ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 399 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 399: Critical Leg, Conquering the Sky Part 1

Running through the dense forest is surprisingly harder than I would have initially expected.

Of course, the trees growing everywhere are an obvious obstacle here. However, it is the ground in here that is even bigger of an obstacle, giving me a whole lot of needless trouble.

Normally you would think that there would be no problem here, since humans walk on the ground, and the trees’ roots are hidden beneath the ground. And usually that is the case. However, not every single tree in here is kind enough to keep its roots hidden below the ground.

Today I have learned a valuable lesson: roots sticking out of the ground can be the most vicious of traps out there. Even more treacherous and vicious than the pitfalls or the grass knots. On the other hand, the ground is not all that innocent either: it has to be hard enough, because if it is too soft, your feet can get easily stuck in it and cause and accident or slow you down.

In other words, what I am getting at in here is this: the land that is suitable for the oversized trees to grow on is no place for a human being to perform any intricate actions such as running or anything else of the sort.

So I tried to do something else here. Something that would have made my trek through the woods a whole lot easier.


There was a loud roar, and the blowing wind presses against my body, creating something resembling and atmospheric wall right before me. However, at the current moment my acceleration and propulsion was so fast that I was easily breaking through that wall and going forward, just like a stake would pierce through a wall. And yes…… I was flying at the current moment.

「Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!!!!!!!!」

This is dangerous! This is like, really, super dangerous! High Connection is seriously dangerous beyond my wildest expectations!!!

It’s really dangerous that a single skill possesses so much power and utility like that! Dangerous, this whole situation is highly dangerous! Dangerous! So dangerous that my vocabulary actually starts to devolve into something that I am actually not all that proud of! And that’s really dangerous here as well!

「Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!?」

Rather than flying, should I actually say that I have been propelled like a bullet that was shot out of a gun? Even though humans have no wings that would enable them to fly, you can still achieve the same result thanks to being propelled forcefully and fast enough. I only pity my poor pectoral muscles and bones after I will be forced to make a landing.

Let us change the subject for a moment here, shall we? The thing I would like to talk about in here is the technique that the little girl Tias-sensei is using. The transcendental speed…… Tachyon. It seems that this word is used to describe the kind of superluminal speed that never drops slower than the speed of light. I see how it is. It is certainly like that here. There is no way that a single skill could grant you powerful speed buffs and then give you speed debuffs that would make you come to a stop at the same time. It is something that is impossible to do, no matter how much you would like to cut corners here.

Because why would it be possible for a single skill? Don’t you think so too? It should be like a guy who tries to sprint with all of his might while having an iron ball stuck to his leg at the same time. And it is precisely because of that logic that Sensei is not only the strongest Bounty Hunter out there, but also the fastest NPC that I have come to know.

If that is the case here, then the name of this skill that I have received may very well be the synonym of defeat, a clear indication of the player’s limitations. It could also be the name of the highest honor that a person could reach, a limit that was clearly not meant to be crossed.

A High Connection. The connection of seven of my strongest mobility aiding skills. And the name of this skill that my Sanraku has nurtured inside of himself is “Bradion – Critical Speed –“.


THRASH! I kick the empty atmosphere beneath my feet in order to accelerate for the third time and start going even faster here. The phenomenon at work here may seem like that of ‘Hermes’s Boots at first with some added effects to it, but in reality it is not at all that straightforward. ‘Critical Speed’ is something much more advanced and difficult to control. If it was so easy and simple to control, it would not have made me into a paste on the wall so many times before.

When you get down to it, the “Critical Speed: Bradion” is a High Combination skill that fuses three different effects in itself.

First of all, the duration of the skill, or the effective “range” across which the skill takes effect. When it comes to that, the skill duration lasts from the moment that the player decides to cast it all the way until five “steps” are going to be made by that player. Strictly speaking, the skill won’t stop to apply its effect until the player managed to make motion of taking a step on the ground with his or her feet five times.

Next on the list, we have a demerit under the guise of self-harm. The moment you activate this skill, about ninety percent of your overall HP disappears. So in my case, my HP gets shaved off from ten to one. I think that you can easily recover all that lost HP, but up until now I was always ending up as a stain on the wall, so there was no real way for me to actually confirm that. And once I did try to recover my HP, it did just that, so that’s one problem off my back.

And last but surely not least on the list, the effect that is granted onto the player after the skill’s activation…… the one that is the most dangerous out of the whole bunch.

The very first step already sets the player’s speed to maximum. And each consecutive step only adds to the already maxed out pile, making the acceleration something so extreme that this is actually hard to comprehend. As a result, you can do a whole number of things that you would normally be unable to do otherwise: aerial jumps, wall running, ceiling running, ignoring of recoil at the time of landing and damage reduction during the acceleration process itself. The list goes on and on, but the ones above are probably the most useful effects out of the entire bunch. It can even be said that during the time when the skill is activated the player receives a sort of pseudo-invincibility.

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