The Depths of the Dungeon – Part 03

When he killed the Dungeon Master, Hikaru felt a small tremor in the dungeon. He thought about returning to the village immediately and preparing for the White Dragon, but he couldn’t ignore the passageway that led deeper inside. He found the seventh level, which was under construction, and discovered the Fire Drakon that looked far more vicious than the Black Dragon.

“A hundred years… No, centuries had passed,” the Fire Drakon said when it saw Hikaru. “A long time, even for me, a long-lived being.”

Just like Hikaru, the Dungeon Master found the Fire Drakon, but it immediately panicked and fled. Hikaru theorized that the dungeon went out of control because the terrified Dungeon Master unshackled the dungeon.

“They are evil. It is only natural that they fear me. You are… oh, fascinating. You are not from this world, are you?

The Fire Drakon instantly knew that Hikaru came from a different world. Strangely enough, he didn’t feel enmity toward the creature. Perhaps it was because of its dominating appearance that eclipsed even that of the Black Dragon’s; he didn’t think it would even consider him a threat.

“Why are you confined here?” Hikaru had asked.

“Unbind me from these chains, and I will grant you one wish. A rare weapon, a treasure, anything you desire. An individual with a Blessing of the holy attribute is needed to break these chains.”

Hikaru had tried to hit the black chain with his Dagger of Strength, but it just slipped right through.

He had to talk to Lavia about this. And he was also concerned about the White Dragon.

Hikaru decided to return to Cotton Elka for the time being. When he stepped out of the Dungeon Master’s room, he noticed a shortcut, clearly visible from the door. Either it was intended as an emergency escape route, or the Dungeon Master used it to do something outside. There was no way of knowing, now that the master itself was dead.

“You have returned. Does this mean you will free me?” the Fire Drakon asked.

Hikaru nodded. “Lavia.”

After the battle with the White Dragon, Hikaru explained the situation to Lavia. He believed that a Blessing related to the holy attribute would appear if he put points to the Holy stat on the Soul Board. He considered asking Paula for help, since she could use Healing magic, but Lavia offered a suggestion.

“I said I would give you my everything,” she had said. “You can use my Soul Board as you wish.”

Since Soul Board points were finite, Hikaru didn’t want to waste Lavia’s.

On the other hand, however, he wasn’t sure if he could trust Paula. He had elevated her healing capabilities to a high level, but he hadn’t explained the Soul Board to her yet. Even if Paula betrayed his trust now, the damage would be minimal. There was no need to tell her the secret of his strength or even about the Dungeon Master and the Fire Drakon.

Lavia had eliminated a number of monsters, including Lesser Wyverns, and had participated in the battle against the White Dragon, raising her Soul Rank by 5. Hikaru unlocked the Willpower Board, then Faith, and put 3 points on the Holy stat. If no Blessings appeared, he would have to ask Paula, who had 4 points on hers.

【Soul Board】Lavia
Age: 14 | Rank: 16 | 0

【Magical Power】
【Mana Capacity】11
【Magic Principle】2
【Elemental Affinity】

【Life Cloaking】0
【Mana Cloaking】0


Sure enough, a new Blessing appeared on Lavia’s Soul Card.

“She has the Blessing of the Common Holy Governor God: Servant of a Holy Being. Is that good enough?” Hikaru asked.

“It is a little uncertain, but try it nonetheless.”

Awfully haughty for someone who needs help.

“Try what exactly? Does she need to recite an incantation or something?”

“I think it’s doable,” Lavia said, and approached the Fire Drakon.

The creature was incredibly tall, and much longer than the White Dragon. The black chains that bound the Fire Drakon emitted an ominous aura.


Lavia gently held her hands over the black chains. Then, her hands gave off a faint golden glow. Particles of light gathered into the chain. Something tried to reject the particles—it looked like smoke or flames—but the section that came in contact with the light was chipped away.

“It should work,” Lavia said. “But it consumes a lot of mana.”

“You are doing good. Keep going.”

“You okay?” Hikaru asked. “If you can’t continue, just stop.”

“Surely she can do it.”

Talk about an attitude!

Hikaru shot the Fire Drakon a glare, but it wasn’t the least bothered. Meanwhile, the particles of light issuing from Lavia’s hand touched the black chains, slowly chipping them away as they crackled. Eventually, one of the chains snapped, and the rest of the links shattered like glass, before evaporating into the air.

The Fire Drakon let out a breath of joy that flapped at Hikaru’s and Lavia’s clothes.

“Well done, human! Now take care of the rest!”

Lavia leaned against Hikaru. Just one chain left her exhausted.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Hikaru asked.

“Yeah… I’ll do my best.”

“Like I said, you don’t have to force it.”

“Nonsense. There are only a few chains left.”

“This drakon has been here for centuries. A few more hours should hardly matter.”

“My freedom is nigh! Make haste!”

“Shut it.”


The Fire Drakon looked dejected, but it still had the same vicious grin.

“For the record, there’s no reason for us to set you free,” Hikaru added. “Besides, this dungeon went out of control because you scared the Dungeon Master.”

The drakon laughed. “It is their fault for appearing before me. I see. It was so terrified that the dungeon went out of control.”

Hikaru’s head hurt. Monsters streamed out of the dungeon and attacked Cotton Elka all because of this Fire Drakon.

“Maybe we shouldn’t free it after all,” Hikaru said. “Let’s just bury this place and get out of here.”

“H-Hold on a second. Wait. Why?”

“Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused?! People died!” Hikaru roared.

“I see. But I did not frighten the Dungeon Master on purpose. They came to me and got frightened.. And if humans, fragile as they are, chose to live near a dungeon, they should be aware of the danger.”

Hikaru groaned.

Having lived for ages, the Fire Drakon was quite intelligent.

“Once I am freed from this place, I will vanquish evil beings. You have my word. Countless people destined to die will live on.”


“Hikaru.” Lavia tugged at Hikaru’s clothes. Her steady breathing indicated she had recovered enough mana. “I think it was an unfortunate accident that the dungeon went out of control. This Fire Drakon meant no harm.”

“I know that… Ugh, fine. I don’t mind if it takes a while, and you don’t have to push yourself too hard. Can you break these chains?”

“I’ll do my best.” Smiling, Lavia put her hands over another chain.

Hikaru was well aware that it wasn’t the Fire Drakon’s fault. But people were seriously injured; some even died. He and Lavia were in grave danger too, and he had to use his ability to alter Paula’s Soul Board. The rational part of him said that he was being childish, but he just couldn’t come to terms with what had happened.

One by one Lavia destroyed the chains, taking rests in between.

“That should be enough. Stand back.”

After the fourth chain snapped, the Fire Drakon gripped the ground with its sharp claws.


The air and ground trembled as it stood up. The remaining chains shattered. A cloud of dust rose, obscuring Hikaru and Lavia’s vision.

“Finally… The annoying chains are gone!”

Like a dog barking at the moon, the Fire Drakon turned its mouth upward, opened it wide, and roared, breathing out a vortex of fire in the process.

The flames were so powerful that even Hikaru, who had witnessed Lavia’s fire magic, felt a chill run down his spine. The flames turned white from the immense temperature, melting the ceiling and the earth, erupting all the way to the surface.

“You stupid drakon!”

Molten earth dripped down as orange liquid. Hikaru and Lavia fled to the unfinished seventh level of the dungeon. The wind was hot, and the air was filled with the odd smell of burning earth.

“Over here!”

They scurried to the Dungeon Master’s room on the sixth level and closed the door. Not only would the oxygen run out, toxic gas might even start getting released.

They plopped down on the ground, breathing hard.

“That drakon better be ready for what’s coming,” Hikaru muttered gravely.

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