Cotton-elka Line of Defense – Part 02

【Soul Board】Sara
Age: 18 | Rank: 39 | 9

【Natural Recovery】2
【Toxin Immunity】2

【Muscle Strength】1
【Weapon Mastery】
【Short Sword】2

【Power Burst】3
【Life Cloaking】2
【Mana Cloaking】1


【Life Detection】1

Sara did not see through Hikaru’s Stealth. It was most likely her Instinct that told her someone was there. Instinct was a tricky stat, giving Hikaru a hard time when he was fighting Lawrence, commander of Ponsonia’s knights. Selyse referred to Sara’s Instinct as mere intuition.

Selyse moved to close the door, giving Hikaru relief.

“Wait a minute! They could be hiding in that room!”

Hikaru’s heart jumped at the sound of another voice. Lavia squeezed Hikaru’s hand, and he squeezed hers back.

Whose voice was that?

Hikaru checked the person’s Soul Board. He almost let out a gasp.

“I don’t think there’s anyone there,” Sara said.

“Open it, Selyse!”

“You want me to open it? We’re having a discussion about the village. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was eavesdropping.”

The door opened. There was no one inside, but the window was open.

“Ah, guess they made a run for it.”

“Hngh! I guess so!”

“Are you satisfied, Serika?”

The woman entered the room. Hikaru and Lavia were huddled in the corner, watching with their Stealth on.

The girl named Serika removed her hood, revealing her black hair.

【Soul Board】Serika Tanoue
Age: 17 | Rank: 104 | 29

【Natural Recovery】4
【Magic Resistance】5 (MAX)
【Disease Immunity】1
【Toxin Immunity】3

【Magical Power】
【Mana Capacity】19
【Elemental Affinity】
【Elemental’s Affection】3
【Magic Principle】0
【Spell Creation】2

【Tool Mastery】
【Medical Apparatus】3

Selica Tanoue.

She was Japanese.

Hikaru and Lavia left the village chief’s house and moved to the outskirts of the village, where tomato plantations lay. Some fields were already harvested, while others were still full of ripe tomatoes. A large poplar tree stood next to a well. They sat down on a nearby bench.

“That was scary,” Lavia said. “I thought for sure they would find us.” Her cheeks were flushed; she seemed more worked up than usual.

In short, she was delighted. Growing up a caged bird, she must have been longing for this kind of thrilling adventure.

“What’s wrong, Hikaru? Why are you frowning?”

“Remember the girl from earlier? The one with the black hair.”

“Yeah, just like yours. Wait.”

“Yup. She’s most likely not from this world.”

The name on her Soul Board. Her black hair and black eyes. The fact that she didn’t speak this world’s language that well. And her ridiculous stats. All of this Hikaru shared with Lavia.

“The problem is: she would be curious if she learned about me. It would’ve been good and all if she was just an ordinary adventurer, but she’s a member of the Four Eastern Stars.”

“How about befriending her to gather information? She might not know about me.”

“I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks.”

“But it’s such a great opportunity. She’s in the same situation as you.”

Lavia looked worried. She was concerned about Hikaru despite being all alone in the world, not having any relatives left. Or maybe it was because she was alone that she was worried.

Hikaru could feel his chest warming up. “It’s okay. I have you.”

“Hikaru… Are you really sure about this?”

“Yeah. We might get a chance to talk one of these days. There’s no need to introduce myself right away. At any rate, we now have a clear goal.”

Hikaru organized his thoughts.

“The Four Eastern Stars are taking a realistic approach. They will wait until all the villagers have evacuated. Paula will probably also remain in the village. In order to achieve our first objective—not letting Paula die—we have to stay in the village with the Four Eastern Stars and the other adventurers.”

“Right. Let’s do our best to protect the village.” Lavia clasped her hands tight.

Hikaru chuckled. “We’re not doing that.”

“Uh… What?”

“Protecting the village isn’t the only option. There’s a way to quickly eliminate the danger altogether.”

Lavia looked puzzled.

“It’s simple. Just kill the Dungeon Master.”

“Y-You can’t do that! It’s too dangerous!”

“Come on. Just think about it. The Forest of Deception is a dungeon governed by a Dungeon Master. The Dungeon Master is in the deepest part of the dungeon that’s crawling with monsters.”

Lavia finally realized what he was getting at. “Are you planning to…”

“Yeah, I’m going in alone. Killing a monster without being noticed. Sounds like the perfect mission for me, don’t you think?”

At first, Lavia vehemently opposed the idea.

“If you really want to go, then take me with you,” she had said.

Hikaru explained the situation to her very carefully. Lavia’s attacks were effective in eliminating multiple monsters, but wouldn’t be of much use in this case. His Stealth was also most effective when he was alone, and he could move a lot easier by himself.

Lavia eventually agreed that there was a possibility Hikaru would safely reach the Dungeon Master. When she said that she would follow him inside if he didn’t return, he had no choice but to promise her that he would attack only if he was a hundred percent sure that he could kill the Dungeon Master, and to retreat if there was even a one percent chance that he couldn’t.

And so the plan was set.

“Huh? L-Lord Hikaru?! What are you doing here?”

Hikaru met Paula in the church’s chapel.

The adventurers sent by Pond’s Adventurers’ Guild had just arrived, plunging the village of Cotton-elka into even more chaos. Hikaru used this opportunity to catch a hold of Paula as she returned from lunch.

“Quiet,” he said. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Uh, yes. Sure.”

Hikaru’s Life Detection, which allowed him to sense people up to ten meters away, detected the presence of two people at the very edge of the Skill’s range. Paula’s father and Sophie were inside the chapel, in the living area of the pastor’s home. Hikaru didn’t want Sophie to hear them.

“This is Lavia,” Hikaru introduced. “She’s in a party with me.”

“What?! This little girl?!”


“Ah.” Paula quickly put a hand over her mouth.

Life Detection showed no movement from Sophie.

“We won’t cause you any trouble,” Hikaru went on. “I’m leaving the village for a bit, so could you provide her with food for a few days?”

“My name is Lavia. Pleased to meet you.”

“O-Okay. I think that’s manageable.”

“I’ll pay you.” Hikaru reached for a leather bag.

“Y-You don’t have to. You’ve saved my life twice already.”

“Consider it a donation to the church, then. The church provides the food, right?”


“Then here’s my donation.”

“Th-Thank you. My father will be very happy.”

Paula accepted the leather bag with extreme reluctance. There was about 10,000 gilans inside, which was more than enough payment for a few days’ worth of food and a place to sleep.

“Also, could you do me one more favor? Please don’t tell anyone about Lavia,” Hikaru said.


“I’m not asking you to lie. Just don’t tell anyone about her.”

“Um, can I ask why?”

“I’m scared of men,” Lavia answered, hanging her head. “Something happened in the past, and Hikaru is the only one I can talk to properly.”

“O-Oh, I see. It’s okay.” Paula waved her hands around. “You don’t have to say any more.”

“Thank you.” Wiping away fake tears, Lavia turned her back to Paula.

Nice acting… I guess women are actors in every world.

Hikaru watched the scene with a bit of amazement.

That should be it for this matter. Lavia would be taking refuge in this church. She had 3 points on Imperceptibility, so it should be easy for her to spend a few days without anyone noticing her. If she found herself in danger, she could just cast fire magic while hiding.

“Um, I hope you’re not upset, Lord Hikaru.”

“Me? Upset? About what?”

“Pia meant no offense. I’m sure she knows that we only made it out of that hut because of you.”

Paula was concerned about the incident at the lumberjack’s hut. Pia only thanked the Four Eastern Stars, even though it was Hikaru who helped them escape.

“Oh, it’s all right. It was all thanks to the Four Eastern Stars that we were able to subdue the adventurers so smoothly.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“If it really bothers you, then please take care of Lavia for me.”

“You can count on me.” Paula pounded on her chest, then turned to Lavia. “Please don’t hesitate to ask me anything.” She sounded like an older sister.

We should be good now.

Suddenly, a loud commotion came from outside.

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