ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 335 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 335: Dragon! Dragon! Part 1 Part 1

One of the reasons for why Deepslaughter, originally Nutcracker, continued to play Spell Creation Online until the very end of service was because she was surprisingly strong.

It is not the same kind of strength as in the case of Silvia Goldberg or Ryuuguin Fugaku, but…… Yes, if you were to put it into words, it would be the kind of strength and difficulty one would expect out of the raid bosses in MMORPGs.

First of all, the way in which she was handling the lower tier magic that was available to everyone else. She was unrivaled when it comes to spell activation time, as well as combining them with high tier magic. Plus, she would always come up with names for such combinations that would resemble the titles of all those 18+ AV you see all over the Internet.

That being said, there are those who have enough courage to read the titles and synopsis of AVs in public, and those people were using and replicating those spells with the goal of fully abusing the system. It was not something accidental, there was a full blown intent behind it.

And it goes without saying that possessing strong and downright OP magic combinations gives you an edge when it comes to combat. The same could be said about being able to cast magic like that faster than anyone else out there on the server.

But that was not the biggest issue there was about Nutcracker. No, it goes even beyond that level.

What is the real threat when it comes to her…… It’s her ability to imitate others, even down to the tone of their voice.

If you show her enough of your “playstyle”, you can be sure that she will be able to copy it almost perfectly in no time at all. A perfect form of imitation.

There were often accusations being thrown at her that she is using some form of cheating. However, the reason for her getting continuously banned is because the reports from other players about her being a constant nuisance. Why nuisance? You would be surprised just how many players tends to get offended when someone is constantly throwing words considered to be “inappropriate” left and right. …… In other words, there is little to no proof of her cheating at all. And it was also something that the developers went out of their way to prove, to boot.

Faced with a player that was not too short away from being a raid boss character, the motivation of other players gradually started to dwindle more and more. And the result of that dwindling motivation? Nothing short of Spell Creation Online actually stopping their services completely.

「A friendship that begins with two individuals killing one another is even stronger than going for monjayaki together…… Fefefefe, say, Sanraku-kun? Doesn’t that sound awfully familiar to you?」

「Tsk…… Dual Wand Style, huh?」

I would know all about that fighting style, because it was my personal favorite and creation back in the Spell Creation Online era. Shit, did she plan all of this? Or was it just guessing? No…… Looking closely, her equipment even resembles me from that time as well.

「Wait! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! OI! Wait just a freaking second! Do you honestly want to get along with one another here!? Calm down, both of you! Specially you, Sanraku! You do realize that if you die here, you are going to be sent away to the last save point you rested at, don’t you!?」

「…… If she wants to take the life of another, she surely must be ready to have her own life taken away from her. Am I right here, Deepslaughter-san?」

「Eeehhh~? Come on now, Sanraku-kun? Why so formal? You can just call me “DeepSla-chan”, you know? …… Ohooh, now I start to feel like a genuine Masochist getting all the lovely violent treatment from my beloved Mistress~. It’s like I’m riding on that huge wave and I have no idea where it will wash me away~. Hmm? Oh my, is that a tuna, by any chance?」

I wonder if I were to just slaughter this chick right here right now, would the Heavens condemn me for that? Or maybe the Gods would be glad that I did them a huge favor? Surprisingly enough, even though I’m sure that her karma level is twisted as low as humanly possible, her nametag is not red here. This means that she is not a Player Killer, so if I kill her here, I risk becoming the “evil” one myself.

「…… So? What the hell do you want here? Is it really a friend request? Is that all you want? If so, then fine. I’ll accept your friend request, so could you do that so that we can all go home in peace?」

「Hmm, I won’t lie to you, having my friend requests rejected so many times in a row caused me some mental damage here indeed…… But above all else, I really want us to get along, you know?」

「I’m sorry, but could you decide on a character you want to adapt already? It’s really off-putting when you just keep on switching like that all the time.」

「Even if you say it like that, there is nothing I can really do about it……」

Haa, right about now I was really starting to wish for a meteorite strike that would just so happen to delete all of her player data from the servers of this game.

This is not good. This reunion is bad for my Sanity meter. It was already getting heavily depleted thanks to the encounter with the Princess Aphilia that reminded me so much about Shit Chronicles Online, but now this crazy chick was depleting it even further.

Besides, she is the one responsible for the decline of Spell Creation Online. If I were to just say that she was the absolute evil and villain here, that would have been a huge understatement.

「Alright, let’s get this whole Friendship thingy over with……」

「Wonderful! So, you are finally ready to accept the whole of me, Sanraku-kun! I’m overjoyed!」


「Aren’t every characters in ShanFro basically virgins? Is that actually a sexual harassment prevention method? I would love if we could pop our cherries together!」

I happened to refuse the friend request purely on reflex here.

「…… I’m going to hurt you? Like, really bad?」

「Bring it on, you bit…… Ah, no, wait, that’s not it! I have forgotten just how savage you can actually be! Please forgive me! It was an accident!」

I really wish that I could me anywhere else but here right about now? Maybe the Excess Charge would help me with that? What do you think?

Making Tottori the party leader may have been a huge mistake here.

Deepslaughter started to laugh here, to which I made a loud sigh. I guess that this one was entirely on me here, for managing to switch her mood like that. Now it was more than likely that the whole party would suffer the consequences here.

「Oh well…… It’s not like I can do a Save/Load here and just go back in time. Even if the Auto-Save function registers you stepping on a landmine, you just have to roll with it and find a solution to that. It may seem dull, but that’s exactly how games choose to roll.」

「My, oh my~. Do you wanted to step on me that bad? Or maybe hit me with something? You’re a real player, Sanraku-kun~.」

God damn it…… Why does she have to turn everything the other party is saying into something dirty? That’s actually pretty disturbing. What’s more, she can be pretty much invincible because of her mad player skills, so she can basically get away with pretty much anything.

「Tottori-kun…… when we met, you were on your way to finish the Unique Quest when you were escorting the Elves to someplace safe, right? But instead of going straight to the goal, you are here…… Hahaha, couldn’t resist the temptation of releasing the level cap, could you?」

「Umm, well, now that you say it like that…… Yeah.」

「Tottori…… In times like these you can just say things like “Shut the fuck up, you masked bastard!” …… But I’m glad that you don’t.」

「No, I understand where this is coming from, but cursing at someone…… That’s just not my style.」

「Hey, hey, Sanraku-kun, are you into S&M play? Want to train it with me? Or maybe let me train you? That would be so nice…… Oh, that’s right! I don’t mind my butt getting turned inside out if that’s the thing you’re into, but for now I recommend using my mouth! It’s a premium special offer that won’t last long, mind you!」


「S-Sanraku-san is starting to turn into ash!? First time I have ever seen something like this!? What is going on here!?」

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