Chapter 281 Part 2

When we finished eating, it was already getting dark.
It’s night time.

「We’re still a ways away from the W5 area portal, aren’t we?」

「Yes. We’ll have to go a little further」

「We can probably make it to the site. Should we try to clear it?」


「But let’s log out first」

The plan is decided.
Adele and Irina will log out for the night march.
What about me?
I’ll make some changes to the lineup.

Volff, Obsidian, Senki, Telomere, and Oma.
While I wait for them to log in again, I’ll kill some time fighting with Senki.
It doesn’t look like I’m waiting?
I can’t just wait.
If I’m not doing something, the boredom will eat at me.
Is it passing the time?
Yes, but I’m serious.

Having seriously played 3 matches, I somehow managed to win two.
After finishing the third round, Adele and Irina, who seem to have started watching at some point, are giving me strange looks.
What’s wrong?

「You’re fighting hand-to-hand against a Lesser Ogre?」

「That can’t be safe!」


I’m limiting it to hand-to-hand combat.
It shouldn’t be that showy a match.

Adele and Irina decided on their lineups.
Naturally, Irina summoned her vampire.
It looks like he’s only level 1, so it probably hasn’t been that long since he was created with Fuse Monsters.

Once again, I ponder.
For me, it was a female.
For Irina it’s a male.

「Was your vampire a male type from the start?」

「Yes. I didn’t have a choice between male and female」

It’s a mystery what determines the gender.
Is it determined by the player’s gender?
Or is it random?

Oops, let’s check the lineups.
What’s Adele have?
A White Wolf, Gold Fox, Mystic Eye, Lesser Ogre, and Ortoloth.
Just like the daytime, she’s serious.
Especially noteworthy is the Lesser Ogre, E-chan.
He’s all decked out in the same gear as Senki.

And Irina?
A Black Wolf, Barn Owl, Pixie, Nue, and Vampire.

Even in front of Telomere, Boman just stands silently.
They don’t seem to be acknowledging each other.
They’re completely indifferent.
Is that how it is?

Well, that’s fine.
Our three parties will form a union, and our strength will be very high.
As such, I can feel safe even while exploring.
The demons of the night will be tougher, but I don’t think they’ll be out of reach for us.
Under normal circumstances, that is.

We have to take into account the Majin, and the monsters that might be following them.
I wonder what’ll show up?

And the area portal.
At the moment, the area portal hasn’t been cleared, so of course we want to clear it and turn it into a base.
It’s getting pretty close according to the wide area map.
Even if we go on foot, we should be able to reach it pretty soon tonight.

Vetala Lv.4
Demon Undead Enemy Target Active
Battle Position: Ground Darkness

They’re here.
The undead.
It’s a group of more than ten of them.

But there’s something weird about them.
Are they normal humans?
I don’t think so.
Their appearance itself looks like a player.
If the markers weren’t red, I would definitely have misidentified them.
Well, if you look closely they’re strange, but.

They look like they’re falling apart.
Their weapons too.
Their equipment is all old, and it doesn’t look like anything special.

『Sense Magic is the pillar of the counter strat! The mist-like undead are controlling the corpses!』

「Got it!」

I use Sense Magic while the monsters close in.
Oh, I see it!
The mist-shaped undead are hovering close to the human corpses.
They’re attached to the heads, your waist, or any number of other places.
I guess this doesn’t work if you hit a corpse.

This is pretty tricky.
It’s not that they’re strong, they’re just reckless!
The undead are scary in that they don’t fear death.

The corpse themselves are being used as a shields, so naturally they’re in the way.
Even if an attack hits a corpse, they don’t lose HP.
Of course, the corpses take damage, but they move regardless, so it’s just visually disturbing.
Honestly, it’s very creepy.

『What the hell! Is this Horror?』

『It’s okay, we have the advantage in numbers!』

「It’s still a pain in the ass though!」

What’s my weapon?
It’s gonna be a Snow Beast Mace.
At first it was a Petrified Wood Staff, but I gave up.
Thinking about these guys is a pain in the ass!
I can just attack with the assumption that I’ll destroy the corpses first.

And so I stopped thinking.
After using the Sanctify Undead spell, I mindlessly hurled around the snow beast’s mace.
This feels good.
Attacking the real body?
I don’t give a shit.
I leave that to the summoned monsters.
No, Senki and Telomere are just as focused on destroying corpses as I am.
The way they fight is the real Horror.
Am I like that too?

I managed to push my way through with brute force, but I’m not happy.
They didn’t drop anything.

「Doesn’t this monster have any items?」

『According to the forums, they don’t drop anything』

『Sad news, huh!』

I’d like it to be fake info, but.
After hunting that many, there wasn’t anything, so they might have some kind of rare drop, you know?
Next time, I’m just gonna wail on them as hard as I can.

The night’s hunt is going well.
We proceeded while fighting Racchangos, Airavatas, and Vetalas.
Since night fell we haven’t encountered any Majin.
Haven’t seen any of the Cloud Slimes that are supposed to appear at night yet either.
I’m starting to get a little nervous.
If possible, I’d like to reduce the number of unseen monsters.

How many monsters are there?
A lot.
Especially the undead Vetalas, which seem to come in groups.
That’s why we’re levelling up.
After hunting a rather large swarm of Vetala near the area portal, notifications arrived.

《【Club】Level Up!》
《A Skill Link has been established! You may learn the following Weapon Skill:【Heavy Club】》
《【Throw Object】Level Up!》

【Heavy Club】?
What’s this?

「Adele, Irina. What’s the deal with【Heavy Club】?」

『Don’t tell me you can get it?』

『You really aren’t being careful!』

They seem mad at me.
I know that it’s a weapon skill that’s meant for vanguards.
Irina quickly pulled up info from the forums.
It’s weird.
Something’s bothering me.

I immediately realized what was bothering me.
What are the conditions for obtaining【Heavy Club】?
【Club】at Lv12 or higher, STR of 25 or higher, and actually using a weapon equivalent to a club, is what it looks like.
Even if the STR comes from spell enhancements, apparently it’s okay.

I meet the conditions for【Two-handed Sword】, right?
What are those conditions?.
【Sword】at Lv12 or higher, STR of 25 or higher, and actually using a weapon equivalent to a sword.

Is there some kind of other requirement?
I’ve been using weapons that qualify as swords quite often.
Of course, with spell enhancements applied.

『Maybe the weight of the weapon you’ve been using is the problem?』


『It’s been speculated that lighter weapons have a lower chance of unlocking skills』

Does it have to be heavy?

Let’s review.
The Tokkosho weighs 1.
The Jeweled Sword weighs 2+.
The steel straight sword that Goki has weighs 3.

I see.
The Snow Beast Mace weighs 4+.
So there is a difference.

「If I use a weapon that weighs around 3 maybe I’ll be able to get it?」

『There have been reports of that. But it seems to take quite a while』

It takes a while, huh.
Well, that’s okay.
I’ll try it out against Goki.

Plus there’s another weapon skill I can aim for.
I think you have to actually throw spears for it, but.

And soon there’ll be another weapon skill I should be able to go for.
【Long Sword】and【Pole Weapon】.
Can I get them after 1 level up for【Dagger】and【Two-handed Spear】.

Well, I guess I’ve got lots to look forward to.
There’s no need to rush.
In the first place I don’t even have a weapon that needs those skills, right?
If I were to make a guess then Indra’s Halberd might count as with【Pole Weapon】?

What time is it?
8:40 PM.
We had discovered something unnatural in the center of the plains.
Is it… a forest?

It wasn’t just a normal forest.
It’s a bamboo forest.
Looking at the wide area map, I’m pretty sure it’s in the center of W5.
There’s no name displayed.
And there are no players, and no tents.

I have expectations.
And I have worries.
Some kind of event is going on in the west.
There might be some changes even to boss-level monsters.
It would be worthwhile to secure a base.
Knowing the risks, we should challenge and clear the area portal.

『Seems like a battle’s coming』

「I’ll cast Sense Magic. Are any of your spell enhancements fading?」

『Ah, I’ll go ahead and refresh them』

After some minor preparations, we proceeded into the bamboo forest.
Is this terrain difficult?
A long-handled weapon would probably need some ingenuity.
What should I do for a weapon?
The Snow Beast Mace is fine, but I’ll change it out.
I’ll pull the Quartz Illuminated Sword from the《Item Box》.
I’ll set it to Steam Magic.
Hang it on my waist.
With the Petrified Wood Staff in hand, I’m good to go.
Here we go!

Protagonist Keith

Race Human Male Racial Lv29
Job Grand Summoner Lv. 15
Bonus Points Remaining: 20

Skill Sets:
Sword Lv12 Two-handed Spear Lv11 Lance Lv9 Club Lv12 (↑1) Dagger Lv11
Rapier Lv10 Rope Artes Lv10 Cane Lv21 Punch Lv19 Kick Lv19
Joint Lock Lv19 Throw Lv19 Evade Lv19 Block Lv19
Summon Magic Lv29 Spacetime Magic Lv17 Seal Magic Lv11
Light Magic Lv17 Wind Magic Lv17 Earth Magic Lv17 Water Magic Lv17
Fire Magic Lv17 Dark Magic Lv17 Ice Magic Lv16 Lightning Magic Lv16
Tree Magic Lv16 Dust Magic Lv16 Lava Magic Lv17 Steam Magic Lv15
Alchemy Lv13 Pharmacy Lv9 Glassmaking Lv8 Woodworking Lv11
Synergy Lv20 Appraisal Lv20 Identify Lv20 Discern Lv7 Cold Resistance Lv9
Grab Lv16 Horsemanship Lv17 Precise Manipulation Lv19 Ropework Lv10
Jump Lv10 Acrobatics Lv10 Heat Resistance Lv12 Climb Lv9 Balance Lv10
Dual Wield Lv18 Disassembly Lv16 Swim Lv6 Dive Lv6 Throw Object Lv5 (↑1)
Dash Lv9 Endurance Run Lv9
Hide Lv3 Conceal Lv3
Physical Enhancement Lv18 Mental Enhancement Lv18 Speedcasting Lv18
Magic Effect Amplification Lv18 Magic Range Expansion Lv18
Petrification Resistance Lv6 Sleep Resistance Lv5 Paralysis Resistance Lv6
Confusion Resistance Lv4 Darkness Resistance Lv4 Unconscious Resistance Lv6
Charm Resistance Lv1 Poison Resistance Lv1

Summon Monster
Keimei Imp Lv8 -> Succubus Lv1 (New!)
 DEX 6
 AGI 24 (↑1)
 INT 25 (↑2)
 STR 5
 VIT 5
 SPI 27 (↑2)
 Flight Levitation Echolocation Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery [Medium] (New!)
 Shapeshift (New!) Spacetime Attribute (New!) Light Attribute Dark Attribute
 Earth Attribute (New!) Water Attribute

Radical Viper Lv3 -> Lv4 (↑1)
 DEX 11
 AGI 17
 INT 11
 STR 12
 VIT 16 (↑1)
 SPI 11(↑1)
 Bite Wrap Scent Detection Heat Detection Conceal Poison

Adele & Irina

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