Chapter 282 Part 1

The usual spirits float around in the bamboo forest, illuminating the surroundings.
Float, or more like drift.
Now, come at me!
Our power is no joke, you know?

《We sing, to comfort the souls of the dead》

《We pray, to carry on the spirits of the dead.

《Your bodies shall be buried here》

The notifications are disturbing, but this time they’re short.
That’s good, it is.
This is a bamboo forest.
Even if tons of monsters appear, they’d be easy to take care of.
It’s not the type of place for large armies to battle.
Under the Flash Light, what appeared?

White Lady Lv.3
Event Monster Phantom
Enemy Target Active
??? ???

Huashe Lv.4
Event Monster Phantom
Enemy Target Active
??? ???

White Lady?
It’s an armed woman.
She has a valiant pose.
Her face, which under normal conditions would be beautiful, scans the surroundings with a glare.
Her weapon is probably the sword.
I can see two hilts on her back.

And then there’s the Huashe.
It looks like a small wyrm.
The difference is its wings.
They seem to be folded in for dexterity’s sake.
Doesn’t that just make it a normal snake?
But I can’t let my guard down.
It wraps itself around bamboo and works its way up.
I guess it’s not that different from flying?
Well, the biggest problem is the number of them.
I feel my vision’s filled with red markers.

But you know.
Flying or not flying, it doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter how many there are.
I know what I have to do.

「Let’s destroy them!」

Leaving those words for Adele and Irina, I dash forwards.
Of course, my target is the White Lady who seems to be the boss.
What’s gonna happen?

『There are too many!』

『We’ve got almost half of them! Hang in there!』

Irina remonstrates Adele’s complaining.
Well, that’s fine.
It’d be more helpful if you used spells.

How’s it going?
It’s not looking good.
I’ve managed to get up close to the White Lady and attack her, but.
She’s recovering, isn’t she?
And when she takes a certain amount of damage, she moves out of range and keeps a distance.
And the Huashes were attacking me from above.
I don’t like them.
It’s gotta be that.
It’s entirely the bamboo forest’s fault that I’m struggling.
That’s right.
Fighting is difficult because that’s here.

So I changed my fighting style.
I stow the Petrified Wood Staff on my back.
And pull out the Illuminated Quartz Sword.
It’s not the kind of weapon you would normally wield in a dense bamboo forest.
What’s the first thing it attacked?
It was the bamboo itself.


It’s like I’m doing sword practice with bamboo.
I tried cutting them horizontally.
I tried doing diagonal slashes.
I tried flipping up the tip of the sword to slash in the opposite direction.
As a result, a number of bamboo shafts are lying on the ground.
At the same time, part of the bamboo forest has been cut open.
A few Huashe’s fell to the ground too.
They immediately fall prey to Senki and the others.

Now, what do I do?
The White Lady moves deeper into the bamboo forest.
Is this a sign that she doesn’t intend to give up the terrain advantage?
That’s fine.
I’ll just work diligently to fell the bamboo forest.

I guess not.

My target is purely the phantoms.
I can’t make a mistake now, can I?

『Keith, there are 10 snakes left!』

『We’re almost done!』

If that count is correct, there’s no doubt that we have the upper hand in terms of numbers.
Right beside me, Orthros and Nue are ripping apart Huashe.
Are they weak?
That’s not true.
Their attack power is high, and they move fast.
They can also fly, albeit for a short time.
Of course, we have summoned monsters that can fly too, so even if they fly, they’ll just get knocked down.
And they’re covered with scales, so they slip away from attacks.
It’s the same for Senki.
Halfway through the fight, he stopped punching and kicking and switched to grabbing the top and bottom part of their jaws and tearing them apart.
Simple but striking.
And it seems to be effective at that.

As for me?
All I do is cut them in half with my sword.
There is no slipping.

What about the White Lady?
There aren’t many Huashe left guarding her.
The rest can be done with sheer numbers.
Or I could challenge her to a sword fight.
That’s how it should have been.

The White Lady’s eyes glow red.
With swords in both hands, she seemed to be floating, but.
She’s not.
Just her bottom half was changing into a snake.
Like a Lamia.
Her snake half is pure white.

A long tongue worms its way out of the White Lady’s mouth.
The tip’s split in two.
She’s totally a snake now, right?
I mean, why didn’t you just fight like that from the start?

Frighteningly, my first attack with the Illuminated Quartz Sword didn’t go through.
Am I missing something?
Should I lower her defense with a spell?
Let’s give it another try first.

Dragonfly stance.
From there, I lift the sword further up and swing it down.
A woman’s scream?
No it’s a howl, but.


Why is it, I wonder.
It felt very comfortable.
As proof, the White Lady’s body is in two halves.
Was there resistance?
Not really.

I bounce up the sword.
While pushing the body to the right, its tip was sucked into the White Lady’s elbow.
With the sword gripped, her arm from her elbow down flies off and rolls in front of the Orthros.
The Orthros, O-chan, immediately bites down on the amputated surface.
The lower half of her severed body just flopped around, but the Nue’s Night Howl suppressed it.
Oh, it started eating it.

Hey, you guys.
Take this seriously.
Well, there aren’t many youkai left.
Is the White Lady the only one that can properly move?

She’s already lost her lower body, and her right arm.
I think this is checkmate.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Her right arm is growing back.
And her lower body seems to be growing out from her waist.
And at high speed.
What the hell? That’s freaky!

The only thing that’s still moving is the White Lady.
And her only weapon is her left hand’s sword.
And yet, it doesn’t feel like her power is falling.
After all, she’s hard.
And she recovers quickly.
But there is hope.
Her MP.
When she recovers quickly, her MP bar drops significantly.
Even Volff’s attacks seem to be eating away at her MP.
The two vampires are also draining her for MP with bloodsucking attacks.
It’ll be settled sooner or later.

But still.
It’s 18 to 1.
She’s really hanging in there.
Senki, the lesser ogre E-chan, and I have been withstanding the close range attacks.
The other summoned monsters have been piling attacks onto her lower body.

And the vampires?
They’re attacking from behind.
That’s dirty, attacking from behind.
But that’s good.
It’s perfect.


A short yell slipped out.
The attack that came in tandem with it was sucked into the White Lady’s shoulder.
And passed right through.
It seems like there’s not enough MP left for the falling White Lady to regenerate.
Did we win?
We won, right?

《We expose the sins of the living!》

《We lament the deeds of the living!》

《Know that there is no peace for your souls》

《This place is a dwelling of the soul, bestowing transient peace》

《To stay in this place is sloth-incarnate sin》

That was the end of the infos.
We won, didn’t we?

《W5 Map’s Area Portal cleared!》
《You have gained 4 Bonus Points. You currently have a total of 24 Bonus Points》
《【Staff】Level Up!》
《【Dash】Level Up!》
《【Endurance Run】Level Up!》
《【Speedcasting】Level Up!》
《Summon Monster『Senki』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat》

We did win, yes.

『Oh! A lot of things are levelling up!』

『With that many enemies I’d expect to get good XP』

Are Adele and Irina a little excited?
I’m sure they’re getting a lot of level ups.
It looks like they’re manipulating virtual windows.

Oops! Me too!
Senki’s AGI has already increased.
I put the other point in DEX.

Senki Lesser Ogre Lv9 -> Lv10 (↑1)
DEX 15 (↑1)
AGI 24(↑1)
STR 32
VIT 32

Punch Kick Throw Object Block Evade Climb Throw
Joint Lock Self Regeneration [Slight]

Looking pretty good.
But the popups don’t stop there.

《Summon Monster『Telomere』Level Up!》
《Please add 1 point to a desired stat》

At last.
Did she take a long time to level up?
That’s for sure.

Telomere’s SPI has already levelled up.
I put the other point in STR.

Telomere Vampire Lv5 -> Lv6 (↑1)
DEX 17
AGI 25
INT 29
STR 17 (↑1)
VIT 16
SPI 28 (↑1)

Staff Hammer Buckler Dodge Evade Flight Shapeshift Conceal
Physical Resistance [Small] Magic Resistance [Small] Self-Repair [Medium] MP Absorption [Small]
Ambush Suck Blood Dark Attribute Fire Attribute Wind Attribute

Her skills are as cruel as ever.
That’s fine.
What time is it?
It’s 9:30 PM.
Are Adele and Irina good?

「You two, are you okay to keep going?」

『We can go』

『I’m done rescheduling the meetup!』

「I’d like to leave right away, if that’s okay」

『Give me a moment please. I’d like to post on the board and send some messages』

I see.
Then I’ll wait a bit.
What’s the name of this Area Portal?
It’s called “the Silent Bamboo Woods”.
That’s pretty on the nose!
Let’s see.
Just waiting around is pretty boring.
I think I’ll log out here.
I’d like to set this place as a target for Return Home.
I’ll recall all the summoned monsters and set up the tent.
And log out.

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Comment (1)

  1. Hikikomori

    Thanks for the treat.

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