ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 410 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 410: How to Make a Useless Snake Less Useless Part 1

What do you do when you are in trouble? Simple. Just organize a strategy meeting! You cannot go wrong with organizing a strategy meeting! Nothing beats a good strategy meeting.

Question: How can you make your own save points and furniture when you are a player with a whole lot of resources?

Answer: You just become a Carpenter and make everything by yourself!

Question: Is there any other way to make your own save points and furniture beside becoming a Carpenter? Something that is less tedious?

Answer: No, there is none, you filthy piece of human filth. Besides, tedious? It’s all about putting a few planks together and combining them together with a nail and hammer, so there’s nothing actually all that hard about it! You can’t possibly fuck this up even if you wanted to……!

「God damn motherfucking PIECE OF SHIT……!!!!!!」

Whose idea it was for me to become a fucking Carpenter in the first place! I want to confront that guys and break his kneecaps so badly that I literally can’t even……!

Alright, I know that this may look pretty bad, but listen to me for a second, okay……? I can still save this. I still have a few options left for me, kukukuku…… For you see, in this game there is a job as specific as furniture craftsman. It’s already a production job in the really wide and diverse hobby area, but since it has a do-it-yourself vibe to it, it’s a job that has been recently gaining in popularity and spreading like wildfire. But for some bizarre reason or another, in order to be a furniture maker you require to have at least some levels of knowledge when it comes to magic. Suspicious? Maybe. Oddly specific? You are damn right. So my guess here is that magic users can unlock some special furniture options with this side job. Come on, Library! Do your job in that regard!

However, what about the people who only started their journey into furniture-making? Because it is not to imagine that their craft would most probably produce less than desirable results. Not to mention that no one would be willing to make a furniture to a place that a monster would inhabit.

Besides, it is only a logical conclusion that furniture is something that works best and as intended when you place it at home. And as a rule of thumb, it is not something that gives the player any buffs. It is only there purely for the esthetic reasons. But if only a right skill is needed to produce furniture, I wonder why do you need magic here for……? So many questions, so little answers.

But yes, furniture is something that you place in the house, in the mansion, inside of the store…… and of course in your base.

Kukukuku…… I see how it is. I already had the answer in my hand all this time. I was just thinking that I should keep hidden it until I was ready to reveal it to everyone else, and it was so long that I was about to forget its existence. But isn’t it time to actually make use of it……?

「Wobble, wobble……Say, Wimp? Sammy-chan is the one who made this cave in the first place, right?」

「You bet she did! Sammy-chan really is amazing! She can go through the walls of this cave and mold it like it’s nothing! There is literally nothing that she cannot do here!」

I could feel a certain melancholy drifting from Sammy-chan, which must have meant that actually making this place was not such easy of a work as we think it was. Could it be that this monster was actually digging through this place while having to avoid the monsters from the battlefront out there? What are you…… a demon or something?

「I’m sorry, but do you think you could dig me a hole in the ground that goes in a straight line like that? …… With a slight dent just like that?」

「…… Sure, it’s not a problem, but I’m not the one who you should be asking that.」

S-Sammy-chan……! Please, I beg of you!

I’m sorry to ask you for this! And I’m also filled with gratitude! Whoa, whoa, that’s actually dangerous! I know that you are a snake, Sammy-chan, but please don’t look at me like that!

Sammy-chan then shows me a compassionate look (as much as a reptile could do that, anyway) as if she was forgiving me, and then she starts to drip venom from her long fangs. Slowly, the venom melts the ground one drip at a time. Hmm, so the snake’s poison not actually a neurotoxin, but more like an acid? You learn something new every day……

A few minutes later, Sammy-chan, who dug a deep ditch in the cave, rolled up on the ground as if he had finished his work. Thank you for your hard work!

「Isn’t it perfect? Eventhe depth……? Seriously, Sammy-chan’s a real Maestro……!」

I have to live up to those expectations, even if it’s an NPC or a suspicious monster! I’m a man aiming for a high score! Come on! It’s time to get to work!

「Let me introduce you to one of my newest additions, Brynhildr Baskerville…… Huh? Oh yeah, Brynhildr Baskerville No. 3! Yeah, the official name is Bryn, if anyone was asking which I know that no one is going to ask.」

「What is that supposed to be? A weapon? Its shape is all strange and weird.」

「Okay, listen here, Sammy-chan. This is a little bonus. This thing is called a ship. A ship, you get it? Do you actually understand what I’m saying here?」

「Updating Name Information: Changing Wimp to “Lacking Intelligence”.」Updated Name Wimp Information: Lack of Intelligence”

「Why am I the one who is being ridiculed here!? And anyways, what’s that thing about a bonus!? What gives!?」

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