ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 388 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 388: Magnetic Bond Part 1

When it comes to the Raid Boss once his switch has been flipped, he is like a train with broken brakes –– he will not stop no matter what. To be more specific here, he is going to continue to detect the presence of the enemy with almost beast-like precision and intuition for as long as his enemies were within the range of about twenty meters all around him. And then he would chase after them relentlessly as long as all the enemies would be dead. Honestly speaking, even horror game monsters or RPG town guards are way more lenient in their pursuits, and those are some extreme examples of stalking.

As for his fighting style, it was all over the place. His tactics were fluid and ever changing, he would often switch attacks mid swings and act in the unpredictable way. But at the same time there was a huge trace of reality in his battle style, for it was obvious from his moves that he has no prior knowledge about kendo, fencing or any other type of sword fighting. There was no way in hell that an experienced kendo fighter would ever move about the field and swing his sword in that way as he was demonstrating right now.

But does that mean that the Raid Boss’s fighting style was not effective? That it was inferior to any other martial arts out there? No, the process of achieving the desired results was clearly different here from you would normally choose to do, but the end result would still be the same, unaffected by anything. No matter if he was fighting like a professional in a ring or a street thug in a dark alleyway, his objective here is to inflict intense violence against his opponents.

If it is indeed like than, than this means that the Raid Boss’s sword is nothing more but a murder tool. You may argue that there is no beauty or form behind a purpose like that, but it is actually very pure of a reason. One that allows the Raid Boss to swing his sword true, without any doubts or ideologies that might hold him back from reaching his objectives.

Not to mention that the weapon the Raid Boss is using, the Rust Light, can be considered as both the weakest and the strongest weapon this game has to offer. It possesses the lowest attacks stat out of all available weapons, but if you wield it properly then you can even cut through armor plating like if it was only a sheet of baking paper. Plus the raid boss swings that sword without stopping, not even giving his opponents a moment to breathe.

As for the wounds left by the rusted iron blade, they were deep and distinct, as if the thought behind this weapon was that it would always leave a mark on its prey, serving as both the mark of shame and a proof of one’s skill with handling the sword. It was kind of a unique experience.


Oho, looks like he managed to slash me good this time. I could even feel a huge chunk of meat being cut off of my body. The sensation was not all TOO crazy when it comes to realism, and it was most certainly nothing like the ShanFro sensation, but it was still a Full Dive VR game. So having a long chunk of meat cut off from the shoulder to my waist surely felt weird and would maybe even affect my combat efficiency. However, I was still alive. It was not enough to kill me, so I was going to be fine. This thing is nothing compared to some other wounds and injuries that I have suffered in the past.

「You’re a dead meat!!」

The rusty sword flies towards me once more, but instead of catching my body it wedges itself into someone else who appeared out of nowhere here. Was that the eight place in the Ranking? Seemed that way to me. Could it be that he was hoping to score some easy kills while we were preoccupied with one another?

「Geh ––!! And here I was hoping to take both of you out at the same time! You bastards!」

「Should have stayed away!」

「Eh? But why? What was that? Could you repeat that? But this time coming closer? It’s really hard to understand you.」

「You did that on purpose, you bastard! Gyaaahhh……!!」

「Yes, that’s right. Run away, just like a rabbit that you are.」

Where did that come from all of a sudden, comparing people to rabbits? I mean, that would be pretty accurate if I was ShanFro’s Sanraku at the moment, which was not the case here…… Is he an Esper or what? I mean, judging from what I have seen so far, I would not really be all that surprised if that was the case here.

Let’s be completely honest here, I might die during this fight. And that’s not even an over-exaggeration on my end. Unlike other monster of a player, Silvia Goldberg, this raid boss right here was acts like a genuine beast, using every possible tactic and type of attack in order to get even one hit in on you. Plus he is always on the chase, not letting you put any distance between himself and his prey. The best I was able to put here was five meters.

That is why I needed a change in strategy. If I am going to die anyway, I might as well die going all out, so that I won’t have any regrets here.

The name of this here strategy is Raid Boss Super Express! I am going to try and run away while doing my best to provoke the Raid Boss to give chase, at the same time trying to lure other players our way. That way I might be able to keep on upping my kill count with some small fries, so even if I end up getting killed by the Raid Boss my overall score should still be quite high.

The way in which the Raid Boss’s movements were so god damn efficient made him seem almost like a computer instead of a normal human being. But on the other hand, that was working just fine for me. After all, instead of overthinking every little thing he was going to judge it by a simple logic of: “What would the best outcome be in this situation”?

Now listen up, all of the bad guys out there! When you are on a deserted island, Monster Player Kill is the most essential of tools you will need to survive!

「Divine…… Ah.」

「When it comes to interpersonal exchanges…… There’s no place for them here right now!」

Rust light has one more neat effect up its sleeve. If you manage to score a critical hit with it, its blade is going to ignore the armor values of the things it touches. However, this is a double edged sword here, since if it fails to deliver a critical hit, there is even bigger chance that the rusty blade is simply going to fall to pieces.

So if the Raid Boss always need to rely on critical hits, I now know what it is that I must do. What a coincidence, in ShanFro I am a critical attacker as well……!

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