ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 371 Part 2

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 371: Running Through, Lightning Your Heart Part 2

「Hey, the hell do you think you’re doing, you perverted Survival-kun?」

「WAAAH!? …… Oh, what the hell, it’s just you, Sanraku? Dude, you almost gave me a heart attack there!」

Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you really the same person as before? Where is that guys who would go around the uninhibited island naked, challenging monsters that were as big as dump trucks only with his fists and a fearless smile on his lips? Seeing you like this almost makes me want to cry, man. It’s a little bit sad to say this, but to me the old Survival is gone. No more “Barbarian”. No more “Jungle Gorilla”. No more “Primitive Man”. Truly, what a sad day it is for all gamers out there……

By the way, back in the day, μ Survivor used to be called “Slasher Horror”, and for a very good reason. It was all because he especially liked to creep up on his targets and slash their throats from behind when his victims were least expecting it. Talk about scary……

「Do you guys know each other?」

「I guess you could say that. We have cooperated and played together quite a lot in the past, as a matter of fact.」

「Hey! Wait just a moment here, Sanraku! You bastard! Just what kind of relationship do you have with Tias-chan here……!?」

SWOOSH (I slip a photo of Tias-sensei wearing maid clothes into the hand of Survival just to shut him up.

SWOOSH (In return for my gift, Survival offers me a total of ten million mani, which I gracefully accepted)

「She is my teacher, and I am her student.」

「You have the product I want, and I have the money you need. I think that we can work something quite nice here, don’t you think? Do we have a deal, partner?」

And the Capitalism marches on, I guess…… If only it would be as simple as that. But I don’t really care. As long as you have money, I can hook you up no problem.

「But more importantly, the fact that you are here right now, does that mean that……?」

「Yeah, what I did was basically go to the Church, do some quest for them and wouldn’t you know? It was more than enough to get myself rid of the bad karma that I managed to accumulate. Heck, I even donated some money just to be sure it would be done! But I guess that it was all worth it in the end.」

Thinking about it, the way in which Survival was being devoted to Tias-chan-sensei was almost as serious and intense as the way in which Rei was devoted to the idea of bringing Nightprowler Luukan down. So it actually goes without saying that he would try to become the Avenger himself, just so that he could get closer to the object of his admiration.

And for as long as I can maintain my good relations with the Dress Up Corps, getting my hands on those pictures should actually be a piece of cake.

「Since the Bounty Hunter is the NPC exclusive profession, I happened to completely overlook it…… And who would have thought that there is a profession like that available? How cool is that? It’s almost like some sort of a secret or DLC!」

「I guess that’s actually surprisingly accurate…… So, does that mean that other Dress Up Corps members will be here as well?」

「Ah, no, not really. You see, the conditions for getting an invitation are really strict, so most of them are fine with only playing bait for the Bounty Hunters to appear.」

I see. If the player skill is needed to receive the invitation into the organization, it would really weed out the potential candidates and leave only those showing promise.

「But still, I am here only thanks to the iron will and determination of other members. That is exactly why, Tias-chan…… could you possibly wear this, and……?」



「Newcomer, I am going to be in charge of your training.」

It seems that justice is going to be served here, Survival.

All of a sudden, there was a tall and muscular man wearing a maid outfit standing behind Survival, putting his muscular hand on his shoulder.

「W-Wait just a minute. I was hoping that Tias-chan could actually……」

「You’d better be grateful. I’m going to drive the essence of being an Avenger into your bones and into your very soul!」

「Noooooooo! Get away from meeeeee! Someone, anyone! Please, save meee! Tias-chaaaaaannn!!!」

I’m sure that Survival has a nice level already, even though he is yet to release the level cap. But even if he did, I am more than sure that he would be unable to escape from this situation.

However, this particular Bounty Hunter is a Tank. So his Strength and Vitality must be way better than those of Survival. And if his battle style is the same as ever, he would be a grappler who specializes in speed and agility……. So yeah, no way he’s beating a tank like that on his own.

Amu Namiba Butsu…… As I watched the screaming Survival being taken away, I muttered a silent prayer. It was nice to meet you, buddy! Really, really nice!

「…… Sanraku, what about your friends? You should choose something for them from time to time, you know?」

「Hey, you know what? Yeah, I think I should be doing just that.」

「And don’t forget about the girl.」

「Sure thing! Sure thing!」

It’s time to go full throttle here and show everyone the full extent of my Girl Power!

「Hey, Master…… I would like to order a Single cup with Venti, Caramel, Almonds, Hazelnuts, White Mocha, Two Percent, with lots of Chocolate Chips, Extra Whipped Cream, one portion of Extra Caramel Sauce, on Extra Chocolate Sauce, and top it with extra Dark Mocha, Chocolate Chip and Extra Cream frappucino.」

Whoa, it seems that they are actually out of stock with those for now. Eh? Out of stock? Something like that can really happen in video game?

「Getting back on track, Tias-chan-sensei. Sometimes in the future I would like to ask you for a favor.」

「…… Favor? What favor?」

SNAP! When I snapped my fingers like that, the Master of “Wondering Sword” approached us with a silver tray and a two layered cake sitting on it, decorated with apples and sweet cream. Then, the Master placed the cake right in front of Tias-sensei.


「Tias-sensei…… I would like to make an arrangement with you for sometime later…… regarding a private training session.」

By lifting the level cap and obtaining the skills designated with three digit numbers, I have unlocked the option of accessing the “Secret Row” in the Pruner’s shops, which means more or less that I can obtain special skills with a little bit of Elk’s help…… It sounds complicated and sophisticated, but it actually is a “High Connection” system, one that allows to freely combine and release already possessed skills in order to obtain new ones. The only catch here is that once you use certain skills for the sake of this system, you cannot get those skills back.

And for that, there are two things that are considered to be necessary.

Instead of using the huge, obnoxiously big amounts of experience points, Elk proposed that we use money instead.

And that one other thing is……

「Sensei’s skill…… I definitely want to experience that “Tachyon” so that I can master it for myself later.」

You can learn almost any skill that you want for as long as you have the drive to learn. And it does not matter if it is the other player, NPC, monster or whatever…… But you need to observe it carefully in order to fully understand the inner mechanics behind those things. The rest is just copying the solidified image that you have inside of your head.

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