Now come!”

With the flames weakened, Kazuki used his Mage core to absorb the flames. Entering his Mage core, the flames were now his to control.

He would have used the severing tempest but that would have completely destroyed the white flames. Instead, he had to use the weaker sword forms to reduce the power of the flames in order to take full control over them. Once he took the weakened flames into his Mage core, they became a part of his own magic power.

Kazuki didn’t hesitate to send this power directly into the spinning void. The dark void devoured his power and Kazuki’s soul grew. The damage his soul took from the flames a moment ago completely healed and his soul grew even further. The inscriptions maintaining the seal were now on full display and Kazuki could see through all of it.


A small layer of the ancient language made the seal sacrifice part of Kazuki’s soul when it took damage. Kazuki walked up to his soul tree and touched its surface. He could feel his soul inside, trapped. Using his focus, he tried to move his soul and he could just barely feel it twitch.

(More focus. I can’t do this well enough without absolute concentration and power of will. Doing that though would leave my body defenseless. My body would fly backward at a crazy speed and I would be crushed and sucked inside the black hole. Death is basically guaranteed.)

Doing some quick calculations, Kazuki took in the distance along with the power of the black hole pulling at him and figured the exact time it would take him to be sucked into the black hole and crushed to death.

(Six seconds give or take from here to the center of the black hole. With my body being pulled back, that’s the amount of time I have to remove this seal and unleash my aura. Once my aura is finally free and since Fera’s domain of space is down, I’ll be able to teleport away to safety at the last moment. This takes in the growth of the black hole as well but if there is anything else unforeseen, I will have no other options. The risk is death but there is no other way. To sit about and do nothing is also death. At least this way there is a small chance of life. Six seconds, can I really do this? Can I break the seal in that time?)

Kazuki felt a chill run up his spine and his entire body trembled. This feeling though was not one of fear but rather excitement. He couldn’t explain why his fear was lacking. He had been under the threat of death far too many times. Right now at this moment, even though death was clearly an option, Kazuki knew what would be at the end of the so-called tunnel if he succeeded. Another chance at killing Fera. That was more than enough reason to risk it all.

Kazuki couldn’t help but smile right now as he thought.


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