Chapter 280 Part 1

There are people gathered near the gate.
There’s some kind of commotion.

「What’s the commotion?」

「You’ll know once you get out of town. I’ve never seen anything like it」

Irina tried to ask the NPC gatekeeper.
His answer wasn’t helpful.
What’s going on?

When we got through the gate, it was…
The scenery is different.
Outside of town, there should be plains.
After stepping out of the gate, the landscape instantly vanished.

A desert?
That’s crazy!

「The hell is this!?」

Of course, I returned to the town.
It seems like I can return normally.

「What forest was that?」

「Huh? It was a mountain at night」

「It was a ravine somewhere, you know?」

「It was a beach!」

「Wasn’t it a cave?」

That’s weird, too!
Do different people see different places?

We decided to stay inside the gate for now.
It seems that Fiona and the others were already taking the lead in gathering information.
I’m not suited to this kind of thing.

「The other exits don’t work either!」

「The players outside the city lost sight of Remut?」

「There’s still a player out there who can use Instant Portal! They’ve agreed to cooperate, so let’s get them instructions」

「It’s an event, right?」


「I can’t figure anything out with Sense Magic either」

「Damn, what’s happening」

Fiona, who seemed to be waiting for an event until just now.
She seems strangely excited, doesn’t she?

Even the players in the center of town will run into a problem at this rate.
I hear that all the inns are full.
Not being able to log out freely, that’s too inconvenient!

I have a feeling that there’ll be some progress.
The guild leader and Gerta were heading out the gate together.
There are armed guards around them too.
Speaking of which, where did Master and Juna go?

A few players follow after the guild leader.
I also followed the guild leader through the gate.
Something’s going to happen.
There’s no doubt about it.

Il Capitano ???
Event Monster Majin ???

Zanni ???
Event Monster Majin ???

It’s Majin’s again.
But there are only two of them.
I think the one called Zanni is the one I’ve seen before.

The landscape is odd, as expected.
It looks like a desert.
I have no clue what’s happening.

How about the new Majin?
A warrior with flashy gear, or something like that?
Is that a rapier on his hip?
I’m sure it is.

I can pick out his facial features even from a distance.
A trimmed beard and mustache.
Eyes look like they’re picking a fight.
His hat is also flashy.
It’s adorned with decorative feathers.

I don’t think I can keep up with his fashion sense.

『So you’re the ones who ignore the warnings』

『And thus, we shall deliver punishment』

「What are you Majin’s who haven’t even crossed this barrier saying! Begone!


『And thus, that is sin』

『In time, you shall know』

『From the west we unleash a calamity of destruction』

『It will not stop with the destruction of this city!』

『It will cross even the sea and correct your arrogance』


The voice of the Majins rings directly into my head.
What’s wrapped in that voice?
Yes, Derision.

『And calamity to all the earth!』

『Arrogance must be corrected!』

『Know the weight of that sin!』

The voices of the demons fade.
Along with them.

All of a sudden the scenery is back.
It’s plains.
The road leading to the Village of Legias.
Several parties and herds of wagons begin to rush towards it.
Things are back to normal.
That’s what it looks like.

Surrounded by guards, the guild leader and Gerta return.
Their expressions are pretty- no, quite serious.
They didn’t even notice me, and left quickly.
I’ll return to Fiona and the others.
It seems that they’ve already started gathering information.

「There’s already a thread on the board!」

「That’s fast, good work!」

Those kinds of shouts come from all over.
And it seems that Fiona, Giedre, and Kaya are consulting with each other.
Some kind of strategy meeting?

「Keith, what are you going to do now?」

「About those Majin from earlier?」

「Of course」

「I want to go hunting. I’m bored out of my mind here」

「Where to, the West?」

「From what those Majin said, west seems the most interesting, so」

Of course, it’s gotta be the West.
A being of a level to be described as a calamity, huh.
I’m interested.
If the opponent’s as big as a Bronze Dragon?
Of course, I’ll flee.
If it’s an event, there’s no way it’d be an entity that’s completely out of range of the current player base.
I’d like to think so.

「Saki! Who can jump to the Twilight Castle in W4?」


「Who’s watching Remut?」

「Rick’s there!」

「Mio’s the Wind Spirit Village, right?」

「Yeah, that’s right. What about you, Fiona?」

Rick comes over from Fiona’s side.
Helga comes a little behind.
What is it?

「Keith, I want you to go ahead and check the situation, okay?」

「Well, I’m fine with that」

「We’re talking about scouting west from the W4 area portal, the Twilight Castle. I think it’s gonna be pretty dangerous」

「Well, I’ll figure it out」

W4, huh.
That’s four squares from here.
Even if I go to the next door W5 map, five squares away?
If it’s only Sphinxes and Spinxes that show up, I can handle it.
Although I don’t know about the event-related stuff.

「We can only jump up to 6 people at a time, so two other people can accompany us」

「Who wants to scout ahead?」

「I’ll go!」

「If Adele’s going, of course I’m going too」

Adele and Irina raised their hands.
Come on.

「Didn’t you have another Summoner exchange meetup this evening?」

「Well, the situation’s like this so」

「Cancel it and prioritize the event!」

Come on.
Although I do think it’s a bit weird to have a social gathering right after the start of an event.

「I came well slept today for the sake of the meetup, so I should be fine for some night time exploration」

「Ah, I’ll let Haruna and Konohana know!」

I know where this is going. I’m going to end up in a union with Adele and Irina.
Well, it is better to have more fighters, but.
Naturally, it’s going to be hard from the start, you know?

For now I’ll recall my Summon Monsters.
Rick, Helga, Mio, and Adele and Irina.
I’ll join a party with them.
After Helga uses the Return Home spell?
Twilight Castle.
It’s been a while since I’ve been here.
But this place looks totally different.
I can see that it’s been pretty well maintained.
It could literally function as a castle.

「We were contacted. An event, is it?」

There are a few tents inside the castle, though not many.
There are a couple players too.

The two players who called out are a Mage and a Ruin Diver.
They seem to know Rick.

「You already heard?」

「Yeah. We’re the only two players with Return Home who can move immediately」

「I know of five parties that are going ahead to conquer. One of them has been informed about the event」

「Copy that」

「But I think most of the parties are logged out. It is pretty late」

「Well, we’ve already posted about it on the forums, but」

Rick looks at Mio.
Mio nods and seems to get ready to log out.

「Wait just a sec. One of us is going to log out here」

「Wait for me! I’ll be right back!」

Mio leaves the party and quickly sets up her tent before logging out.
Oops, I have to leave the party too.
Adele, Irina, and I leave the party and start summoning monsters.

「Huh? The Summoner?」

Who’s that.
Well, I’ll just ignore that.
The time is 2:50 PM.
I’d like to reach W5 by evening.
We’re tight on time.


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Comment (1)

  1. Hikikomori

    Thanks for the treat.

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