Death’s Daughter Chapter 108




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


I had finished my requests and was headed back to Orzak. Meeting the King and Vitou-sama was unexpected, but I did everything I planned to do. I think I deserve a small break when I return. I should enjoy myself and do something for me: no work, no training, no hunting; just mere relaxation and some fun.

It took me almost a week to arrive back since I was in no hurry whatsoever. I chatted with other travelers I met on the road and kept up with their pace. I knew I said I would never take the tunnel again, but this leisurely pace really felt soothing to the soul. Even when I reached the town, I
didn’t bother reporting the finished request and just went straight to my room for the night.

It was only the next day that I decided to appear at the guild building. As per usual, Millie-chan was back to working the morning shift.

“Good morning Naoko-sama, I see you have returned. How did the request go?”

“Finished it without a hitch. How are things going with Nino-san? I bet you are all lovey-dovey with him whenever the two of you are alone.”

“Naoko-sama, I-I have no idea what you are talking about?”

She turned completely red and was fumbling her words. It was so obvious from the way she was acting, I don’t know why they don’t want to announce it already. It was more than obvious that these two are dating.

“Whatever you say, but I want the invitation for the wedding, just so you know.”

“I-I… You…”

“Don’t panic, actually I came to tell you that I will be taking a break and will only take B-rank requests for a while. I plan on getting my rank up, so if anything new comes please inform me so I can head out.”

I left the overly embarrassed Millie-chan and sat down at one of the desks in the guild room and began reading a book on folk tales. You couldn’t ask for a more relaxing situation. To make things better I even took out my Cup o’ Sweetness. I felt nothing could ruin this moment.

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”

“No, it’s fine.”

I replied automatically without even looking up, assuming the person would just take the chair and sit with his friends. That is why I was surprised when that person sat down next to me. Looking around I noticed that most tables were taken which was odd, considering the time and the fact that most of the people were working or hunting. Another peculiar thing was that the amount of females in the guild room was ridiculously high right now. I finally took a look at the man sitting in front of me.

“I couldn’t help but admire your eyes that shone so brilliant when I saw you. I simply had to come closer and take a better look.”

What the hell? This person had stunning looks. I would bet my hand that he was a model in his past life to be able to look so good. It felt to me like a movie star walked out of the screen and sat down in front of me, but his words trying to pick me up were just too cheesy. I couldn’t help but cringe. I know better than anyone how I look, is this man a lolicon?

“Umm… thanks.”

“I travelled all over the world and I have never seen eyes as beautiful as yours, or a voice as angelic and lovely. Please allow me to admire it even more.”

I could hear the gasps and squeals from females in the room as he spoke those words to me, but honestly it only made me turn away from him. He’s trying way too hard and it sounds disturbing to me. You may be an eye candy that I might admire from afar, but I’m afraid you won’t be scoring with me.

“Thanks, but I am not interested. I already have someone I like. So stop trying.”

This exclamation just earned me countless death glares from the females in the room. I don’t think I ever felt such pressure even when going against Triton. Man, girls are scary. I put away all my things and was about to leave when my path was blocked.

“You cannot leave.”

Huh? What are they doing? They were all angry at me and now they are not willing to let me go. Are they looking for a fight? If they want to, I would gladly beat all of them senseless, so they don’t have any more ideas about me. Unintentionally, I began seething with killing intent. Come I’ll take you on anytime.

“Come on ladies, don’t be like this. We didn’t come here to fight. Girls shouldn’t be in battles, that is the job of us men. I am sorry we scared you. My name is Banbo and all these girls are my guild and party members.”

A harem party, I should have guessed it from the beginning, with how all those girls were acting. But that name, Banbo, he should be the A-rank adventurer stationed here. Honestly speaking I had a completely different image about him.

“It’s a pleasure. I am Naoko, can I leave now?”

“Naoko… such a beautiful name. I must say it suits you perfectly. I can see why your parents named you like that.”

So full of bullshit, I can’t believe that this person is the strongest one in Orzak. I really don’t want to associate myself with this personality type. I tried to pass through the crowd, but I will still being detained inside.

“Banbo-sama is still not finished talking so you can’t leave Naoko-chan, just be a good girl and wait.”

I can’t believe this, they were treating me like a kid. I turned to face Banbo and waited with crossed arms to hear what was it that he wanted.

“Speak, what do you want? I am busy.”

“Naoko-chan don’t be so cold. Actually, I heard about you and how you have brought a dash of freshness into this guild, so I had to meet you personally to confirm that. Please join my party, you will be the perfect addition. If it’s you, then you can play the role of a little sister and call me Onii-chan all day long.”

WHAT! THE! HELL! That’s it, I’m out of here. He is just a plain pervert.

“No thanks, now you better let me leave otherwise this will turn ugly for you, and your harem party.”




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