Death’s Daughter Chapter 147



Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


“You must be Duchess Maeda, I didn’t know you have already reached B-rank. Well we can never know if you bribed the guild to give you that rank, but I want to make myself clear. That wyvern is ours.”

This was not good. Two other parties have already accepted the request and having to compete with them was troublesome. One party consisted of ten A-rank adventurers and the other one had twenty people with mixed A and B adventurers. And finally there was me, all alone and looking almost like a joke with a pair of oversized sunglasses that I got from one of the random rewards in the dungeon.

“The wyvern is whoever kills it. I didn’t come here to compete with you but to subjugate a monster that is causing trouble to people. If you have a problem with me don’t bother complaining since I am not interested in your whining.”

I arrived not even an hour ago and he was already picking a fight with me. I didn’t want to deal with this right now. The A-rank party was calm, but this one seems like he has a personal grudge against me. All I wanted to do is finish the request and then return to my dungeon.

“As if you alone can take down a wyvern, even if you were S-ranked I wouldn’t believe that you could take it down by yourself.”

Ah, it was pointless to say anything further. I shouldn’t have tried to be polite and greet them first. I guess I will not be getting any information from them. I moved away and went towards the A-rank party.

“Excuse me, can I ask you for some information. I am Maeda Naoko, can you tell me about the wyvern, and since you have already arrived I am sure you saw it yourself. When does it appear and where does it fly off? Of course, I am not asking for free.”

I placed a gold coin on the table. Immediately it was snatched by a woman wearing a wizard’s robe.

“Going alone is suicide, join us if you feel like it. The wyvern appears at random but always flies off west. You look like you have a good head on your shoulders to know what to ask for. I like it.”

“I appreciate your offer, but I will decline. I brought my tamed beast with me, so I am not alone. Thank you for the information.”

I left the tavern and went outside. Staying inside the town won’t help me find where the wyvern is, but knowing it always flies away to the west means that it probably has its nest in that area. As soon as I left the town I could see on the map that twenty dots were moving in the same direction as I did. Tsk, I hope they aren’t thinking of leeching off of me.

I reached the edge of a cleared out area around the town and stopped. I turned around and saw that the AB-party of twenty stopped as well. They aren’t even making it seem like they aren’t following me. Your little chit chat that you are doing isn’t fooling anyone just so you know.

I don’t know what they were planning on doing, but I was certain that they would try and mess up my plans. Come on just try it, I dare you. I turned towards the forest, took out a carved wooden whistle and blew it.

Before leaving my dungeon I decided to take Byakko with me and only leave Yoru to babysit the puppy. I needed someone to watch my back while I am searching for the wyvern and Byakko won the rock-paper-scissors against Yoru so that is why he is here. Now that was the weirdest game I ever saw since to me it seemed like they kept on throwing the same sign, but apparently both of them knew what each other showed. Well as long as those two are getting along well I am not concerned.

I waited a few moments and soon I could hear a roar signifying Byakko was near. Stealing a glance at the party behind me I saw them panicking and getting into formation ready for battle. Good, this will teach you to try and mess with me.

“Master, tell me your wish and I will fulfill it.”

“Come here and let me pet you. I will need you to guard me for a while as I search the area. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, Master.”

The enormous tiger crouched down and let me scratch its fluffy ears. The scene was must have been comical from the outside, or terrifying depending how you want to look at it, but I couldn’t care less. I then climbed onto his back and sat down cross-legged. The looks on the people seeing this were priceless and made me feel good about myself. Yes, I am that awesome.

I moved my gaze towards the skies looking for a bird that can fly for a long time and luckily found an eagle. I used Spirit Possession, a type of magic I don’t usually like using since it always makes me feel dizzy and disoriented because of the new body and different vision. Once I regained all my senses I directed the eagle to move west. Sadly I could not search indefinitely as this magic had a time limit of about three to four hours. If I stayed too long I would lose control of the body and then going back to my own body would take forever.

That is why I decided to search for two hours before heading back. And since this is also me, the map will be updated as well. This way if I miss the wyvern today and it flies away I can know a more specific route since I will at least see where it disappears off the map. After two hours had passed I decided to return as I didn’t want to risk it any further.

Once I returned to my body I realized the situation there had turned ugly. The AB-party was cursing me and pointing swords towards Byakko. The A-rank party on the other hand was simply sitting further away simply observing, some the skies, others the confrontation.

“How long do you intend to stay like that and ignore me? Explain, how did you gain such a beast? What magic did you use? Speak, or things will turn ugly.”

“My master cannot answer, now lower your toothpicks before I blast you away. If you insult my master, I will not allow you to live further.”

I was able to understand what Byakko said thanks to my [Language comprehension] but to the rest of them it only sounded like hisses and roars. That is something I learned a long time ago. So far I can understand Common Dorean, Draconic and Beast Language, but I wouldn’t be surprised if one day I find out I can understand all known languages.

“Back away beast, monsters like you should be killed and not kept as pets.”

I was seriously sick of this adventurer’s attitude.

“Say one more word of threat to Byakko or me and I will cut your tongue. Raise a weapon and attack, only bones will be left. Now scram!”

I overwhelmed him only by using my bloodlust and magic power. All the time he kept on bothering me instead of trying to solve the problem of a wyvern. He should have chosen a location and prepared an ambush and not pick a fight with me.

When I pressure people I know that I can be quite overwhelming, especially when I go all out. But I thought since he was already high ranked adventurer he would be fine. I couldn’t have imagined that he would end up pissing himself in fear and run away crying. How pathetic. And to think that he is actually a party leader, I feel bad for the rest of his teammates.



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