The Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter Chapter 98


 The next morning, after breakfast with Lunamilia, we board a carriage. It is an eight-person carriage. Of course, I pay for the ride. This highway leads to the royal capital, Mairam, and a number of carriages depart whenever they are full. The carriage we board also departs without much waiting. I thought about putting Lunamilia’s belongings into my storage, but it would be strange to entrust a bag that might contain valuables to a porter she has just met, so let’s refrain until she asks me to do so.

Once we depart, there is nothing to do in the carriage except chat. While talking with Lunamilia, I circulate the magical energy in my body and strive to increase my proficiency in magical energy manipulation skill. Every time the carriage rattles and shakes, my ass hurts. Haa, I have to endure it for a whole day, huh. The only pleasant miscalculation is that Lunamilia is so close to me in the cramped carriage that I can enjoy the feeling of her large breasts against my arm. In addition, the young woman’s body odor wafts up my nose, and if not for the pain in my ass, I would surely have had a full erection. Hmm, the carriage is certainly cramped, but hasn’t she been a little too aggressive? She is talking to me with a wide smile on her face and pressing her ample breasts against me, which feels deliberate. However, looking at her behavior thus far, it doesn’t look like she is conscious of it in particular. Is she simply seeing me as a traveling companion who treats her well? My ass hurts so much, so I take a blanket out of my storage and use it as a cushion for myself and Lunamilia, and then, she gives me an exaggerated thanks. She must really be a non-hypocritical, pure and innocent girl.

The day passed without any problems, and we arrived at a slightly larger town, which is the junction between the royal city of Mairam and the Rainzard territory.

「Lunamilia-sama, I believe there is a church in a town this size, but how would you like to spend the night?」

「If I visit the church, I would have to help with healing and making holy water for a few days. And it would interfere with my journey with you, Sei-sama, so I will refrain from doing so this time.」

Churches in this world do not engage in missionary work, so you can only find churches in large cities with influential people. Even without them needing to do missionary work, it is common sense that jobs and skills are a blessing from God, so the faith rate is almost 100 percent. Divine punishment is also a thing, so only the baddest of bad people would lay their hands on someone from the church.

As if it is only natural, I stay in the same inn as Lunamilia, and pay for her meals. And then, as I go to bed at night, I fall asleep while sensing Lunamilia’s sacred magic through my magical energy perception.

The next day, the air of the carriage is a little different. The passengers are dressed in a way that clearly screams, 「We’re adventurers」, and are shrouded in the air that they are wary of each other, not exchanging much words. I wonder if they are adventurers that are on their way to Rotos with the goal of promoting to the bronze rank. In addition to Lunamilia, there are two other women, so the air in the carriage isn’t so sordid. One is a short, light-equipped warrior with short blonde hair, and the other is a fairly beautiful woman with long, slightly quirky red hair. She is carrying a magic medium wand, so I think she is a magician.

I can’t help but stare at the beautiful magician sitting across from me, but when she notices my gaze, she goes and turns her face away with a 「Hmph」 sound. She is such a young and beautiful woman, so it seems that she has gone through countless similar experiences thus far, which makes her fed up.

Around midday, we stop at an inn town for a lunch break.

「I’ll take care of your luggage, so you can all go ahead and have meals.」

It’s not a good idea to trust the coachman too much, so each of us take only our valuables and head to an eatery. It doesn’t look like Lunamilia has anything of value, and she doesn’t seem to know how to doubt others. The metal rod seems to be worth quite a bit, but even if they stole something so heavy, they would immediately get caught, so I don’t think there is a need for me to put it into my storage.

I go into an eatery with Lunamilia, who has no money, and give her a lesson in common sense while we eat.

「… as such, money is extremely important. There are even those who would take other’s life for a few silver coins, after all.」

「Oh my, that’s scary.」

Lunamilia is listening to me with a wide smile on her face. I wonder if she really understands. If it’s not just my imagination, she seems to be harboring a considerable amount of trust and goodwill toward me. It’s’ not a bad thing to be depended on by such a cute girl, but for her to trust too much a man she just met, I can’t help but feel uneasy about her future.

「You mustn’t trust strangers you just met too much. Even I might suddenly turn into a robber or a rapist one day, you know?」

「You would, Sei-sama? Ufufu, what should I do, I wonder?」

Haa, this is truly troubling. I can’t take care of this naïve girl forever. However, if I were to abandon her, she would probably end up falling prey to some evil people in the blink of an eye, which I can’t just ignore. The highway from the Holy Kingdom to Mairam, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Estorias, is crowded with people coming and going, and knights patrol it frequently, but this road to Rotos is full of adventurers who are confident in their skills. And among them, there must be some ill-natured ones, so I’m truly worried about her.

We finish our meal and head back to the carriage. The other passengers have also finished their meals and are stretching their legs as they walk along.

「T, thief—」

The coachman shouts from the carriage. The coachman has a mark that he has been struck on the right cheek, and a middle-aged man with a bag on his shoulder and two travel bags in his hands is running away. One of the bags in the man’s hand belongs to Lunamilia. If I were to use instant step, I could catch up with the man in an instant, but this is also a good chance to teach Lunamilia a lesson in common sense.

「Lunamilia-sama, doesn’t that stolen bag belong to you?」

「H, huh?!」

Oh my? This is my first time seeing her in a panicked state. I wonder if something very important is stored within. It’s not right to leave such a valuable item in the carriage. Let’s rake over the coals a little.

「Maybe we won’t be able to catch up with him anymore.」

「N, no way. T, that’s not good. Sei-sama~」

Lunamilia breaks into tears. Let’s spare her with only this much. As I run after the man with instant step, I notice that the blonde light-equipped warrior is also coming along. She picks up a stone on the road and throws it at the thief as she runs. Incredible, despite the fact that not only the thief, but even she herself is running, the stone splendidly hit the thief in the leg. The thief falls down. Appraisal!


Zofie, Age 16, Level 12

Job: Assassin


I thought she was a warrior, but she is an assassin, huh. It makes sense that she has high proficiency in throwing. More importantly, the thief. Even after falling down, the thief gets back up and tries to run away again. At that moment, I sense magical energy from behind me. Suddenly, a small tornado strikes the thief, and along with the stolen luggage, he is sent flying into the air before then getting slammed against the ground. It seems that the red-haired female magician behind me had done this.

「God damn it!」

The thief gets up, but Zofie and I have already gotten close to him, so it seems that he has given up on trying to steal the bag. The tornado has sent an oblong, expensive-looking wooden box tumbling out of Lunamilia’s bag, and the thief seems to have decided to at least take it with him and run.

I won’t let him get away. I stand in front of the thief with instant step, pincering him with the other passengers who have arrived a beat later.

「Now, give up. Hand over that wooden box.」

「Damn it, god damn it!」

The thief, having given up, throws the wooden box at me and runs away. I could have chased after him and made him pay for his crime, but since there was no real harm done, I let him go. I couldn’t kill him in broad daylight in the street, and it would be a pain to catch him and turn him in. There are people like this everywhere, and I don’t want to waste my time dealing with each and every one of them. When I block the wooden box thrown at me by the thief with my hand, the box opens in front of the passengers who have gathered.


Wondering what everyone is surprised about, I look at the contents of the wooden box at the end of their gazes. It is a wooden male organ, a dildo.


What is the meaning of this? This is a wooden box that came out of Lunamilia’s bag, right? No, no, no, something is not right here. Is it really something that belongs to her? No, I don’t think there is any mistake there, but how come?? Is it okay even if priests and priestesses are not virgins? Is it used in the back hole by any chance? Still, this dildo, it is pretty large. In terms of length and thickness, it is almost the same size as my fully erect penis. Moreover, judging from the color and sheen, it looks like it has been used for quite a long time. I doubt anyone would believe that a cute 15-year-old girl has been using such a monstrous object. It must be some kind of misunderstanding, right? It must be so, right?

I shift my gaze to Lunamilia, who is standing among the passengers staring at the dildo on the ground with a blank expression on their faces. Huh?! Lunamilia’s face is bright red and her eyes begin to overflow with a large amount of tears. Her legs are also trembling, so those are pretty much proof that this dildo is hers. Are you for real? Well, everyone has their own circumstances when it comes to sexuality, so I won’t say anything about it. Still, it probably takes a lot of courage for a 15-year-old girl to say, 「This is mine,」 in front of this many people. I would never see these passengers again anyway. I shall smear my face in her stead.

「Ahem. Ah~, I’m truly glad the item is safe~. If this had been stolen, we would have lost our client’s trust, you see~. This product is so expensive, after all~」


They seem to have something to say, but they are all silent. It is a pretty aged dildo, so it might have been pushing it. Unable to endure it any longer, I pick up the wooden box, put it in the bag, and return to the carriage, making an appeal that it is my bag.

「Mr. Coachman, are you okay?」

「Yes, it’s not that serious of a wound.」

「I can use healing magic. Shall I heal you?」

「Hii, no, I, I’m good. Now then, let’s get going.」

I reach out to the coachman to cast healing magic on his bruised cheek, but he keeps his distance from me and refuses. In the carriage, the man sitting on the opposite side of Lunamilia next to me is keeping his distance from me quite a bit. Seemingly to think that I am using that dildo myself, it seems that everyone here is seeing me as a pervert who enjoys ramming himself with the thick dildo at night. In particular, the female magician sitting across from me is looking at me as if she were looking at a piece of filth, which is painful. Lunamilia alone is sticking close to me with a wide smile on her face as usual. At any rate, I have managed to keep her from disgracing herself. O God, are you watching? I have saved your believer from a tight spot. Please give me some skills. Otherwise, I don’t think I will be able to endure the hellish atmosphere in this carriage. Sob.


Otherworld Conquest Method of a Reincarnated Porter

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