ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 418 Part 1

ShangriLa Frontier Chapter 418: United Light From the Abyss Part 1

“Wolfgang Guild’s Group Chat”

Katsu: Oi, Sanraku? Is Sanraku even here?

Katsu: Come on out, Sanraku. Don’t be a sacredly cat and come out to play~. I’m not going to bite you…… All that hard, I guess.

Katsu: …… Tsk, so, he’s not even here after all? So what, does that mean that it is really the time for intense shitty game conquering for him at the current moment? Kind of a bummer, not gonna lie.

Rust: Intense shitty game conquering? What’s that supposed to mean? Is it some kind of a dish or what?

Pencil Warrior: Basically is goes something like this: Sanraku buys a new shitty game or two and then he tries to play through and conquer them all at once throughout the weekend or a holiday season. Or so the story goes.

Pencil Warrior: And the best part of this process of his is that during that period of time he gets so engrossed in what he is doing that it is no use trying to contact him through SNS or e-mail, because he is not going to respond at all. It’s like he’s inside of his own private world where no one else can reach him.

Rust: Hmm…… Sounds really stupid for some reason, but okay, I guess.

Saiga-0: Is there something that you wanted to specifically talk to him about?

Katsu: Hm? O-Oh, n-no, not really. At least, it was nothing all that major or related to the guild’s business.

Pencil Warrior: Hmm? Sound awfully suspicious if you ask me. I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it at all, my dear Katsu-kun~.

Kyogoku: We may have known each other for a short while, but it’s been more than enough for me to know that you are lying. You need to step up your game if you want to deceive people in the future, you know?

Rust: Yeah, that’s the kind of vibe I was getting as well. Your story sounds suspicious and it does not hold itself together. Like, at all. Consistency is the thing you should be looking for here, consistency.

Katsu: Oh well, since the cat is somewhat out of the bag at this point, I might as well tell you guys about it as well. Okay, here goes…… So, Pencilgton? I think you would be interested in knowing that one of our mutual friends is currently on the lookout for both you and Sanraku. So you’d better brace yourself.

Pencil Warrior: ………… Eh? Huh? W-Wait, seriously? Are we talking about THAT person here?

Pencil Warrior: So she did not go back home? She’s still here? Should we throw a welcoming party for her?

Pencil Warrior: Sanraku-kun, come out, come out, wherever you are! You are all a part of this, so it’s no use hiding! You are still going to be dragged into this whether you like it or not! So you’d better give up while you can!

Mold: Eh? What is going on? What is this commotion here all about?

Katsu: Oh, nothing much. We are just trying to contact someone and we are not doing all that great of a job at it, is all. Or maybe you could even call it a fateful encounter? Yeah, it may very well be considered something like that.

Pencil Warrior: But seriously……? Man, this is going to become quite a hassle indeed.

Akitsu Akane: Huh? Why? Does that have something to do with that person? Is this person a bad person or something like that?

Pencil Warrior: No, I mean yeah, but…… Look, regarding that person, Katsu is the one who should know more than I do. So if you want to know more, you should ask him about it, not me.

Katsu: If I were to put it in any sort of way…… That person is more like a lovable machine……? That’s honestly the best way I can describe it.

Rust: Looks to me as if you were reluctant to categorize that person as a human being. And that’s actually a genuine point of concern rather than anything else in this conversation up to this point.

Katsu: Oh, don’t need to worry about that. I assure you that this person is very much a human being. Although the way in which she can act tends to kind of blur the lines between a regular human being and a machine, but that is beside the point for now. But yeah, she is a human being alright.

Pencil Warrior: How about we change the subject for a moment, hm? Or rather, there is something that I would like to ask you, Akitsu Akane-kun.

Akitsu Akane: Yes? What would that be?

Pencil Warrior: Surely you must have heard it, right? The notification from the Saint about the premonition she had? The one about the Dragons and Noirlind coming? Is there a reason for why Noirlind decided to act now of all times?

Akitsu Akane: Oh, yeah! That one! For some reason he is very enthusiastic about this whole endeavor! He even says that this time around he is going to defeat Siegwurm for sure! We even had a strategy meeting and all that stuff you usually do right before a big action or invasion!

Pencil Warrior: ………..? Umm…………?

Akitsu Akane: Umm…… Does that mean I did something wrong……? Something I shouldn’t have done?

Katsu: No, it’s just that…… Are you all buddy-buddy now? Are you on such good terms that you plan strategies together and that kind of stuff?

Kyogoku: Well I’ll be damned! Who would have thought that Noirlind would have a deredere side to him? Now I think I might have seen everything this world has to offer.

Akitsu Akane: Also, Noirlind mentioned something about bringing other members of the draconic tribes with him on this, since this is supposed to be a total war out there. A war to end all wars, as he put it.

Pencil Warrior: Oh, great, so now we are going to have to deal with Draconic Tribes as well? Great. Care to tell us something more about it? Preferably so that we might actually know what we are going to be dealing with here?

Akitsu Akane: I think that Draconic Tribes are people that have been personally chosen by the Black Dragon himself. They even have scales and wings! How cool is that!?

Akitsu: And guess what? They can all fly on short distances thanks to those wings and even breathe fire!

Pencil Warrior: Ahh, I’m sorry but…… Yeah, I’m actually kinda at the loss for words at the current moment……

Pencil Warrior: But anyways, do you have the exact route for your march specified? That’s the thing that’s important to us now.

Kyogoku: Oh, yeeah, that’s right. Now that you mention it.

Katsu: But I mean, do we even know on which side of the conflict we want to place ourselves here?

Rust: Yeah, the question still remains here: do we want to defeat the five colored dragons? Or do we want to take Siegwurm down?

Mold: Rust has a point here. Besides, would it not be, like, a super great raid battle that will basically involve all of the players in it?

Rust: Which means that the fighting is going to get really intense there, right?

Kyogoku: Or maybe the players will be forced to fight in waves or groups? You know, just so that everyone will have a turn to shine? That would make more sense, wouldn’t you agree? And wouldn’t that be some perfect PK opportunity? No one would even care or notice!

Katsu: Yeah, and stain your name red during a mass events like that? People would riot if that was to happen.

Pencil Warrior Hmm, something smells awfully fishy in here.

Pencil Warrior: I think that this was supposed to be a Unique Quest, and the one that would only trigger after the players got to explore the new continent to a considerable extent……

Pencil Warrior: But why? What would be the intention of gathering all of the raid bosses in one place? Surely not for the players to defeat them all at once?

Katsu: Actually, do you think that this will be some sort of a scripted event? Like, you know, the players meet all of the dragons and are bound to lose the fight against them?

Mold: But the Saint said something about the “decisive battle”, right? So, would there be any point to a decisive battle if the players were to lose it?

Akitsu Akane: Noirlind-san said something similar. “This is the final battle! None of the sides intends to back down, so one of us will have to die!” …… That kind of thing.

Pencil Warrior: I’m really curious to see how the events here are going to unfold…… One day has already passed, so that leaves us about a week or so before the appointed time, right?

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