Death’s Daughter Chapter 65




Author: “FoodLovingPanda”


It looked like there was no order how the colors were assigned, but with each weapon, the matching overcoat was handed out. I could notice some mana circulating between the weapons and the overcoat which interested me, but I had no time to try and study right now.

Anyways, I had to focus on the upcoming battle.

“These items are imbued with special magic that we are researching at the department. For every time you connect the weapon to the coat it will send information to a large table which can be seen by everyone on the outside. It is the latest technology developed, so you should be grateful to be able to witness it first-hand.”

More like test it out than to experience it, but if I were to think of it like an electrical circuit I can pretty much guess the theory behind it. Since it like this, I think I can abuse the system behind it just a bit. I organized my weapons, which were all red, and took a deep breath to calm down.

“Now for the rules; no weapons aside from bows, slings and other throwing devices are allowed inside the arena, only those provided to you. No direct offensive magic is allowed nor weakening magic, however magic cast upon oneself is allowed. Friendly fire counts as negative points so be careful. Best of luck to you all.”

This is getting exciting, just like inside the game. I felt my heart fluttering. A large amount of opponents, wild audience and a thrill that can almost be tasted. I was addicted to this feeling,

I may be lazy and quiet in my free time,but this is where I can truly shine. This is one trait I can say I share with drunk Nao, the Queen.

Seeping strong bloodlust, several people around me moved away, but I could also sense those that were just as excited as me. Those will be the ones to look out for. Once everyone was divided into groups we were escorted back to the arena, but what I saw made no sense. The entire area has changed; there was a forest, lake, desert and cliffs and I could no longer see the audience clearly. It is like the space itself changed, truly a magical experience.

“Champions you have a few moments to choose where you will start from. Afterwards we will start.”

Without hesitating, I moved to the central area where all four terrains met. If I am to get as many of them as possible I should be able to access all areas easily. Also, there was no mention of forbidding skill use so [Presence Detection] is fair play.

Aside from me, three other men from the blue team stood near me sending me provocative gestures. I looked at them and smiled; come and get me, if you can that is.

***ERIK’S POV***

That young girl is interesting, instead of hiding in the forest or cliffs she is just standing in the center. Just what is she planning to do?

“What do you think my Vitou, who will turn out to be the overall winner for this round? It was you who proposed this round. I must say it is quite the fun concept. Usually we don’t do things like this.”

Vitou was quite persistent to change the usual style of battle to this novel idea saying it was all for the sake of the marriage. Just what did he made Naoko-san promise?

“Hard to say father, this set-up makes it anyone’s game. You never know who might tag you. This is the real battlefield now and since we restricted magic Naoko-san should not be able to show her full strength.”

That is true, from what I have learned about her in the court, she must be a magician with some slight skills in archery. This situation sadly favours warriors over magicians. I turned to the heroes, who also present here.

“How about others, who do you think will win today?”

“Nao-chan for sure.”

“It’s Maeda-san without a doubt.”


Almost everyone replied the same. I was not surprised hearing this from the heroes, but what caught me off guard was Toriwa’s reply. He said his answer with absolute certainty.

“Earl Orzak what makes you so sure of you answer?”

“She has the same magic as I do, and this type battle is her forte. Plus, her stats are abnormally high and skills outrageous. Stealth, Presence erasure and detection, Locate, Aura detection. Pair this with [Blink] and you have one sided massacre.”

I can’t believe this! The magic unique to Disappearing Demon and all those skills at such a young age, is she still human? If I can control her and train her, then obtaining the whole world would be no problem.

“Tsk, I got fooled. Well, as long as someone lands a single attack on her this round I’ll take it as my win over that person.”

Vitou dear, I am counting on you to win her over to our side. She just became the crucial piece in my plan for this kingdom before you ascend the throne. Father is praying for your success.

The bell rang, signaling the beginning of the battle and the place where Naoko-chan was standing was dyed entirely red with three men that were surrounding her on their knees looking dumbfounded. I couldn’t even see what she did. The fight I was anticipating ended before it could even start.


As soon as the round started I threw one of the pellets in my hand and had a wind elemental burst it just before it reached the three men creating an effect of shrapnel grenade. Since paint inside the pellet made contact with overcoats of my enemies it counted as my kill. Now, it was time to start the hunt.

From the forest, towards the lake, I hunted everyone that came into my sight. Anyone who was alone was struck by my blade and those in groups were hit with improvised bombs. Nobody was be able to escape my claws.

Several competitors did try to ambush me, but before they were even able to launch an attack, I would simply blink behind them and strike them down. Soon the forest became abandoned in fear that I might strike at a moment’s notice. The open desert became the most popular location and players were beginning to group up, just to take me down.

Simply perfect, they served everything for me. Taking out my bow from the inventory I aimed high into the sky, notching almost all arrows I had on me. The arrows are just like pellets, filled to the brim with paint. I send out a silent plea to wind elementals and soon red rain poured down upon the enemy groups and dying the entire area in deep red color making this seem like a real place of carnage.




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