Death’s Daughter Chapter 184




“Author: FoodLovingPanda”


“Who are you? This man is nowhere near your level, so I assume you must be his superior.”

The man that appeared next to the Black Baron looked to be around thirty, but I had a feeling he was much older. His eyes gave it away.

“I should be asking the same question. It’s rare for the Black King to miss a talent such as yourself having Dark/Spirit combination on top of using Light magic. There is a reason why all of us are under his rule. Tell me how did you hide all this time?”

So he is also a Necromancer. And he must have been the one to raise all these undead. It also made more sense. I didn’t think that the Baron was that strong. This explains things.

“Let’s say I was not from around here, only arrived recently.”

The next moment Vitou and the Archduke both landed next to me. I did not mind their help this time around. I knew that I would not be able to take this man on alone.

“Earl, what business do you have with my little sister? You see, I was going to let her be, but seeing your ugly face made me want to jump in. Tell Mike to stop hiding and come find me one of these days. Or is he still recovering from our last encounter. I could use some practice.”

The heck? He really knew this person? And what’s even more interesting is that he sounded like he didn’t like him at all. Also who is Mike?

“Little sister, interesting. He might take interest even more now. No wonder he didn’t know about you, little miss. Not from around here indeed. Good, good. I can’t go against you today, but soon I will come and find you. I’ taking him back, but I will leave a present. Hopefully I would be able to take at least on bird with it.”

He raised his hand and the ground began shaking. A magic circle appeared and seven great bone dragons materialized and began flying towards Elyra. The man disappeared the next moment.

“F*CK! Stay here and don’t approach unless you want to die.”

This was meant for Vitou, but the Archduke also didn’t make a move. I willed the Wind elementals to support me as I flew up picking up speed along the way, I Blinked and stood just before Elyra and activated a skill that I got from the High Elemental when I set it free.

In addition to Light Magic, in that dungeon I gained a title [Child of Light]. It was one of the highest light blessings one can get and it allowed me to use Starfall skill earlier this night. It amplified all light magic by 50% and gave me 30% light resistance. The last thing I gained was a skill which literally left me with my mouth wide open in disbelief.

[Crown of Light (I) – for five minutes you call upon the crown of light and rule over the element of light freely with no cost. The magic you cast will have amplified effect and would not be broken unless being hit with another absolute element. CD: 99 days]

Absolute ruler of light! Now that was way too OP. I activated this skilled and yelled for everyone to back away. The trap was not yet finished, but it was now or never. I crumbled the surface of the ground and entrapped roughly half of the army with it. I proceeded by putting up a barrier that encircled me, the dragons and another tenth of the army that was not entrapped.

With this I was able to completely isolate us from the outside. I used the leftover time from the skill to apply my knowledge of light from physics. Light is an electromagnetic wave and has its own frequency, and some of them are extremely dangerous.

“Elyra, light elementals, strengthen the light magic, and whatever you do, don’t enter the barrier.”

What I imagined were the gamma rays, the radiation of highest energy. And I imagined it being contained within the barrier perfectly. I can’t imagine the effect it would have on the world if it got out. This is the same radiation that kills human cells.

To call the outcome gruesome was an understatement. The undead bodies started to melt and evaporate leaving nothing behind. Even I didn’t expect an outcome like this. What I was hoping for was irreversible damage to their bodies rendering them unable to move and then using Daphira’s powers to free the enslaved souls within them.

I think that light as I know it and Light Magic, might just have some differences among them. Let’s just say using such vague principles on magic will be put on hold for now. I did it once with vacuum and honestly, that outcome was better than this. What was going on right here was a mistake. I admit it.

Before the time for the skill ended I made sure to disperse all the magic present so that it will not be able to harm others. The moment the crown of light disappeared I felt extreme weakness and couldn’t maintain any further magic. If it weren’t for Fulgy catching me I would be flattened onto the ground. I tried to refocus but I couldn’t. The headache from the notices was also not helpful.

“Just relax my bride, we will do the rest. You did train all of us to fight, we won’t lose to a bunch of brainless idiots.”

“But, the loot… I messed up, also the experience, I want more of it.”

“Sleep, or I will kiss you.”

“Fine! But make sure you collect the loot. I already lost too much.”


“What the hell was that? Just what did your sister do right now?”

When Nao-chan warned us to not approach I decided to listen. I heard from Nakamura and Ishikawa how fearsome that curse was, but I did not see her use it. Instead I felt Light Magic moving and a barrier being deployed. The trap was a good one for this situation, but it is nothing never seen before. What I didn’t understand is why those undead began melting and evaporating in front of my eyes. There were even seven bone dragons in there and honestly, by how fast they disappeared, they might as well not have been there at all.

“Hey don’t ask me, even I don’t know all her secrets. I know she gained Light Magic, but I didn’t think she would be able to display it to the absolute. If I were to take a guess, I would say she used a skill.”

“That is a skill? She can destroy a country with this single skill. I refuse to believe it.”

“Believe what you want. I saw her go all out, so I am happy. I will tag along for the trip to Vilikis. I have a feeling it will be interesting and you might need me.”

I watched him disappear without a sound. I turned my head back to the battle and watch as Naoko’s monsters finished off the remainder of undead army.




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