Chapter 276

We got our food in the hustle and bustle of the town and ate lunch standing up.
I had Volff and the others keep an eye on the surroundings while I observed the people passing by.
From time to time, there seemed to be some strange presences mixed in.
They were all low level, but there were some who looked like NPC bandits.
Most of them are children.
Even children are bandits?!

Within the players too, they’re small in numbers, but they’re there.
Well, they can’t do anything flashy in the city, so I leave them alone.
There are some PKKers who are tracking down what look to be PKers.
I guess I shouldn’t interfere with that kind of thing.
And then there are the ones that I can’t figure out with my【Discern】.
I have to think about the possibility of mistaking them and causing trouble for the PKKs too.

I heard that there’s a request to chase some criminals who’ve escaped, but I don’t think I’m suited.
If it were collecting a specific item or something, that would be fine.
Well, I guess even that depends on the deadline.
I’m not sure if it’s something I could actually do.

《【Discern】Level Up!》

This, just from observing!
The number of people must have just been that large.

Shall I show my face at the Adventurer’s Guild one more time?
No, I don’t think we can hope to squeeze past all the people.
Let’s move to a less crowded place.
Oh, by the way, are they setting up for the Summoner’s meetup?
I’ll try saying hi.
I don’t think there’s anything I can do to help, but I’m sure there’s something Bunraku can do.

Let’s move.
I’ll recall Obsidian and summon Zangetsu.
It was a place by the river, right?
Let’s go there.

This should be the place.
It looks like a good place for a barbecue.
There’s nothing here.
And yet, a Union request screen flashes in the virtual window.
The player who sent it is Irina.
She must have already deployed the Instant Portal.
When I approve it?
I guess this is where the social gathering is.
It’s clearly a barbecue party.

「Keith-san, you’re early you know?」

「Remut’s pretty noisy so」

「Would you like lunch?」

「No problem. I already had some」

As always, Irina is cooking.
Is she simmering something?
And it seems that the meetup preparations are already pretty much finished
It’s all ready.

There’s a threat looming behind Volff.

「Ohh! This is the new feeling?」

It’s Adele.
Volff seems to have noticed in advance, but he didn’t put up much of a fight.
You’re giving up too quickly, dude!

There are also other players who seem to be Summoners.
It looks like they’re having matches against each other.
Well, they’ve finished everything they had to do, and it’s a good way to pass the time, right?

「Ah, Keith-san, can I ask for your Instant Portal as well?」

「Of course」

Instant portals can be connected when used by players in the same union.
I heard that the scale of this social gathering is going to be quite large.
One part of it is right in front of me.

「Ara, you’re early aren’t you?」

「What are you doing?」

「As you can see, I’m showing my love」

Margrid says she’s showing her love.
Using an Orthros in place of a sofa, do you call that showing love?
I don’t think so.

So that Orthros is Adele’s O-chan, huh.
He seems to be feeling good, so I guess it’s okay.
Upon asking, it seems that there are other production workers here.
There are a number of tents in the instant portal.
Apparently they’re logged out at the moment.

Then, what should I do?
What am I supposed to do while Volff is playing with Adele?
I recall Keimei back and summon Bunraku.
I’ll have Bunraku help with the social gathering.
I can provide some ingredients for the meal as well.
Well, it’s just stewed pork, but.

As for myself, I’ll kill some time by sparring.
Who’s my opponent?
I’ll recall Helix to summon Goki.
Oh, yeah.
I’ll summon Modulus as well.
It’s probably a good idea to unveil the Arachne first.
By the way, what about Oma?
Having transformed into wolf-form, he’s been captured along with Volff by Adele.
Well, I’ll leave that alone.

Lately, I’ve been enjoying sparring with Goki.
I mean, even wooden swords are painful when they hit, but.
It’s good that I can’t win easily unless I get creative.
Senki’s also an opponent that requires a lot of ingenuity, but the fighting style is completely different so.
Even now, I’m still trying an idea.
Dual wielding with wooden katanas.
I think it’s fundamental that dual wielding in a one-on-one fight is not very effective.
But it depends on your ingenuity.

Early on, throw out one of the wooden katanas.
Then take a side step.

After blocking with both swords, counterattack.

You can use one sword to strike the back of the foot and then sidestep.

Well, there are a lot of possibilities but.
There are some side steps that could be considered cowardly.
Well, Goki has a shield, so it probably won’t go too easily.
That’s also good.
It’s a good way to train.

《【Throw Object】Level Up!》
《【Magic Effect Amplification】Level Up!》
《【Magic Range Expansion】Level Up!》

I’ve taken the lead in victories.
I have the lead but.
Only by one.
Goki, being Goki, has a solid fighting style.
Let’s change our focus a bit here.
I gave Goki two wooden swords.
That’s right.
Two swords.
After all, he is the Goki who sometimes fights with an irregular dual-wield of a sword and a hatchet.
I think he can do it.
I’m curious.

《【Dual Wield】Level Up!》
《Summon Monster『Goki』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat.》

The win rate has evened out.
I can’t help but feel that dual wielding has an advantage in defense.
It’s not so different from when you’re holding a shield.

Oops, my bad.
Goki’s DEX has already risen.
I put the other point in AGI.

Goki Lv9 -> Lv10 (↑1)
DEX 22 (↑1)
AGI 18
INT 17
STR 22 (↑1)
VIT 22
SPI 17

Bow Hatchet Sword Club Buckler Block Evade Hide
Dark Attribute

Goki’s stats are starting to feel kinda flat.
Given his skills, I have a feeling that he’s going to be lacking in DEX.
But then again, he hasn’t had a chance to use the bow lately, has he?
I don’t know.

That was good enough for a break
I’ll recall Goki and summon Senki.
This time it’s hand-to-hand!

「I’m lost for words…」

I’ll ignore Margrid’s remark.
There’s a small but growing audience.
It’s the production workers.
Saki-san, Mio, Rick, Helga, and Len-Len.
And a few Summoners as well.
Haruna and Konohana seem to be among them.

「Seems like this’ll be good advertising for that Lesser Ogre’s equipment, right?」

「You said it」

It’s just as Saki said.
Adele and Haruna’s Lesser Ogres are also adorned in Dinosaur Armor.
Konohana also summoned Silverback to check his new equipment.
In the case of a Silverback it appears that some size adjustment is necessary, and Saki seems to be working on it.
A businesswoman, that is.
Definitely, it’s easy to see the effects of the equipment when you see it with your own eyes, isn’t it?
Although I think fighting against them is even better than watching, right?

The number of Summoners is increasing.
Now that I notice it, there seems to be a lot of matches going on all over the place.
On the other hand, Worf and Aima are being stroked from all directions.
Modulus is doing something with Haruna and Konohana.
It seems they’re knitting something.
What’re they making, I wonder.

But I don’t have time to worry about it.
Let’s continue fighting with Senki.
After all, I’m behind in terms of victories.
I must recover.

《Summon Monster『Modulus』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat.》

Did Modulus just level up by getting experience from knitting?
I’m pretty sure his experience until now has come from fighting, but…
I have mixed feelings about this.

Modulus’ DEX has already risen.
I put the other point in INT.

Modulus Arachne Lv1 -> Lv2 (↑1)
DEX 24 (↑1)
AGI 24
INT 27 (↑1)
STR 10
VIT 10
SPI 28

Bite Evade Vibration Detection Echolocation Conceal Magic Resistance [Medium]
MP Recovery [Medium] Spin Web Trap Sew Spacetime Attribute Light Attribute
Dark Attribute Earth Attribute Water Attribute Poison Paralysis

By the way, what have you been making?
It seems she was making it with Haruna, Konohana, and Len-Len.

「Haruna, and Konohana. What are you making?」


「Oh, please take some for the others too, okay?

What’s this?
A friendship bracelet?

【Equipment: Bracelet】Heavenly Zebra’s Misanga Quality C Rarity 6
Def +0 Weight 0+ Durability 50 Death Prevention
A misanga woven from the hair of a Heavenly Zebra.
A talisman that protects against instakill attacks aimed at the wearer.
When activated, it breaks and cannot be repaired.

I want it so bad.
I mean, isn’t this the kind of equipment that every Summoner would want?

「Heavenly Zebra Hair is rare, so there’s a limit of two per Summoner!」

「Ah, since you’ve been so good to me, Keith, I’ll let you have them free of charge」

「I mean this one was also making them but」

I see.
Modulus made this Misanga, did he?

「Please, I’d like to borrow this girl to make more of these」

「Well, I guess that’s fine」

Am I paying in advance?
Although I don’t mind lending labor.
Two misanga in exchange for that would be more than enough.
It’s not like I’m busy.

I’m going to continue sparring.
It’s my hand-to-hand match with Senki.
Adele continues stroking.
She seems to be comparing the feelings of not only Volff and Oma, but also the other Summoner’s wolves.
Haruna and Konohana continue to carefully make their Misangas.
Modulus seems to be helping them, but all I can tell is that it’s precise work.
Irina and Bunraku stopped their work on the stew for a while.
They’ve started to prepare another dish.
It seems to be a seared block of meat.

Saki and the others are selling equipment for summoned monsters.
Mostly Collars of Torture.
The big seller seems to be the armor made from the dinosaur skull.
What a demo sale.
Well that’s fine.

Over here!
This is the highlight, okay?
It looks like armor, right?
But you know, this is a bludgeon weapon!
It’s a bludgeon weapon!
When wielded with the power of the Lesser Ogre, it’s as you see!
One hit will do a lot of damage!

Now with Armguards, Boots, and Helmet as a set!
14,800 Dyn!
How cheap is that?
We can even adjust the size for you!
Returns within a week, please!

Is it something like that?
No, I guess that’s closer to mail order.

《【Joint Lock】Level Up!》
《【Throw】Level Up!》
《【Evade】Level Up!》

I finally evened the score.
But, you know.
I’m getting a little bored with the fighting style of following up a throwing technique with a joint technique.
It’s probably getting to be time for Punch, Kick, and Block to level up.
Shall I do a fight with stationary techniques?
I know I’m at a disadvantage.
But I want to give it a try.

Was that crazy after all?
No, it’s not impossible right?
It’s not like I can’t get to him.
It’s just that his equipment is in the way so he can take the hits.
With spell enhancements, we’re evenly matched in speed.
But I can get more hits in.
How should I handle Senki’s attack?
How should I pierce through Senki’s defence?
This is interesting.
Thrilling too.

But if I keep doing this for long enough, I’ll probably get bored.
Let’s change opponent.

「Adele, would you release Oma?」


You’ve had your fill, haven’t you?

「Do you want to spar with him?」



Stop looking so reluctant!
I’m sure you’ll get another chance, okay?

I recall Senki and summon Nias.
The air around us has clearly changed.
In what way?
It’s hard to describe.
There are Mermaids following Summoners scattered around.
It feels like it’s about to develop into that atmosphere from last time.

Oma is fighting in beastman form.
That’s good.
This is good.
Naturally there’s a difference in stats between me and Oma, so I used enhancement spells to make up the difference.
Even so, Oma’s AGI is higher than mine.
As such, he’s fast.
This is also good.
He’s not like Goki.
He’s not like Senki.
But still a difficult opponent.
This is how it should be, right?

Continuing from earlier, the theme is punches and kicks.
This time, the roles are reversed.
Since Oma is faster, it’s only natural counter-attacks will be essential.
How should I withstand his attacks?
This is yet another tricky question.
After all, Oma’s movements are those of a beast.
I’ll inevitably be slow to react.
How do I overcome that?
This’ll be a good workout all right.

《【Punch】Level Up!》
《【Kick】Level Up!》
《【Block】Level Up!》

I’ve levelled up the things that I was aiming for.
The time’s already around 6pm.
Flashlight spells have already been set up.
The number of beast-type summoned monsters has gone up by a lot.
Of course, Volff is being petted from all angles.
Modulus seemed to have finished her work, and there were a few intrigued looking Summoners around her.

What about Nias?
She’s with a group of Merrows, Lorelei, and Mermaids.
Unlike last time, there are no shy mermaids.
It’s certainly a spectacular sight.
For the male summoners who are constantly changing their positions to observe I guess it’s a photo shoot.
Well, I understand the feeling.
I also understand Haruna and Konohana’s feelings but.
I’d like you to cut me a break here.
It’s just a man’s instinct.

「It’s a little early, but let’s get started!」

Konohana’s announcement might have been late.
The social gathering has already begun.

While the food was being served, summoned monsters were being shown off in turn.
What about me?
As long as the sun’s up, I’ll keep the daytime lineup of Zangetsu, Helix, and Couturier.
Volff and Naiad remain summoned the whole time.
When night falls in earnest, I’ll swap out the three slots and show off a little bit.
What’s the spotlight?
That would be Telomere the Vampire, Modulus the Arachne, and Oma the Werewolf.
They’re rare so it’s natural.

Actually, there is one more vampire.
It was recently created with Fuse Monsters as a result of Irina’s intensive training on the eastern Onigashima.
His name is Boman.
What’s more, unlike Telomere, he’s a male vampire.
He has a somewhat morbid impression, but he’s a beautiful, slender man.
The way he stands is really like a butler.
Like Telomere, he’s hard to get close to.

There are no other Arachnes or Werewolves.
That’s why they seem to be attracting attention.
Well, that makes sense.

「Long time no see, Keith-san」


「My partner was supposed to be here too, but he couldn’t make it」

「That’s fine, but Hyodor-kun…」

I didn’t get to say “behind you” in time.
He had already been caught.

Where did they emerge from?
That group of female Summoners!
They immediately start fawning over him.
And then he’s abducted.

「It’s been so long!」

「You’re so cute!」

He is quite popular with the onee-samas.
Am I jealous?
Only of half of it, but yes.
In a way, it’s amazing that you’re getting more attention than summoned monsters.
You should be proud.
But run!
Run away, okay?
But I can’t help you.
It’s scary.
Too scary.
The onee-sama’s atmosphere was so powerful that I couldn’t protest.
Even Adele is better.

I had to silently apologize to Hyodor-kun as he was taken away by the onee-samas.

「Sorry I’m late!」

It was Fiona and the others who had arrived.
She arrived in a horse-drawn carriage with Reina and Shinohara in tow.
She sits down casually next to Margrid-san.
Umm, that’s an Orthros but??
Apparently he doesn’t mind.
This person too?

From the following line of carriages a few more faces I haven’t seen in a while are also coming this way.
It’s Kaya and Giedre.

「We’ve heard a lot of rumors about Keith, but we’d like to hear it from the real person, right?」

「Well, yeah, but」

「Do you have any interesting stories?」

Hmm, you want me to give you a story?
Let’s see.
I’ll go with that one.

「Then why don’t you take a look at the enemy I fled from?」

The video of the Bronze Dragon should work.

The clamor had stopped.
Was it badly received?

「What’s wrong?」

「Keith, did you fight this thing?」

「You didn’t kill it, did you?」

「No, I just ran away」

I had to flash a bitter smile at Kaya and Giedre’s remarks.
Even I run away you know?

「Was there a dragon-type summon?」

That was Irina.
I don’t think there were any.
I’ve checked previously, and there certainly weren’t any.
I’m starting to get uncertain, you know?
I’ll recall Modulus to check the list of monsters that can be summoned.
Not there.
The bottom of the summoning list is still Dolphin.


「None, huh」

「Even at lower stages, becoming able to summon dragons must be a lot of work, right?」

Adele comforts me with that, but I feel the same.
What if I could summon something that would grow into that Bronze Dragon over a long time?
That’d be no laughing matter.
But Adele’s tone is strange.

「Maybe someone like a dragon slayer will eventually show up」

「But that’s not happening any time soon, is it?」

「I mean, the Lesser Dragon has been taken down and all, so we don’t really know right?」

Stop it.
Stop it, Fiona and Margrid.
Don’t look at me like that.
Like “When will you be able to slay the dragon?”
I think it’s impossible.

「A few days after you said fighting on the S5 map would be tough, you were doing it alone」

「Is that so?」

I’m gonna ignore Irina’s point.
Did that happen?
I don’t remember.
It didn’t, definitely didn’t!
I’ll reaffirm myself.

「Well, that’s fine」

「Oh yeah! Where did you go after you left us, Keith?

Adele’s asking for a story?
It’s going to be a bit long, is that okay?

「Let’s see, I’ll say what I can remember」

After the general explanation is finished.
I’m sandwiched between Fiona and Margrid throwing questions at me.
What was wrong with it?
The town.
I guess they couldn’t just overlook the town of Romud.
Both of them are smiling.
For some reason, that smile scares me.

Neither Kaya nor Giedre would make eye contact with me.
Somebody, help me!

「Is there anything else he’s hiding? What do you think?」

「Oh gosh silly Fiona, it almost seems like you’re threatening him?」

「Margrit, you have a bit of a scary face too but?」

Oh no.
I’m being indirectly threatened.
Can I get away?
I can’t move.
Both Fiona and Malgrid have their legs crossed, but those legs are on top of mine.
It’s not like it’s adult entertainment.
What kind of bar is this?

Above all, my mind can’t rest.
I’m surrounded by women, but it’s not fun.
Terrifyingly, it’s not not fun.

「I think you should leave the teasing at that」

It was Giedre who called them out.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I’ll be a faithful patron when I’m in the north.

「Fiona. About the upcoming competition」

「What is it?」

「Aren’t you curious?」

「Are you expecting some kind of additional event?」

「More like worrying about it」

「I would like prior insurance, but that’s just the way it is」

It seems like a complicated discussion is about to start.
Fiona seems to have let me off, but Margrid is still here.
And Saki came to sit in Fiona’s position.

Was that my chance to escape?

「You’ve been going all around, haven’t you? Tell me your stories. Okay?」

「This is all because you don’t post anything on the board」

「Do you understand? We don’t want to do this either」

You’re totally just making fun of me, right?
I know.
Well, I’ll go along with it to some extent.
Please be gentle with me.

Protagonist Keith

Race Human Male Racial Lv29
Job Grand Summoner Lv. 15
Bonus Points Remaining: 20

Skill Sets:
Sword Lv12 Two-handed Spear Lv11 Lance Lv9 Club Lv 11 Dagger Lv 11
Rapier Lv10 Rope Artes Lv10 Cane Lv21 Punch Lv19 (↑1) Kick Lv19 (↑1)
Joint Lock Lv19 (↑1) Throw Lv19 (↑1) Evade Lv19 (↑1) Block Lv19 (↑1)
Summon Magic Lv29 Spacetime Magic Lv17 Seal Magic Lv11
Light Magic Lv17 Wind Magic Lv17 Earth Magic Lv17 Water Magic Lv17
Fire Magic Lv17 Dark Magic Lv17 Ice Magic Lv16 Lightning Magic Lv16
Tree Magic Lv16 Dust Magic Lv16 Lava Magic Lv17 Steam Magic Lv15
Alchemy Lv13 Pharmacy Lv9 Glassmaking Lv8 Woodworking Lv11
Synergy Lv20 Appraisal Lv20 Identify Lv20 Discern Lv6 (↑1) Cold Resistance Lv9
Grab Lv16 Horsemanship Lv17 Precise Manipulation Lv19 Ropework Lv10
Jump Lv10 Acrobatics Lv10 Heat Resistance Lv12 Climb Lv9 Balance Lv10
Dual Wield Lv18 (↑1) Disassembly Lv16 Swim Lv6 Dive Lv6 Throw Object Lv4 (↑1)
Dash Lv9 Endurance Run Lv9
Hide Lv3 Conceal Lv3
Physical Enhancement Lv18 Mental Enhancement Lv18 Speedcasting Lv18
Magic Effect Amplification Lv18 (↑1) Magic Range Expansion Lv18 (↑1)
Petrification Resistance Lv6 Sleep Resistance Lv5 Paralysis Resistance Lv6
Confusion Resistance Lv4 Darkness Resistance Lv4 Unconscious Resistance Lv6
Charm Resistance Lv1 Poison Resistance Lv1

Tokkosho x2 Vajra Trident x2 Jeweled Sword x2 Quartz Illuminated Sword x2
Spear of the Receptacle of the Void x2
Staff of Torture x2 Petrified Wood Staff+ x2 Tonfa of Torture x2
Capture Rod of Torture x1 Needlefish Spear+ x1 Swordfish Spear+ x2
Wrought Iron Lance x1 Lion Sage Lance+ x2 Scabbard Fish Sword x1
Snow Beast Mace x1 Lion Sage’s Foil x1
Lion Sage’s Kukri+ x2 Guardian Treasure Hammer x1 Xiuyaojing Bow x1 Indra’s Halberd x1
Enraged Pickaxe+ ×2 Silver Necklace+ ×1
Snow Leopard’s Push Dagger x1 Gale Tiger’s Push Dagger x1
Murder Scorpion’s Push Dagger x1 Snow Leopard’s Bagh Nakh x2
Plains Lion’s Bagh Nakh x1 Cowhide Armor+ etc.
Einherjar’s Armguard x2 Heavenly Zebra’s Mimanga x2 (New!)
Bracelet of Torture+ ×2 Anklet of Torture+ ×2 Prison Guard’s Black Rope ×1
Rampage Horse Belt+ Backpack Item Box x2

Summon Monster
Goki Lv9 -> Lv10 (↑1)
 DEX 22 (↑1)
 AGI 18
 INT 17
 STR 22 (↑1)
 VIT 22
 SPI 17
 Bow Hatchet Sword Club Buckler Block Evade Hide
 Dark Attribute

Modulus Arachne Lv1 -> Lv2 (↑1)
 DEX 24 (↑1)
 AGI 24
 INT 27 (↑1)
 STR 10
 VIT 10
 SPI 28
 Bite Evade Vibration Detection Echolocation Conceal Magic Resistance [Medium]
 MP Recovery [Medium] Spin Web Trap Sew Spacetime Attribute Light Attribute
 Dark Attribute Earth Attribute Water Attribute Poison Paralysis


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Comments (3)

  1. Avatar5913

    Where is Chp 276 Pt 1? It is going from Chp 275-2 to Chp 276-2.

    1. Hikikomori

      Please reread this chapter. LNT had merged both c276 part 1 & 2 into c276.

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