ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 352 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 352: Dragon! Dragon! Part 17 Part 2

In short, the Great Red Devourer is the same kind of colony of monsters as the “Crazy Blue” is.

Many different games tend to treat colonies of monsters in a slightly different ways, but the most common consensus is this: if you manage to defeat the “main body” of the colony, the mass produced small fries produced by the main body should die on the spot alongside its creator.

However, this game here is ShangriLa Frontier. And as we have all seen before, ShangriLa Frontier does not do compromises to almost creepy level. So I highly doubt that the developers of this game would give the raid monster such a crippling weakness, even if it was for the sake of appealing to the common consensus worked out by other games. That would simply be not their style.

So, in other words. Even if the colony as a whole is what we call the “Great Red Devourer”, each and every single one of those monster it was throwing at us was a part of it. So even if it may not seem like so in the first place, every single one of those small fries has its own “death judgement”. A proof of that? The fact that upon defeating the small fries, the abilities of R.I.P were kicking into effect.

「Allow me to officially change my opinion of you, R.IP! You are actually quite a decent weapon, I won’t tell!」

So, due to the nature of the game that ShangriLa Frontier was, it is possible to maintain the maximum advantage against raid bosses as long as they come with small fries that aid them in battle. Yes, that’s right! Just like right about now!

「Alright! Who’s next!? Bring it on! It’s still not enough! I can still keep going!!!」

As long as my overall kill score increases, the stats of R.I.P are going to keep on increasing. Even though leveling up to level one hundred thirty six allowed me to increase my overall Strength stat, I still needed some more kills here. About ten…… No, about six or seven, I think. That should be enough.

「Now that I think about…… If I were to crush that head flat, is it going to be added to the overall kill score? Hmm? Let’s find out!」

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I know! The tail head! That one! Let’s crush that one! …… I am yet to thank that thing for that laser from before, right?

「It’s high time to give myself some more space here!」

Now, I know that dragons are reptiles here, but I surely hope that this tail is not actually going to grow back, isn’t it?

So after making a short work of the red cow, I can finally resume my initial task of getting closer to the main body.

Kurama’s Heavenly Secret is off cooldown now, so I cast it again. Then I cast Limit Maximize, a skill that evolved from Riot Accel. Next on the list is Wolfate Sign, a skill that originates from Managarum Pride. Then I put on some finishing touches in form of both Atlas Toughness and Melotic Foot.

I no other words, for a short while I am going to be super fast and super strong, but at the cost of having my HP reduced. Just like with powerful cars driving at the peak of their speed. But if there is no risk, there is no fun, so I don’t mind that in the slightest!

「Let’s go!」

Also, I must be wary of the tri-headed TYranno’s presence here, just to be on the safe side. I don’t want anything to go wrong here just because I was not paying attention. And as usual, the tail head of Great Red Devourer seemed to be all too eager to deal with me here…… Okay, it’s high time to get this show on the road!

「Too slow! Too slow! Too slow!」

In the end, lasers and bullets are just projectiles that travel in linear direction. So assuming that they won’t be reflected or they will not ricochet off of anything, you can actually dodge them with minimal amounts of effort. And I have seen those attacks more than enough to be able to figure out what’s what here!

「Knowing the patterns and nailing down your timing…… It all comes to that.」

That is why I want to get rid of this thing as soon as possible. It is going to make the defenses of the main body slightly weaker, and it will surely power up the R.I.P with a good amount of firepower. So there is no reason for me to not try doing that.

This is where the All Spirit Awakening Skill comes into play, a natural evolution of Blood Warfare. This skill basically allows the user to convert the amount of HP that was lost due to battle damage into raw stats, mainly: Strength, Vitality and Agility.

In other words. My current HP value sits at eighty. So if I were to receive seventy nine points of damage, the value of seventy nine can be added to one of those stats, albeit for a limited amount of time.

However, since the stat chose for upgraded value is chosen at random, there is always a chance that you can be screwed over by shitty RNG. Also, the higher the stat boost, the shorter the effect is going to last.

「Guh! …… Alright! I got a boost for Agility!」

Crimson light gently brushes against my left cheek. However, the damage effect is being converted into a skill on the spot, so momentary suffering was turned into even further boost in acceleration.

My current HP was reduced by one fifth with that attacks, and then the HP drops even further down thanks the effect of Limit Maximize. Thanks to all of that, sixteen more points are added to my current Agility stat, and I accelerate even further ahead. About ten meters left until I reach my goal!

It also seems that my coming so close to the main body raised my threat evaluation even higher. You fool! If you were to focus on me here and leave the tri-headed Tyranno unchecked, that would have been the very essence of utter foolishness!

「Hello there!」

The distance is already less than five meters. We are well within the attack range of one another, but I am the one who is faster here.

A word of advice here, Great Red Devourer. So clean those ears and listen well!

「One moment.」

Smack! With that sound, I smash my right thumb against my chest.

An attack skill that holds tremendous firepower, but at the cost of having overly long recast time. But now the recast time of this skill has been effectively cut in half as well.

And in that instant, I activated several different skills and abilities that started to pile up on top of one another.

The next moment, my avatar was already behind the Great Red Devourer. And there was a damage effect blooming all over the Great Devourer’s body, as if it was being swallowed up by a huge explosion.

「Being able to produce so much power…… This thrill is seriously way too dangerous. It’s addicting!」

Speaking those words, I can feel that my mouth twisted in a smile behind the cover of the dark veil.

「This here is going to be the climax. However, you won’t be able to witness it. You are going to die first.」

With that being said, I skewered the tail head of the Red Dragon, ripping it apart from the main body with the power of the hundredth empowered strike. Of course, there was no way that the tail or the head would be able to withstand the overwhelming power of Aradval Rebuild.

Now then, I was always a rear guard here, but maybe I should try to act like a tank for once and see how it goes?

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