Secrets, Individual Choices – Part 01

“Flower Face! How much mana do you have left?!”

“I have about ten uses left…”

“I see. We just need to hold on a little bit longer. There are still around 100 more patients left.”


Paula and Sophie were in the Quinbrand Empire’s imperial capital, G. Quinbrand. This place was the epicenter of the Accursed Toxin outbreak, with many patients teetering on the brink of death if not treated promptly.

It had been five grueling days since their arrival. They spent their time continuously casting Spellbreak Antidote, dozing off from mana depletion, waking up, and casting magic again.

It was very demanding. Patients kept pouring in, their numbers increasing instead of dwindling. Their mana reserves didn’t recover fully even after sleep. They forced themselves to eat, despite feeling sluggish and the lack of appetite, as sustenance was required for mana replenishment.

Lord Hikaru, Lavia…

Paula looked back fondly on their shared meals. Lavia was particularly talkative in their company, sharing stories from books she’d read or city rumors that Paula and Hikaru knew nothing about. Paula enjoyed discussing various topics with Lavia, and Hikaru would listen with a smile. Though they often pursued separate activities during the day, they consistently reconvened for dinner. It was a delightful routine.

Conversely, dinners with the Four Eastern Stars were almost silent, and the atmosphere stagnant. Partly due to the gravity of the situation and also because of Serika’s absence, who had returned to her home called Japan.

Sophie was genuinely disheartened, and though Selyse didn’t criticize Sophie for sending Serika back without consulting the others, she became markedly quieter, talking far less. Sara, however, appeared unfazed.

“Flower Face, Vine Face… Let’s take a break,” said Selyse, wearing a mask of the sun god because the silver mask hadn’t arrived in time. “If you both faint, you won’t be able to heal any patients.”

Everyone concealed their identities behind masks. Nevertheless, the news of the arrival of Healers capable of healing the Accursed Toxin, known as Black Rot here, had spread like wildfire throughout the capital, causing a patient influx.

“Sa—No, Kitty Face! Could you please tell them to limit admissions for a bit?”

“Sure thing.” Sara left the examination room.

Outside was complete chaos, with people clamoring, “Please heal us quick!” or “I’ll pay any amount!”


Upon seeing the healed patients, Paula felt glad that they had come here but also acknowledged she hadn’t prepared herself enough. The situation was far worse than she had imagined.

The imperial capital, the largest city in the northern region of the continent, was renowned for its historic charm and lively atmosphere, often celebrated in songs by minstrels. However, when Paula visited the city, she sensed something entirely different—the thick presence of death.

Few people strolled the streets, and a faint odor of decay hung in the air. Homes had their doors and windows sealed shut, as people desperately tried to prevent the disease from spreading.

Shortly after they had begun treatment, messengers from the imperial palace arrived, requesting their presence at the palace to tell them about the spell. Sophie firmly declined, prioritizing treatment. She assured them that they had no intention of hiding any information, so if there were high-level Healers around, she suggested they came here to learn themselves.

The messengers were taken aback. Unnerved by the chaotic crowd of patients, they swiftly retreated. The following day, priests from the cathedral arrived, apologizing for the envoy’s rudeness, and inquired about the magic.

In the imperial capital, only one person could use Spellbreak Antidote. In other words, this person had 6 points on their Soul Board’s Healing Magic. However, he was an elderly man who had served in the church for seventy years, and he could only use Spellbreak Antidote a few times a day.

Nevertheless, his assistance with the treatment of high-ranking officials in the palace allowed Paula and her team to prioritize the care of severely ill citizens here.

It’s so tough… My mana is just not enough.

Unfortunately for Paula, she was relatively new as an adventurer, and her Soul Rank was still quite low. During her adventure with Hikaru, her Soul Rank had risen by two points, and Hikaru had adjusted her Soul Board before they parted ways, giving her 8 points on Mana Capacity. This put her on par with Sophie, a seasoned adventurer.

I’m sure Lord Hikaru is doing his best right now.

Thinking of Hikaru filled her with renewed strength, despite her exhausted body.

“…I’m okay. I can still keep going.”

Paula rose, and Sophie nodded.

“Are you really okay? If you two collapse, there’s no one to replace you.”

“We’re fine, Selyse,” Sophie said. “I’ve been carefully assessing my limits.”

“I see. Okay, then. Let’s—”

Before Selyse could continue, the door to the examination room burst open.

“News, news! Big news!”

A portion of Sarah’s cheek, partially exposed beneath her mask, was flushed red.

“Sara, please be quiet in the examination room.”

“I cyan’t stay quiet! We just received word from the Adventurers Guild that they got the cure!”


“They’re bringing it over right now. They didn’t tell us the route, but it should arrive in the capital in three or four days at the latest.”

“H-How many doses?!” Sophie exclaimed, leaning in. She had forgotten her own request for quiet.

“Ten thousand.”

“What? Are you sure you didn’t mishear? Probably only a thousand, right?”

“No, you heard right. Ten thousand! Isn’t that great? Combined with the antidote from Ponsonia, we can save all the infected in the capital.”


Sophie plopped onto her chair, covering her face with both hands. “Oh… The gods have not forsaken us.”

Fatigue seeped into her voice. She had been putting on a brave front, but her nerves had clearly been frayed by the endless battle with no end in sight.

“Great news, right, Flower Face?” Sara said.

“Uh, y-yes…”

“Why aren’t you more excited?”

“Well, it just… doesn’t feel real. I mean, ten thousand doses. How much is that really?”

“I see what you mean. Oh, but it was apparently Silver Face who got the supply.”

Paula’s eyes widened at the mention of Silver Face. “It all makes sense now! Lord Silver Face can definitely procure ten thousand doses of the cure!”

“O-Okay…?” This time, it was Sara who was taken aback.

“Please call in the next patient.” Paula rolled up her sleeves. “Be it a hundred or two hundred more, let’s heal them all!”

“Next time Flower Face is exhausted, let’s mention Silver Face’s name,” Selyse said. “That should replenish her mana.”

Sophie and Sara burst into laughter. Paula joined them, feeling her cheeks twitching, as if she had forgotten how to laugh. She realized that she hadn’t laughed this much in a long time.

And so she kept laughing. It felt like their joyous voices were dispelling the aura of death around them.

Luvain, weary from his encounter with Silver Face, returned to the Tower, where he received urgent news.

The report detailed the destruction of Ranna’s factory, her sudden disappearance, and the Knight Templars’ efforts to subdue a rampaging chimera.

But what shook Luvain to his core was the revelation that followed.

“How is His Holiness?!”

“H-He’s in critical condition!”

Ignoring Tower etiquette, Luvain sprinted to the Pope’s sickroom.

The Pope had collapsed abruptly after dinner, and black spots marred his body. Worse yet, the specially crafted antidote was proving utterly ineffective.

“We’re gathering Healers to cast magic continuously, but it’s a precarious battle. Once their mana is depleted…”

“Make sure to keep some mana in reserve.”

Silver Face’s words crossed his mind. While he hadn’t followed the advice, he did still have a little bit of mana left.

He’s been exposed to the enhanced Accursed Toxin!

There was no doubt in his mind. By whom? The answer was clear: Silver Face.

“Your Holiness!”

Upon entering the sickroom, Luvain saw a group of Healers tirelessly applying their magic in turns. However, the prolonged struggle had left them fatigued and drained of their mana.

Luvain also observed that most of those present were deacons, with only one priest. Typically, the Tower was staffed with at least five archpriests, and sometimes up to twenty. It was inconceivable that these archpriests, who had ears in every corner of the Tower, would not have noticed the Pope’s deteriorating condition.

In other words…

They fled so they wouldn’t get infected!

Should the Pope succumb, his successor would be chosen from among the archpriests. However, it would all be for naught if they contracted the disease and died themselves. The archpriests knew the Pope had been afflicted with the enhanced version of the Accursed Toxin, which could not be cured with the current antidote.


The Pope’s frail appearance bore the distinct scent of death. Black spots marred half of his face.

“Find Ranna… There’s no other way to cure this poison… isn’t that right?”


Luvain swallowed.

“You might need it soon. Consider it my payment for the healing.”

Silver Face had likely foreseen that the Pope would summon numerous Healers as his condition worsened. Luvain could then save the Pope. Grateful for saving his life, the Pope would likely promote Luvain—and this would serve as Silver Face’s payment.

But what Silver Face didn’t know was that Luvain had already ascended to the position of archpriest, with no room for further advancement within the Church hierarchy.

Promotion was not a possibility. But if he saved the Pope’s life now, he would almost certainly become the next Pope.


I… I hold the Pope’s fate in my hands?!

His heart raced, and cold sweat trickled down his face.

“What’s wrong… Luvain? You… you alone… are my loyal servant, are you not?”

The Pope’s tone betrayed irritation. Luvain sensed the deacons’ gazes on him.

If the Pope were to die here, it wouldn’t be Luvain but a power-hungry archpriest who would take his place. They didn’t care about the doctrine. They craved wealth instead, and while they might manage well with other nations, they would exploit the ordinary citizens of the theocracy. The more devout the believer, the more they would be squeezed. He couldn’t allow it to happen.

However, on the flip side, if the Pope survived this ordeal, he would call for an all-out war. Luvain might secure the position of the next Pope, but it effectively meant supporting the Pope’s campaign of mass slaughter.

Which path should he choose? What was the right course of action?


Luvain straightened himself. “Th-There’s something I need to tell you, Your Holiness,” he said, sweat dripping down his face.

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