ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 346 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 346: Dragon! Dragon! Part 11 Part 1

Tri-headed Tyranno is strong, without a doubt. I would even dare to estimate that it may have been one of the strongest creatures to be around ever since the Era of the Gods. That Napalm attack only confirmed that belief of mine, as I do not think that it was a random occurrence here. Not to mention that an attack like that is a huge advantage against all of the opponents who are dependent on walking on the ground and have no other means of escaping it.

However, our opponent here is the Great Red Devourer. A creature that is so strong that even if we factor that Napalm attack of the tri—headed Tyranno, it is still a huge possibility that it is going to be defeated in the direct combat.

First of all, considering the amounts of damage being done and the amount that can be withstood, raid bosses have tremendous advantage in both of those aspects.

We do not know if the Great Red Devourer is dead or alive in the first place. So we have no way of confirming if damage done to the parts of its body or destroying them will really amount to anything here. And seeing just how its first and second form behaved, I would say it is safe to assume that even with more than half of its body being destroyed, it would still be able to fight us at full of its potential.

Next point of concern: the change in behavioral patterns caused by switching to the third form.

Right now, this monster can grow additional heads and jaws seemingly whenever it wants all over its body. At the same time, each and every single of those mouths is capable of firing a breath attack that essentially one-shots everyone unfortunate enough to happen to be in its way. And honestly, it would not come as a surprise it this thing was also able to fire beams out of those mouths instead of breath attacks, and with all of the mouths at once. …… Because it surely can, right? Let’s not kid ourselves here.

And above all else…… the blood crystals that have appeared all over this People of the Forest’s village.

If it is just a gimmick employed in order to weaken the enemy, then it’s alright, so be it. But how can we know that destroying all of the crystals won’t cause another phase shift? Or maybe give that dragon some broken boost? The worst possible scenario is the option that depending on the number of crystals left on the battlefield, we might see different version of the next phase. Something alongside the lines of the gimmick that Kutanid of the Abyss had.

Defeating the raid boss monster with only first players, and on the first attempt at that. No matter how you think about it, it is downright impossible of a feat to pull off. That being said, it would also be a good thing to see if escaping the battlefield is possible at all. However, there is a risk that the Level Cap Lift facility might get compromised in the process, so we have no other choice here but to stand our ground and fight.

Besides, I may fight alongside Deepslaughter now, but I don’t trust that woman in the slightest. When you get down to it, she’s the same kind of a person like Pencilgton, but maybe slightly tamer. So when she said that there is a risk of the Altar of Awakening being destroyed, something inside of my mind told me to doubt her almost instantly.

Deepslaughter is like a Demon Lord, but she does not try to hide it and just rides on the tides of chaos she creates. Pencilgton, on the other hand, is like that Demon Lord who only reveals himself after he manages to amass enough troops and resources to be sure that he will be able to take over the world fast and with minimum effort. Both types are a true pain in the ass to deal with.

「Long story short, if I let you die here, my comfy playstyle might be seriously in danger here.」

This is just what I am. I don’t nearly enough skills and logistics to back up a backline support playstyle, and I am not all that comfortable with long distance fighting to be an offensive support either. That is why I am here, on the frontline, risking my life against that raid boss rather than destroying the blood crystals.

「I knew it, but it is always good to reiterate: INVENTORY is really a broken accessory, huh……!」

When it comes to resources, because of my farming routines I tend to have a whole lot of recovery items stocked up. That is why in case of emergency, I can start throwing recovery potions around like it’s nobody’s business.

Right about now, the tri-headed Tyranno works as both the punching bag and the main source of damage on our end. And it fall onto my shoulders to heal any kind of damage that is going to be inflicted upon it, in order to keep it alive and well. But thanks to that I was able to obtain some much needed information here. And it is because of those information that I start to conjure up an appropriate strategy in my head right away.

For the time being, I came to a conclusion that the breath attack is apparently classified as a magic attack. I think that bit of information is actually fairly important.

The next thing I found out was about the dragon’s heads. Apparently they do not share the same aggro, but each head has its own separate “gauge”. I found it out from the fact that only the main head and that tail one were trying to attack me constantly, no matter what was happening. If we talk about tail…… is there a system for destroying specific body parts in this fight? Because if it is, I would like to personally crush that tail one flat if I could help it.

「Ohh? Talk about being at the right place at the right time!」


And third and probably the most important: it is important that we share the information we discover between the rest of us.

Potting some People of the Forest in the distance, I cast Utsuro Makagami and while it was taking care of the aggro, I dashed towards them as fast as I possibly could. Now, it’s time to threaten…… I mean, politely ask…… Ugh! That’s the kid whose parents got eaten by the dragon…… Yikes.

Umm, well…… Shit, what was this guy’s name, again?


「It’s Allure! Thank you very little!」

Hey, this or that, I was close enough with my guess. But that’s now what’s important here.

「Can I ask you to deliver a message to Deepslaughter and Tottori in my stead?」


「That’s it, that’s the spirit. Okay, here goes…… “The gimmick is confirmed. I want you to get rid of them all”.」

「R-Right! I-I undershtand!」

Alright. Now that that’s been taken care of, I can go back there and do my business. Let’s just hope that for the other two things proceed just according to my expectations.

Muh, and now I can sense that the jaw on the tail turns towards me once more. I mean, what the hell? The image projected by Utsuro Mikagami is still present so how come it can still turn towards me? Does this thing holds some kind of a grudge against me?

「Ahh, umm……」

「What is it?」

That voice forced me to look back now. And sure enough, besides Allure, there is no one else here, so that voice had to be him, without a doubt.

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